Author Topic: Coyotes in the pasture.  (Read 5136 times)

Lance Skene

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Coyotes in the pasture.
« on: May 13, 2013, 10:43:56 AM »
Couple occasions Ive had ppl asking if they can shoot the coyotes in the pastures, and they seem confused when I say no, their thinking is that the coyotes must be after the calves, but that isnt the case, whats actually happening is the movement of the cattle stirs up the mice, gophers, snakes, and the coyotes are after those. Its pretty rare for the coyotes to take a calf unless its still born or ill and not likely to survive, but its common for livestock to break a leg in a gopher hole, I'd rather take my chances with the coyotes than allow somebody with a firearm into a pasture with livestock.

Theres alot of good reasons to kill coyotes, Im just pointing out that this isn't one of them. I have pasture bordering three sides of my yard so I see this coyote/cattle interaction daily, at last count we have 17 new calves this spring and not a single loss, and no other livestock that might interest the coyotes. As far I know, so far, everyone has asked first so thats great, I get a chance to explain whats going on and maybe they learn something new. If theres no cattle in a pasture, differant story, Im not protecting coyotes here.


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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2013, 10:52:35 AM »
Lance, with all due respect....each to their own but I wouldn't let a yote around my cattle when calving. What you say holds some truth but those sneeky buggers will take a calf when they can. They're also there for the afterbirth and I seen the buggers eat the face off a calf on the way out.

I echo your concerns on letting folks shoot around my livestock but I myself would not let coyotes around any of my calves. I remember years ago having to go on yote patroll with the shotgun in the middle of the night. That's when they would do their damage and keeping those new calves safe wasn't a easy task. Many sleepless nights.

Lance Skene

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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2013, 12:12:46 PM »
I realize they can and will occasionally take even a healthy calf, its just not common, plus I expect the ppl that come around wanting to go into the pastures are most likely city folk that just assume the coyotes are primarily after the calves, so they think they are doing you a big favour. I watch carfefully and I would certainly be out there with a rifle myself if I found any evidence of them taking calves, and I have let others in if/when theres no cattle. but Ive had two occasions already this spring of ppl wanting into pasture with the cattle, so this was simply to explain why, and when, I wont give others permission.


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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2013, 01:17:36 PM »
Been calving out 50 heAd this spring for the neighbor and have had a couple run ins with yotes trying to get calves before they are up. They have left them alone once up but would have lost 3 calves if I hadn't been out there!! One orphaned twin was really small and coyotes were on him when I went out one morning. He only had a couple bite makes but there are now two less coyotes! I shoot everyone of the pricks I see! Our issue out here is the guys that don't shoot or don't allow people to shoot. All the farmers I know pack rifles during calving season just for this reason.
Never heard of a cattle man that didn't cuss coyotes during calving season. Even if they don't end up loosing any to them the potential is always there and non feel the need to risk it especially when yote populations are high!!
Besides that getting rid of coyotes also helps our deer and bird populations.
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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2013, 01:40:51 PM »
Sorry lance but I'm with tuc and sheep guide on this my dad and I calf out about 250 head and we have a pretty big problem with yotes I find that I there is only one yote alone he doesn't cause much havoc but we have pack of four or more in the mornings and that's when it's time to go but it seems every Tom dick and Harry with a gun had the right to shoot anything that's moves for the most part people ask and we will send them away from the cows but it's the guys who just start shooting is where I have the problem over all I think alberta needs to put a price on there heads

Lance Skene

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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2013, 02:48:17 PM »
Well maybe I just get more ppl from the city than many of you, Im 40 minutes from calgarys ne corner, pasture borders the #9 highway, easy to imagine somebody driving out and seeing a coyote on the property, plus this pasture borders not only our yard but also a neighbor who has horses, one bad shot here could easily have serious results, its not a good place to shoot anything really, even I only use the bow or .22, so there is some logic to why I dont want ppl I dont know in this particular pasture. Im no peta freak or anything, but as I said before, this post was mainly to point out to the city folk that might be looking for places to shoot that sometimes a person like myself may not approve of them in the pasture, I didnt intend to suggest that shooting coyotes was a bad thing, only that it might be under certain circumstances,  Im not going off on a rant or anything like that, as long they stop and ask I'll gladly point them to a differant 1/4.

hopefully that explains my thoughts a bit better? just because english is my only language doesn't mean Im good at it ;)


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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2013, 03:30:01 PM »
Darn city folk...those ding dongs poach birds all the time off my land. Come down my gravel road and shoot whatever they want, and out of season I've seen/heard it happen also. Not so much yotes ;) but ill shoot those anytime I see them in my fields/pastures. I don't think many of us country dwellers like the city slickers lol.

And, by 'city slicker' I'm not referring to outdoorsman who genuinely are country boys trapped in the city, I mean the guys who still think hunting is for getting loaded and shooting at anything they can. I wouldn't want them on my land either, Lance. You own it, you decide. Your investment is at stake and you can't let just anyone jeopardize that.
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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2013, 03:50:20 PM »

I see your point Lance.  I have in-laws that have cattle calving with coyotes howling in the back ground.  They always have a few dogs on the farm and the dogs seem to keep the coyotes away from the farmstead.  As far as I know they have never lost any calves to coyotes.

But like a lot of farm folk, they cuss the coyotes and shoot at them when they get a chance because... well they are predators and just need killing right?

They raise chickens and so if they see a hawk they think it is after their chickens too.

I am not opposed to people hunting coyotes for their fur or killing them if they are actually preying on stock.  But generally I do not hate coyotes or city slickers.


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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2013, 06:34:50 PM »
Yah those poor mis understood coyotes,, I shed a tear every time I blow the shit right out of one.


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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2013, 07:09:06 PM »
When I lived down south I did a fair amount of coyote hunting I  shot more in a year than most in their life.  You cannot make them simply go away territories will be filled up with the surrounding coyotes they are built to adapt and will have more litters if there is pressure.  Wild TV is the worst thing that ever happened to coyote hunting.

  It’s funny all the talk about city folk and by far the worst land owners to get permission from are the ones that winter in Arizona and have renters stay at their places while they are away yet to gain permission to hunt from a renter. 

  I used to hunt gophers on a horse ranch east of Okotoks this place was huge even had pavement around the corrals and indoor birthing barns at least 15 hired hands on full time even its own vet a big money place with big money horses.  Being 18 years old Rob M and I went seeking permission to hunt there we both figured good luck as it ended up we had the run of a few sections of land and we even shot gophers in the ranch yard.  To this day we still laugh about the only rule don’t shoot any horses!  We both hunted there for years cases upon cases of 22 shells.   


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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #10 on: May 13, 2013, 09:41:17 PM »
Yah those poor mis understood coyotes,, I shed a tear every time I blow the shit right out of one.

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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2013, 08:03:03 AM »
Yah those poor mis understood coyotes,, I shed a tear every time I blow the shit right out of one.

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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2013, 11:00:19 AM »
Yah those poor mis understood coyotes,, I shed a tear every time I blow the shit right out of one.

the poster-boy for peta!


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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #13 on: May 14, 2013, 01:50:53 PM »

the poster-boy for peta!


  I shoot plenty of stuff mostly just for the fun of it... making meat puppets is enjoyable.


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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #14 on: May 14, 2013, 03:34:24 PM »
87 yards with a bow.  Why?  Cause he stood there.  Would never try that shot on any other animal but a coyote...

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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #15 on: May 14, 2013, 04:45:36 PM »

  I shoot plenty of stuff mostly just for the fun of it... making meat puppets is enjoyable.

Why? Because most reasonable hunters try to show non-hunters that hunters are reasonable people who enjoy the outdoors, the fellowship of other hunters (esp. family) and have respect for nature and the critters they hunt.

PETA try to show non-hunters that hunters are bloodthirsty "Bubbas" who kill just for the fun of it, make meat puppets and shoot the shit out of things.


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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #16 on: May 14, 2013, 05:57:33 PM »

Why? Because most reasonable hunters try to show non-hunters that hunters are reasonable people who enjoy the outdoors, the fellowship of other hunters (esp. family) and have respect for nature and the critters they hunt.

PETA try to show non-hunters that hunters are bloodthirsty "Bubbas" who kill just for the fun of it, make meat puppets and shoot the shit out of things.

But I am a blood thirsty Bubba and I do shoot Coyotes just for the fun of it,, whats to hide.. I have no problems being who I am.. Like I could give a Rats ass what any of those idiots think of me.. Again they wont be the end of hunting and shooting,, people like you that kiss their ass and try and please them,, you will be the end of us,, cuase you have no balls to stand your ground. You will bend and bend and cater to their thoughts and give up every right you have,, just to please someone that has no respect for what we do. People like me,, we draw the line in the sand right off the hop and say no!! There's no bending, there's no giving in,, just f@ck off,, hard to get any clearer than that. 
« Last Edit: May 14, 2013, 06:10:50 PM by walleyes »


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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #17 on: May 14, 2013, 06:35:56 PM »

Why? Because most reasonable hunters try to show non-hunters that hunters are reasonable people who enjoy the outdoors, the fellowship of other hunters (esp. family) and have respect for nature and the critters they hunt.

PETA try to show non-hunters that hunters are bloodthirsty "Bubbas" who kill just for the fun of it, make meat puppets and shoot the shit out of things.

  Of course killing things is fun.
 I plan on going to Argentina one day to join the two thousand club and plan on shooting live flyers at least once in my life in Mexico run Google to figure out what I am talking about. 

  From what I see hunting is becoming more main stream duck dynasty is one of the best things to ever happen.  I can see in the future there will be a reality show of some kind of extreme solo hunts.

  We can’t give PETA type groups an inch they will want a mile. 

  Yes I am blood thirsty you should see me in a goose pit!           


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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #18 on: May 14, 2013, 06:50:59 PM »
But I was talking about "most reasonable hunters" and the image they put forth to "NON-HUNTERS".

Not you two guys.

"But I am a blood thirsty Bubba and I do shoot Coyotes just for the fun of it" - See more at:

Right, thats why I said "the poster-boy for peta!"
« Last Edit: May 14, 2013, 06:54:10 PM by deerman »


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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #19 on: May 14, 2013, 06:55:13 PM »
But I was talking about "most reasonable hunters" and the image they put forth to "NON-HUNTERS".

Not you two guys.

"But I am a blood thirsty Bubba and I do shoot Coyotes just for the fun of it" - See more at:

Right, thats why I said "the poster-boy for peta!"

Are you calling walleyes and me unreasonable hunters?