Alberta Sportsman Fishing and Hunting Forum

Alberta Sportsman and Outdoors Fishing or Hunting Discussion => Hunting in Alberta => Topic started by: nube on November 22, 2011, 08:41:52 PM

Title: Deer Pic
Post by: nube on November 22, 2011, 08:41:52 PM
Tough year to be trying for a big deer.  I found that the whole upper age group is wiped out in the area I hunt.  Seeing a 150" deer is as tough as finding a 170 in years past.  That being said I had a good hunt this year and it was fun.  I helped a couple buddies whack some deer and we killed a couple good ones. 
I got a little impatient after a week of hunting and decided to pack it in with this one.  I say one a lot bigger I past up the 2nd day and now I am kicking myself.  I haven't hear or seen much of too many monster bucks this year being killed so I imagine most of Alberta is the same as what I was seeing.  Tons of 2.5 and 3.5 year old bucks but not much older than that. 

Title: Re: Deer Pic
Post by: gramps73 on November 22, 2011, 08:48:57 PM
I dont know Nube, looks like a nice deer to me..
Title: Re: Deer Pic
Post by: sheepguide on November 22, 2011, 09:15:20 PM
Congrats on a nice looking deer. Nothing wrong with him!
Funny Nube though id say our average size around home is up. Havent seen a monster yet ( havent got many hours in the field this season ) but have seen lots of 150+ bucks and have seen and heard of  a few 170" deer taken here and a 200"NT as well as a 180" gross typical. An outfitter i know north of here has put some 160"-170" on the ground as well. I do think deer numbers are lower but wouldnt say its just older deer around here that are affected. Numbers are far from low here but done a bit. Ive actually seen higher Mule Deer numbers in the area we hunt than in years past. We see on average 50-100 whitetail deer a day and around 5-10 bucks each day we have hunted.
Funny how different areas populations differ. I hunted two different 100series zones for mule deer this year. One had a good number of deer and the other had very few. Both zones bordered each other. The only difference was one has large amounts of hunter access and the other doesnt. Both had the same winter weather so im chalking it up to alot more deer being shot as every hunter I talked to seemed have a mule deer doe tag.


Title: Re: Deer Pic
Post by: nube on November 22, 2011, 09:32:47 PM
Glad to hear things are better there.  I have a buddy who hunts around Rocky and have seen some good deer as well.  The North bush where I hunt I can tell a HUGE difference.  Still lots of deer but all young ones.  I see 20-30 bucks a day.  I think next year I will have to stay closer to the farm land and see if that helps. 
Title: Re: Deer Pic
Post by: sheepguide on November 22, 2011, 09:40:28 PM
Most of the bucks ive seen here have been bush bound. Not alot coming into the fields yet. Need to get some deeper snow and cold weather. This +9 crap aint gunna help things much though. Could be tough to find the wife a cranker if this warm weather stays.
Title: Re: Deer Pic
Post by: Tuc on November 23, 2011, 08:40:57 AM
Nice one Nube!
Title: Re: Deer Pic
Post by: badback on November 23, 2011, 02:16:14 PM
Congrats on a nice looking deer. Nothing wrong with him!

X 2...Plus nice photos
Title: Re: Deer Pic
Post by: walleyes on November 23, 2011, 03:26:37 PM
Nothing wrong with that deer Nube,, congrats on the kill.
Title: Re: Deer Pic
Post by: Elkaholic6 on November 23, 2011, 06:45:53 PM
He's a nice one Nube. Congrats!
Title: Re: Deer Pic
Post by: moosehunter on November 23, 2011, 07:42:41 PM
Congrats on a nice whitetail.
Title: Re: Deer Pic
Post by: Paul on November 24, 2011, 11:03:35 AM
Nice buck Nube, I wish I could have seen something remotely close. I just got back from 6 days of deer hunting and we hunted hard, I put on a lot of miles on the old Rocky boots, sat on nice lines, rattled, sat on hayfields, I honestly didn't see anything over 140", in years past hunting the same area in a 6 day hunt a guy would see 4 or 5 "shooters", I am feeling a bit disappointed to be honest. I don't have any more time to get out this year.
Title: Re: Deer Pic
Post by: Buckbrushoutdoors on November 24, 2011, 11:41:39 AM
great buck Phil!! nothing wrong with him! I have hunted my ass of this year and havent seen anything over that 150 class buck. But then again my best friend "steve" killed a giant 209" buck so maybe I just suck lol
Title: Re: Deer Pic
Post by: Springer on November 24, 2011, 07:44:25 PM
You know what i don't get ...We do whatever we can to take a Big Buck , sit all day in a stand ,use scents, cover lots of miles , use trail cams etc and some of us still dont close tags.
Yet i have been hearing all these reports of the Big Bucks laying in the ditch that were not smart enough to stay off the road during the night. Even the DJ's on the radio were commenting ona Big Buck laying dead in the ditch and an hour later when coming back on the same road it became a headless Deer. They were looking for understanding on who would do was actually done on an amusing note.
Title: Re: Deer Pic
Post by: AxeMan on November 26, 2011, 05:52:50 PM
Not a bad buck, Nube.  It looks like the good one I saw earlier in the week.  He looks a little cold!  Congrats buddy.
Title: Re: Deer Pic
Post by: STW on November 27, 2011, 05:53:13 PM
Looks good to me Phil. Good work
Title: Re: Deer Pic
Post by: Dark Wing on November 28, 2011, 08:05:22 AM
You let me down Nube LOL, just kidding. Nice deer, I passed one up like that my first week and am really starting to regret it. Buck sightings are low up here as well but were still seeing decent tracks so maybe their just holding up in the bush.