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Alberta Sportsman Fishing and Hunting Forum
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Hunting in Alberta
Everyones plans for the hunting season
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Topic: Everyones plans for the hunting season (Read 2285 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 1855
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Everyones plans for the hunting season
August 14, 2012, 12:11:53 PM »
Sooo what are people planning this year for hunting season? Anything monumental?
I will get out for the elk rifle opener in September and that will be about it for me until November, planning a week off for deer hunting. I 999 all my draws so didn't get anything special.
A buddy of mines wife got a Bison draw he asked me to go with them to give a hand in January I might do that for a quarter of Bison
Quote from: walleyes on March 25, 2013, 07:32:11 PM
Screw them and their tags..
Hero Member
Posts: 1286
Re: Everyones plans for the hunting season
Reply #1 on:
August 14, 2012, 01:37:43 PM »
Well hoping to get out a pile this year but we will see. Will be starting it of next week with Backpacking in with my 12 year old son for bighorns for 4 or 5 days. Then will bighorn hunt as much as I can sneak him out of school on my days off until that season closes. Then him and his mom both have mountain moose tags that we will try and pursure in a totally new are ive never hunted but a scouting trip this summer revealed some good country.
Along with that a buddy has a LEH Mountain Goat draw near Sparwood BC and asked if I wamted to tag along so if that works out with my work schedual ill head there for a few days.
Deer will be just a filler for me and will get my son his first buck hopefully with his bow as well I may bring a buddy from BC and try and get him a good whitetail.
Also if time is available a good friend has a 410 tag so will try and get down there for a few days if possible.
Then the real fun starts with Dec. and running cats! I booked an operations manager from the company I work for and his friend with my buddy so am booking that time off to hunt with them as well trying to get in on as many cats as work will allow. Got a hound pup that is a few weeks old so will be looking forward to training him and hopefully running my own dog with the crew next winter.
But the big adventure right now is planning a big hunt next fall in BC. Looks like as of now if all works out it will be 2 riverboats, 200+km of river and 4-5 buddies hunting together!! We will be chasing Stone sheep, Goats, Caribou and possibly elk and moose. Should be a great trip.
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!
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Hero Member
Posts: 751
this is my prairie.... this is my home
Re: Everyones plans for the hunting season
Reply #2 on:
August 14, 2012, 03:34:25 PM »
heading to 342 on sept 1st.... took a week off and basically everything is open for archery there but we are focusing on elk... my birthday is on the 4th as well so i get to celebrate it in hunt camp and there is nthn better than that
Hero Member
Posts: 828
Re: Everyones plans for the hunting season
Reply #3 on:
August 14, 2012, 06:07:15 PM »
3 weeks from today we're heading NE of Slave for a week of deer/bear hunting, then to the Swan hills area on the 15th to look for elk, season starts the 17th. Never been there before so have 3 different area's picked from google earth from ne to sw. (sometimes it works, sometimes it don't, but we'll know more next year this time than we do now
) I know we should be further west/sw, but darn I hate crowds, and I never said I wasn't stubborn.
Nov. we have local draw deer tags. Patched ball smoke pole for me.
Jr. Member
Posts: 83
Re: Everyones plans for the hunting season
Reply #4 on:
August 15, 2012, 12:01:07 PM »
I'll be bow hunting for elk and deer in 400 and 302 Sept. 1 till the 3rd. Then I'll be chasing the local mule deer herd around in 200 if I don't get one down south. This year it will only be weekend hunting, no ten day trips like past years. My Dad passed away recently and I had to use up a lot of my time off to deal with it.
Sr. Member
Posts: 434
Re: Everyones plans for the hunting season
Reply #5 on:
August 15, 2012, 12:54:23 PM »
Just elk and deer this year. Starting out with bow early september and than rifle up 338 way.
Joe Fehr
Full Member
Posts: 109
Re: Everyones plans for the hunting season
Reply #6 on:
August 15, 2012, 01:42:01 PM »
Headed up the Muskwa on the 6th (finally after 3 years of missing out) elk, sheep, goats and a good time. Back for the rifle opener in Alberta depending on work situation. Then deer later in November hope to get a couple goose shoots in too.
Re: Everyones plans for the hunting season
Reply #7 on:
August 15, 2012, 03:14:36 PM »
With the new job and work schedule this should be one of the best falls I have had in years,, maybe ever if it all works out. I used to get some time off in the falls but that was just do to lack of work so money was tight and a guy would sometimes have a hard time to enjoy the time you know.. This year with my 2 weeks on 2 weeks off time line it should be great. And the fact we are back in the north as well.
Will start doing some bow hunting for moose and deer around home at the end of the month. Then our moose hunt from the 24th of Spet for a week. Should be getting in a fair amount of goose and grouse hunts. Then my 2 weeks off in Nov fall during the 2nd and 3rd weeks of the month just prime Whity time.
So yah Lord willing all will work out and it should be an awesome season for me.
Sr. Member
Posts: 357
Re: Everyones plans for the hunting season
Reply #8 on:
August 15, 2012, 07:42:34 PM »
soemthing might have changed today. i was not planning to get to the mountains for sheep this year......but it looks as though it may happen.
still gonna need some good fortune to line it up......should know in a few days.
opinions are like sphincters......everyone has one, and they all stink!
Sr. Member
Posts: 435
Re: Everyones plans for the hunting season
Reply #9 on:
August 16, 2012, 07:11:34 AM »
With my work schedule and bugger all for draws, will be concentrating a little more on bowhunting for deer and elk locally.
I want to try and get more waterfowl hunting in too as I have some new calls to test out
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Re: Everyones plans for the hunting season
Reply #10 on:
August 16, 2012, 09:45:03 AM »
I'll be sitting in my treestand on the deer opener...If I don't fall out and break my neck..
Jr. Member
Posts: 93
Re: Everyones plans for the hunting season
Reply #11 on:
August 16, 2012, 09:24:59 PM »
Good luck on that goat hunt JustinC, can't wait to see pics! This year I'm going to start off with a velvet white-tail, then archery elk, then bighorns in Oct., after that off to Sask to hunt the Prince Albert bow zone pre-rut, then back to AB for Nov white-tail (if no luck on the velvet buck earlier) Then I'll cap it off with a cougar hunt in Dec.
Jr. Member
Posts: 89
Re: Everyones plans for the hunting season
Reply #12 on:
August 17, 2012, 07:39:07 PM »
Fly in Caribou and moose in BC in September. Then archery mule deer down south. October archery whitetails in Saskachewan. First week of november jet boat hunt for moose on the Athabasca with my Dad. And spend the rest of my time trying to find a big buck out west or up north. then in december or january chase lions with my BC buddy whos staying at my cabin for a week.
Dark Wing
Sr. Member
Posts: 312
Re: Everyones plans for the hunting season
Reply #13 on:
August 18, 2012, 07:06:54 AM »
We're heading out for the sheep opener for 10 days and I also booked the last 3 weeks of November off for white tail and mule deer. It's another month till opening rifle season so the hunt will be on for most weekends from Sept 17th - Nov. 30th. I'll have my usual assortment of general tags which include sheep, elk, white tail and mule deer. Good luck Guy's and Gal's !
Sr. Member
Posts: 434
Re: Everyones plans for the hunting season
Reply #14 on:
August 18, 2012, 07:12:57 AM »
Sounds like everyone has some good plans in place. Good luck all!!
Sr. Member
Posts: 434
Re: Everyones plans for the hunting season
Reply #15 on:
August 18, 2012, 07:36:30 AM »
Is it just me or are the mornings starting to feel like hunting season is here. You can smell it in the air. Can't wait!!
Re: Everyones plans for the hunting season
Reply #16 on:
August 18, 2012, 10:29:34 AM »
I'll be chasin elk on a general tag starting Sept 15th, then draw moose on the opener, Oct 1. Lots of time in Nov for WT.
Hero Member
Posts: 751
this is my prairie.... this is my home
Re: Everyones plans for the hunting season
Reply #17 on:
August 19, 2012, 09:03:11 PM »
yep i can smell it in the air.... and i wish everyone here good luck and good fortune this season.... and take lots of pics !!!!
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Alberta Sportsman Fishing and Hunting Forum
Alberta Sportsman and Outdoors Fishing or Hunting Discussion
Hunting in Alberta
Everyones plans for the hunting season