Author Topic: Coyotes in the pasture.  (Read 5135 times)


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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #20 on: May 14, 2013, 07:13:00 PM »

I would say "most reasonable hunters" would not describe themselves as "blood thirsty (the way PETA describes all hunters).

You and walleyes seem proud to call yourselves blood thirsty, so by definition I think and hope you are not representative of "most reasonable hunters".


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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #21 on: May 14, 2013, 07:17:46 PM »
Again,, who gives a rats ass..

You don't find hunting fun,, you don't find it fun to shoot a tub full of gophers,, you don't find it fun to fill the box with some prime Honkers ??  What do you do ,, cry when you shoot something,, it's a blast man,, the thrill is in the kill.


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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #22 on: May 14, 2013, 07:23:39 PM »
I was unaware you have ever met myself or walleyes? Deerman 
  Is it possible for you to give an example of things I have actually done hunting that would make you think I randomly kill?  Or what I have and do for the shooting and hunting community?   


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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #23 on: May 14, 2013, 08:08:23 PM »
Honestly jimmy do you care what this guy thinks of you,, I don't.. That's why I feed him the garbage he likes to hear.. Same as the antis,, who cares, they hear what they want to hear anyways.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2013, 08:16:08 PM by walleyes »


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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #24 on: May 14, 2013, 09:21:25 PM »
Can’t say as I do.
  Makes me wonder how much experience Deerman actually has!   


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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #25 on: May 15, 2013, 12:03:28 AM »
Anything that creates even a small bridge between us and the antis is a bad idea. It's like the bear baiting issue, you don't have to do it but support your fellow sportsman who does, it's legal and ethical. You dont have to go blow yodel dogs and gopher away, but again support the guys that do. Anything that creates a division amongst us is bad for everyone.

Lance Skene

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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #26 on: May 15, 2013, 03:37:52 AM »
Well this has certainly gone a long ways off track, I dont want to get into who hunts for what reason, but if you dont think you need to worry about public opinion I have to ask, how many of you remember when they brought in the long gun registry, and who do think asked for that bullsht, the hunters? Its politics and if we dont play the game right we will be the ones losing out, you dont have a 'right' to bear arms in this country...its a privilege, if you want to keep it, you have to make choices accordingly, joe public wont respect you if you dont respect him, and hes got alot more votes.

maybe time to close this thread???


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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #27 on: May 15, 2013, 08:20:25 AM »
Well Duffy at least your as productive and as liked on this forum as you have been on any others. Keep stirring the shit cause that seems to be all your good at!!
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #28 on: May 15, 2013, 09:47:58 AM »
Well this has certainly gone a long ways off track, I dont want to get into who hunts for what reason, but if you dont think you need to worry about public opinion I have to ask, how many of you remember when they brought in the long gun registry, and who do think asked for that bullsht, the hunters? Its politics and if we dont play the game right we will be the ones losing out, you dont have a 'right' to bear arms in this country...its a privilege, if you want to keep it, you have to make choices accordingly, joe public wont respect you if you dont respect him, and hes got alot more votes.

maybe time to close this thread???

I knew that there were some people on the forum who would actually understand what I was saying.  You are right it is public opinion that concerns me.  And their view of hunters because the decisions made affecting hunters will be made by them and not by hunters or PETA.  I could care less what PETA thinks it is the general public the non-hunters who we need to impress with our attitudes.  The guys above who openly and proudly admit they are blood thirsty killers who get off on blowing the shit out of critters are not doing any favours for the future of hunting.

sheepguide, if you think this is "disturbing shit" you may be one of them too.  Or are you just not smart enough to understand what I am saying?


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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #29 on: May 15, 2013, 10:20:46 AM »
I knew that there were some people on the forum who would actually understand what I was saying.  You are right it is public opinion that concerns me.  And their view of hunters because the decisions made affecting hunters will be made by them and not by hunters or PETA.  I could care less what PETA thinks it is the general public the non-hunters who we need to impress with our attitudes.  The guys above who openly and proudly admit they are blood thirsty killers who get off on blowing the shit out of critters are not doing any favours for the future of hunting.

sheepguide, if you think this is "disturbing shit" you may be one of them too.  Or are you just not smart enough to understand what I am saying?

  Hunting and shooting are going main stream and that's a fact Jack!


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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #30 on: May 15, 2013, 10:31:32 AM »
Well Duffy at least your as productive and as liked on this forum as you have been on any others. Keep stirring the shit cause that seems to be all your good at!!

You are right I believe I am as productive and well liked on this forum as I have been on others.  How did you know.

I don't actually "stir shit"  but when I see something that I think is not right I am not afraid to point it out and speak up for the truth.  As usual there are those who do not understand that concept and start stirring shit as a result.


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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #31 on: May 15, 2013, 11:24:56 AM »
You are right I believe I am as productive and well liked on this forum as I have been on others.  How did you know.

Because you get the same welcome over on them as you do here LOL Just look up Duffy on forums such as AO and its all the same crap as you spew here just you thought you could stay under the radar with a new name. Good try on that!!
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

Maximus Outdoor Adventures Prostaff

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Lance Skene

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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #32 on: May 15, 2013, 11:50:26 AM »
Deerman, I think I do agree with most of what I percieve your opinion to be, however I also wonder if some of these people might be quite young and not realize how many privileges we have lost over the last 40+ years, they may have seen the demise of the long gun registry as a move towards more freedom with firearms, but thats certainly not the case, the registry was dropped solely because its financial failure. We have been slowly and steadily losing our freedoms for decades, and thats very likely to continue, for example when was last time you saw an uncased firearm in the back window of a pickup truck driving down a major highway?

Jimmy, you believe hunting are shooting freedoms are going to get better? I hope your right but I honestly doubt it, that would require a major change in direction from what we have seen in the past. 

not directed at anyone in particular..... Im not here to argue with those of that want to sport hunt, but I see ppl at my door get offended because I dont want them in my pasture, now how would john q public view these ppl? Do you think he'll support a politician that believes we should be allowed more freedom with firearms? You may not care how other ppl see you, but its not just you they are judging. Hunters with the wrong attitude do far more harm to the cause than any peta extremist.


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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #33 on: May 15, 2013, 12:35:36 PM »
Because you get the same welcome over on them as you do here LOL Just look up Duffy on forums such as AO and its all the same crap as you spew here just you thought you could stay under the radar with a new name. Good try on that!!

It seems to me all you see is what you want to see.  I get a lot of PMs from people who respect and agree with much of what I say.  They are for some reason afraid to go on a forum and say those things because of people like you who just want to criticize people instead of talking about the subject.

The reason I registered with another name here is some time back when this forum started up a fellow pmed me on another forum and said "check this forum out, all our enemies who were banned from here are over there complaining."  So I came to this site to see and used a different name. 

At first it seemed he was right as most of what I saw here was bitching about what was going on and the people on AO.  Then some new members here started discussions about real issues and events and I started participating.


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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #34 on: May 15, 2013, 06:05:21 PM »
Deerman, I think I do agree with most of what I percieve your opinion to be, however I also wonder if some of these people might be quite young and not realize how many privileges we have lost over the last 40+ years, they may have seen the demise of the long gun registry as a move towards more freedom with firearms, but thats certainly not the case, the registry was dropped solely because its financial failure. We have been slowly and steadily losing our freedoms for decades, and thats very likely to continue, for example when was last time you saw an uncased firearm in the back window of a pickup truck driving down a major highway?

Jimmy, you believe hunting are shooting freedoms are going to get better? I hope your right but I honestly doubt it, that would require a major change in direction from what we have seen in the past. 

not directed at anyone in particular..... Im not here to argue with those of that want to sport hunt, but I see ppl at my door get offended because I dont want them in my pasture, now how would john q public view these ppl? Do you think he'll support a politician that believes we should be allowed more freedom with firearms? You may not care how other ppl see you, but its not just you they are judging. Hunters with the wrong attitude do far more harm to the cause than any peta extremist.

Well personely I am 47 years old and thats the whole point,, I am to a place in my life where I could really careless what people think of me.

Blood thirsty killer yah thats me.. Duffy has no idea who I am and what my respect is for the outdoors. I live the outdoors and the backwoods. Its not something I do on weekends or a couple times a year. I live out here and work out here and play out here.. Its my way of life, so what some city slicker thinks of me is the farthest thing from my mind, weather it be duffy or any other supposed outdoorsman. Like I said I just dont give a rats ass anymore.


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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #35 on: May 15, 2013, 06:40:34 PM »
More whack a mole with Duffy!

Shoot what what you want, where you want, as long as it is legal and ethical.

To the OP, someone else said it best, its your land, deal with it how you wish.
I liked the original tone of the thread, and I liked how the OP explained his position. Very reasonable.

That changed fairly quick, again, with more whack a mole.

Dinty Moore is to shooters, like spinach is to Popeye.
Hell of a thing, killing a deer. You take away all he's got, and all he's ever going to have.


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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #36 on: May 15, 2013, 07:29:02 PM »

You may not care how other ppl see you, but its not just you they are judging. Hunters with the wrong attitude do far more harm to the cause than any peta extremist.

Damn right, Lance. A poor attitude of indifference towards the public is not going to get us anywhere. The MADD just got our right to have a couple beer and watch the hockey game just s**t the bed, and if we don't act respectfully towards Joe Public (city slicker or not) the masses will work against us.

And we are losing our freedoms, faster than 95% of you on this forum are willing to admit. Guess you missed those last 2 omnimbus bills that secretly just wiped out 100+ years of hard earned freedoms and legislation and masked it as "a budget bill". But "harper got rid of the long gun registry" so let's all vote for him....yeah ok. If you don't believe me, just look it up! Harper protested that omnibus bills violated The People's democratic right, and made a mockery of the entire legislative process!!!

But "he's an economist". Bulls**t. And when your kids have no clean water to catch fish and eat from, no protected forests from oil & gas expo, no healthy wildlife left cuz they all have frigging cancer, then you'll b***h and complain some more.

Nothing we have is a right anymore. Its all a privelige. And if you're going to take it for granted and make a bad name for the rest of us then I guess you're gonna do what you're gonna do? But there's a reason we don't strap a bloody deer on the hood and parade through town covered in blood. Because pissing off the herd of sheep (aka the public) will only end bad for ALL OF US. If joe public believes we respect the animals and we have a reason for hunting they seem to tolerate it a little better. Its not about "not having balls" to stand up to them. They are entitled to their beliefs the same as you and I are.

So back to coyotes on your land, eh Lance lol?! Yeah, you'll soon learn this is pretty common on this forum lol. I gave up tv last year, and haven't had to watch it since!!! Bahahaha! Its a regular old reality series on here, all the drama you can handle. Cat fights, dick waving, and childish behavior lol. All we're missing is the scantily clad girls.

Now ill get cut down for talking bad about good ol' Harper....but that's ok. I took my blinders off a few years ago. I use to be for Harper too ;)

Aaaaaaaaaand GO!!! LMFAO

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There's no delight by day or night, than hunting in the morn. -   William Roscoe Thayer

Lance Skene

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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #37 on: May 15, 2013, 10:17:55 PM »
" All we're missing is the scantily clad girls. "

Ok thats it, Im out of here. Lol ;)


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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #38 on: May 15, 2013, 11:46:18 PM »
I don't know E, but I don't think we've had a cat fight on here?!  ;)
Bonnie (and Joel)


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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #39 on: May 16, 2013, 06:36:38 AM »
No Bon Bon, we haven't lol. That's the beauty of it! We both have completely opposing political views, yet we don't feel the need to cuss each other out, cuz we be ladies LMAO!!!! 

Lance is a new member, and I'm happy to see new members making threads. I hope he continues to post, as we're 30km apart neighbours LOL. Varying opinions are essential for any good debate. Great thread, Lance!
There's no delight by day or night, than hunting in the morn. -   William Roscoe Thayer