Author Topic: crimping handloads  (Read 2233 times)


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crimping handloads
« on: November 06, 2011, 07:20:15 PM »
do any of you crimp the mouth when reloading for a 7mm rem mag? been looking for this info but cant find it


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Re: crimping handloads
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2011, 11:48:26 AM »
I don't, not really required, unless they're being used in a tubular magazine. Case neck tension should be enough to hold the bullet in place.


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Re: crimping handloads
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2011, 07:19:49 PM »
The only rounds I ever crimped were 3030 and 303 British rounds
You shouldnt need to crimp for your 7mm
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Re: crimping handloads
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2011, 09:13:30 PM »
In those few instances where I will use a compressed load of slow powder in a large capacity case, I will use a SLIGHT crimp, with a Lee special die for this, to do two things. One is to keep the bullet from "creep" due to the pressure on it's base from the compressed charge and the other is to keep the case neck tension as "equal" as possible among the rounds.

This, is a trick we older shooters learned back when H-4831 "surplus" was THE slow powder and we used it for dammed near every larger case from .25-06 to .340 Weatherby. Now, that we have so many denser powders, RE-25, etc., this is less useful than it formerly was; however, I still like to use a slight crimp on loads for my .375H&H rifles as the bullets can "creep" under recoil.

I ALWAYS crimp my 450 SAF loads in my .458WM and would with any cartridge over the .338WM, just for the most consistency possible. I have a Corbin tool for putting a cannelure on any bullet where I want it and, used carefully, this can improve hunting ammo handloads....but, it is a major pita to do when loading for many large bore rifles.

Experiment a bit at your range and see what happens, WORK UP CAREFULLY as this can spike a load and be especially cautious with trimming to EXACT length for EACH case. HTH.


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Re: crimping handloads
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2011, 02:24:02 PM »
thanks guys.... actually loaded up my first batch b4 i went hunting there and took the heart out of all 3 animals... i guess my hand loads worked lol... i used 160gr nosler accubonds with 69gr of RL 25 for my final load after trying a few different out... seemed to work pretty good... very consistant