Author Topic: Coyotes in the pasture.  (Read 5137 times)


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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #40 on: May 16, 2013, 09:04:45 AM »
Huntress said:

"Nothing we have is a right anymore. Its all a privelige. And if you're going to take it for granted and make a bad name for the rest of us then I guess you're gonna do what you're gonna do? But there's a reason we don't strap a bloody deer on the hood and parade through town covered in blood. Because pissing off the herd of sheep (aka the public) will only end bad for ALL OF US. If joe public believes we respect the animals and we have a reason for hunting they seem to tolerate it a little better. Its not about "not having balls" to stand up to them. They are entitled to their beliefs the same as you and I are." - See more at:

Very well put.  That is what I have been trying to say to a couple of other members but they don't seem to get it.

This thread started off on a different topic but worked it way around to an important issue.  time to go fishing!

[attachment deleted 180 days old]

Lance Skene

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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #41 on: May 16, 2013, 11:07:24 AM »
This one sure took a hard turn at some point but I dont mind a good debate, and Im as opinionated as ne1, maybe mellowing a bit with age tho. Ive been leaning towards more traditional hunting tactics for some time but I havent always been there, it would be very hypocritical for me to knock someone for having a 'Shoot the H3LL out of Everything' mindset, Ive been there, and well beyond, dont want to go back.

Bonnie, Hi, first Ive seen of you on here, wife and I frequently drive thru Redcliff on route to visit family in sask, we'll have to stop in and check out your shop one of these days;)


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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #42 on: May 16, 2013, 02:22:49 PM »
Hi Lance :) Yes, Huntress and I are the resident women hunters on here. I believe there are a couple more, but haven't seen them post more than occasionally.

We have our business in our house, but no show room (yet, I'm working on Joel for that), but if you are ever stopping by and interested in something just let us know and we can have it ready for you to see. We do our best to meet or beat or competitors pricing, so you can both support a stay at home mom, and get the best deal :)
Bonnie (and Joel)


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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #43 on: May 16, 2013, 05:13:00 PM »
Well unforetunetly a few of you are seeing this all wrong.. You will never satisfy an anti,, and the majority of non hunters don't care either way.. All you will do is suceed in giving them all what they want, and that is a stop to hunting and shooting. And yes it does take a set of balls to stand up for what you believe in a big set in this day and age. But ya'll go ahead cater to them,, see where it gets you.


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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #44 on: May 16, 2013, 07:29:23 PM »
And what we are saying is that you are "seeing this all wrong".  WE ARE NOT TRYING TO SATISFY anti-hunters.

I believe NON-HUNTERS are in fact on the fence and can be encouraged to understand and even support the hunters cause.  The Anti -hunters are always trying to paint hunters with a bad image.  Hunters should try to paint hunters with a good image.

Non-hunters do NOT wat to stop hunting and shooting but they can change their minds.  Lets be sure our actions and our attitudes and words do not push them to the other side.

You claim to be "blood thirsty" and enjoy killing and shooting the shit out of things"  I believe these were all your own words.

Go ahead and have that attitude if you want but you hurt all other hunters when you stand on the hill and shout it for all to here.


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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #45 on: May 16, 2013, 07:37:25 PM »
I'll fight them my way,, you fight them yours,, oh wait you don't fight for your rights,, you accommodate and bend over.. Sorry, carry on as you will. 


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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #46 on: May 16, 2013, 07:40:22 PM »
Deerman have you not ever shot something just purely for the enjoyment of it? 


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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #47 on: May 17, 2013, 01:40:13 PM »
I'll fight them my way,, you fight them yours,, oh wait you don't fight for your rights,, you accommodate and bend over.. Sorry, carry on as you will.

I really can't figure you out.

I wonder do you actually read my posts? or just see its by me, who you have decided not to listen to?
Do you read them and just not comprehend (that means understand).

Its seems you don't understand the difference between ANTI-HUNTERS and NON-HUNERTS.

"Fighting" anti-hunters is a good thing and something I think we should all be involved in, I certainly am when I can.

"Fighting" non-hunter is not a good thing and if you are doing that then you are NOT helping the cause of hunting

Deerman have you not ever shot something just purely for the enjoyment of it?  - See more at:;quote=26772;topic=3784.40#sthash.lyLgVGZ8.dpuf

No I can't think of a time I have.


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Re: Coyotes in the pasture.
« Reply #48 on: May 17, 2013, 04:35:07 PM »

I really can't figure you out.

I wonder do you actually read my posts? or just see its by me, who you have decided not to listen to?
Do you read them and just not comprehend (that means understand).

Its seems you don't understand the difference between ANTI-HUNTERS and NON-HUNERTS.

"Fighting" anti-hunters is a good thing and something I think we should all be involved in, I certainly am when I can.

"Fighting" non-hunter is not a good thing and if you are doing that then you are NOT helping the cause of hunting

Deerman have you not ever shot something just purely for the enjoyment of it?  - See more at:;quote=26772;topic=3784.40#sthash.lyLgVGZ8.dpuf

No I can't think of a time I have.

  I find that hard to belive but thanks for your answer.