I don't agree with hunting over bait.To me it almost seems like cheating.But that's just my opinion and I won't condem anyone for hunting this way.
Disagreeing with a legal means of hunting is no different than being a part of Peta. Give your head a shake.
Peta? Really?I guess you missed this part of my post. I won't condem anyone for hunting this way.btw...Chris is that you?
No this is not Chris. Sorry I did miss the second part. My point was if you are against any legal means of hunting you are against all hunting. Thanks for the reply so I could explain myself as I was not trying to come across as a bad guy. Sorry again I am just getting tired of people bashing others way of hunting.
One very good aspect of hunting bears over bait is the better opportunity the hunter gets to identify that the bear isn't a sow that has cubs.