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Wife's new xbolt
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Topic: Wife's new xbolt (Read 1833 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 828
Wife's new xbolt
April 05, 2014, 09:43:56 AM »
Boresighted the wife's new xbolt micro hunter in 7mm-08 this morning. Not sure why the pics came out dark although it's kinda grey today. It's sporting a redfield 4-12 scope.
A little luck we'll get out tomorrow to break it in and get it basically sighted in, then tinker with loads and get the sighting fine tuned. Took some time to find the right combo for her, the youth model in 7-08 is definitely the right combo for her so once we found the right mix I figured it was time to buy her a gun that'll last her as long as she wants to hunt. This fall she'll definitely have doe tags, maybe even mule buck, and has ample priority for cow elk, next year she'll get a doe antelope tag, so look out critters!
I've always liked brownings and was especially partial to the old abolts, but I've gotta admit the more I check out this xbolt, the better it looks.......'course now the wife's gotten a new one............
She really is happy, she just doesn't like pictures.
New Member
Posts: 44
Re: Wife's new xbolt
Reply #1 on:
April 05, 2014, 08:58:31 PM »
Nice ,she should be happy with that rifle and scope combo.I notice that you have no snow ,we still have 2-3 feet of the stuff here in central AB.
Re: Wife's new xbolt
Reply #2 on:
April 05, 2014, 09:33:07 PM »
Nice rig.I'm sure she will be very happy with it.
And x2 on where's the snow?
Hero Member
Posts: 828
Re: Wife's new xbolt
Reply #3 on:
April 06, 2014, 08:37:36 AM »
Weather here's been really up and down until a couple days ago; now it's looking like actual spring. Not quite safe to put away the toque's just yet, but getting close.
Re: Wife's new xbolt
Reply #4 on:
April 06, 2014, 09:03:49 AM »
Looks like a tool Bruce. I like that caliber,, don't own one yet but something in that range is going to be my next purchase. My son and I have been looking at getting his wife rigged up with a rifle and the 08's and the 25-06 have both been high on the list.
Hero Member
Posts: 828
Re: Wife's new xbolt
Reply #5 on:
April 06, 2014, 12:47:18 PM »
Well, first range report. The target is wife's last nine shots from 100 yds off a sandbag(we'll just ignore the flyer
) Looks really good. Now I'll load about 6 each of some different powders/loads and once we find the load the rifle likes best then we'll fine tune the scope adjustment.
From what I've seen so far I'm expecting cloverleaf groups when we're done. Pretty hard to argue with that, eh?
Walleye's for the wife I'd suggest have her shoulder a youth model. I've come to the conclusion that at least in my wife's case the trick is a youth rifle with the weight further back compared to a regular rifle. I tried her with everything from different brands of levers/calibres, a short bolt action 30-30 and even my .243. Always shot them not bad, but not consistant until we went with the youth model. Even in the store I'd have her shoulder something and just hold it; in no time at all the barrel was wavering. Youth model was rock steady. Savage also makes a, "lady hunter" which wife liked as well, but like I said, I've always been partial to brownings so the savage lost out.
Jr. Member
Posts: 95
Re: Wife's new xbolt
Reply #6 on:
April 07, 2014, 11:02:03 PM »
Sr. Member
Posts: 435
Re: Wife's new xbolt
Reply #7 on:
April 09, 2014, 08:19:45 AM »
Awesome caliber too
hopefully you can get the antelope tags
I am close for non trophy as well and hope soon to get a buck tag.
My wife should be close next year for mulie buck as well
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Re: Wife's new xbolt
Reply #8 on:
April 09, 2014, 06:21:53 PM »
That is one fine rifle and looks like a good shooter too.
If you are too busy to hunt , you are too busy.
Hero Member
Posts: 828
Re: Wife's new xbolt
Reply #9 on:
April 10, 2014, 03:33:42 PM »
Thanks guys. Out of general interest I thought I'd post how our load development goes. To start, I loaded 6 different loads in 5 bullet groups and numbered them. The target is numbered from left to right top; 1,2,3; bottom 4,5,6. Please keep in mind a different rifle could have very different results and that this is about as far from scientific as you could possibly get. It's just us working to find the most accurate load we can so wife can be confident about taking the shot when she get's the chance. Shots are taken by wife from 100yds with the forestock resting on a sandbag sitting on a 20.00 Cdn tire folding table. No doubt some days will be better than others but even an off day shooting is good practice, eh?
All loads are taken from either lyman, hornady or nosler reloading books. The load used on the first day we were out: 47.0gr IMR4350, Sierra 140gr sp.
1. 46.0gr IMR 4350, Sierra 140grSP
2. "" "" , Hornady 139grSP
3. 47.5gr " " , Sierra 140
4. "" "" , Hornady 139
5. 42.5gr IMR 4064 , Hornady 139 BTSP
6. 43.5 W748 , "" ""
To give the target scale, the top left (1) is a 1 3/4" group. The furthest right hole looks elongated as its actually 2 touching.
There's a few flyers, probably as I got wife up, "before breakfast" so we could beat the wind.
Them notwithstanding, it's still interesting. 1 and 3 are definitely the best, 5 by far the worst. While 4064 is my, "go to" powder for my 30-06 by the reloading books it's not the best choice for a 7-08, so no surprise there. 6 is interesting to me. If the top and bottom ones are, "flyers" the three shot group is really pretty good, so it may be worth remembering that and giving 748 a second chance look the road.
For right now though, our next trip out the loads will be narrowed down. I'm thinking 3 each:
46.5gr IMR 4350, 3-Sierra and 3-Hornady's
46.75 "" ""
47.0 "" ""
47.25 "" ""
Given she had such a nice group the first day I think we'll try to fine tune that load first. Right now it's looking like the sierra's are the preferred bullet but I'll give the hornady's another go just to be certain, and to have something to compare with.
More next time.
Hero Member
Posts: 1090
Re: Wife's new xbolt
Reply #10 on:
April 14, 2014, 08:55:36 PM »
How is the recoil for her? I know it’s a 7-08 but in a light gun I could see that having a little wallop? She shoots it very well!!!
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Wife's new xbolt