Author Topic: AR 500 targets  (Read 1829 times)


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AR 500 targets
« on: January 24, 2013, 12:10:26 AM »
Hey guys,
A couple friends and I are going to have some AR 500 Targets made up.
Figured it wouldn't hurt to offer the chance for you guys to get in on the group buy.
Here are the list of target styles and prices.

- 8" circle or square - 3/8" - $35 each, 1/2" - $45 each
- 10" circle or square - 3/8" - $45 each, 1/2" - $55 each
- 12" circle or square - 3/8" - $55 each, 1/2" - $65 each
- Full-size IPSC plate - 30"x18" - 3/8" - $125 each, 1/2" - $155 each

We are still waiting on the quote for the 14, 16, and 18 inch square targets.

Targets will come with mounting holes If you dont want mounting holes let me know.
We are going to offer the group buy for 2 weeks, then final numbers will be tallied and steel will be cut.
Let us know quantities of which shapes and sizes you would like. We will need a 25% deposit the rest due before shipping.
AR Plate is expensive and we dont want to get stuck for it if guys decide to back out at the last minute.

This will more than likely be a one time thing so if you want in get in on it.
Sorry I don't ice fish or hunt rabbits, but I did stay at a Holliday in express last night.


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Re: AR 500 targets
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2013, 10:04:38 AM »
This it tough plate boys  will last a life time.

Rob when it's order time I will get a few from you. 


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Re: AR 500 targets
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2013, 12:57:25 PM »
Thanks for the plates Rob they are cut real well.  Next time we should do a run of BPR plates.


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Re: AR 500 targets
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2013, 08:54:47 AM »
  Hung a few up the other day got the wife on a 10” square 440 yards bought her a model 7 in 7mm SAUM with a 6x42 loopy the scope is at Korth getting an M1 turret to help simplify things.

  The wife shoots a bit of trap and is a good shooter I have all ways kept her away from rifles so she does not end up with some bad habits. 
  This fall I shot a doe for a friend of mine he enjoys deer meat but is not a hunter I cut the tenderloin out of the deer that day and had a fondue with it.  My wife is a picky wild game eater and says if only the whole deer tasted like the tenderloin or elk she would be more into eating it.  Well honey if you want an elk you better shoot one “but I don’t even have a rifle” she says, hey that’s what I am here for.  So with the outstanding luck she has there should be an elk down this fall.