Author Topic: Guess the score. (sheep)  (Read 6827 times)


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Guess the score. (sheep)
« on: June 01, 2011, 04:15:10 PM »
Here are 4 different rams.  All big boys for sure but I am curious as to what they would score and why.  I admit when they get to this size you really don't see a lot of them like this and it is hard to put a number on them. 

Here is the 2nd ram

Here is the 3rd

The 4th ram


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Re: Guess the score. (sheep)
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2011, 10:18:47 AM »
Well I could make a bunch of guesses, but really all that matters is that those are some big rams. That third one appeals to me in a big way.
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Re: Guess the score. (sheep)
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2011, 07:18:21 PM »
I have a tough time getting super close in inches when guessing those sheep, but one thing I did learn about Cadomin is a lot of the sheep look bigger than usual.  There are a lot of rams over 180 but guys start throwing out numbers in the 190's pretty quickly and even pushing the 200" envelope very soon.

Most rams at Cadomin have relatively small bases, so although a ram can look giant, they often are held back a bit from what they could be.

Bottom line, all those rams are some awesome lookin rams!


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Re: Guess the score. (sheep)
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2011, 07:22:46 PM »
Here are two thumpers!  I've also got a cool pic of a ram that I took in July that ended up getting shot in the last week of November I should find.

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Re: Guess the score. (sheep)
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2011, 12:10:15 PM »
Here are 4 different rams.  All big boys for sure but I am curious as to what they would score and why.  I admit when they get to this size you really don't see a lot of them like this and it is hard to put a number on them. 

Here is the 2nd ram

Here is the 3rd

The 4th ram

If i was to hazard a guess i would say they are all in the high 170's to low 180's... all great rams but they dont have the weight to go 190 IMHO, it takes alot of horn to step up to the 190 class.

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Re: Guess the score. (sheep)
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2011, 11:20:34 AM »
Phil you were that tell us the score. :)  You could have run a tape on him before he was even up  lol

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Re: Guess the score. (sheep)
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2011, 10:21:13 PM »
Ya, that one in the ditch was no more than about 4 steps from me I figured.  To be honest I have not scored very many sheep and could not tell you what they are.  I figure they are all 180 or better with a couple in the 190's????


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Re: Guess the score. (sheep)
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2011, 09:21:32 AM »
Missed this thread some how!

But in my opinion the highest scoring ram there would be low to mid 180s ( that Nube posted ).
Rack hit it on the nail about people guessing scores. To be able to honestly  judge a ram accurately you pretty much need to have put a tape on the same quality of sheep. Im sure not alot of guys have looked at a 190 inch set of horns made the guess, then put a tape to them. I have on 3 over 190 and 1 over 200 and there is no way I can accuratly judge them big old rams. Its pretty easy to give them an extra 10 inches. And like Randy Babala told me once when I asked him about some Cadomin horns that were being questioned by a bunch on AO, Its pretty darn tough to judge a ram in a picture. And most will judge high.
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Re: Guess the score. (sheep)
« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2011, 10:16:27 AM »
Missed this thread some how!

But in my opinion the highest scoring ram there would be low to mid 180s ( that Nube posted ).
Rack hit it on the nail about people guessing scores. To be able to honestly  judge a ram accurately you pretty much need to have put a tape on the same quality of sheep. Im sure not alot of guys have looked at a 190 inch set of horns made the guess, then put a tape to them. I have on 3 over 190 and 1 over 200 and there is no way I can accuratly judge them big old rams. Its pretty easy to give them an extra 10 inches. And like Randy Babala told me once when I asked him about some Cadomin horns that were being questioned by a bunch on AO, Its pretty darn tough to judge a ram in a picture. And most will judge high.

Most likey you are right Sheepguide.  I think I need to feed them a few more bread crumbs whiel I put a tape on them to know for sure ;D  It would be cool to be able to spend the day with all of the pickups that F and W has collected over the years.  It truly is amazing to have a ram over 200" is what I am learning

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Re: Guess the score. (sheep)
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2011, 11:17:10 AM »
Looks like I'll be the first to put a number to each ram.

#1 --  183

#2 --  172

#3 --  184

#4 --  178


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Re: Guess the score. (sheep)
« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2011, 09:25:50 AM »
Most likey you are right Sheepguide.  I think I need to feed them a few more bread crumbs whiel I put a tape on them to know for sure ;D  It would be cool to be able to spend the day with all of the pickups that F and W has collected over the years.  It truly is amazing to have a ram over 200" is what I am learning

Yep anything in that 190-200inch range is a very amazing animal and not near as many around even at places such as cadomin as some people say.
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

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Re: Guess the score. (sheep)
« Reply #11 on: July 20, 2011, 06:43:07 PM »
Those are some of the most accurate words ever written on a forum Sheep. there is a reason a book ram starts at 180 and that's because they are not behind every tree.

I wasn't going to make to many guesses here because I truly beleive its a fools game from a picture but that first ram has two pics with different angles so a case can be made.

Now a long past friend gave me a few pointers on judging sheep that  maybe less than accurate but with his advice if I was to guess I would say that first ram is between 30 and 34 inches long and I'm inclined to lean toward the low end. He doesn't stand out as being overly heavy so lets say 15 with two 14's  to make up any shortfalls on the base and finish it with a 12. That would put him at 170 - 178 and I'm not sure I'd go 178 with him. Now again I'm playing the fools game here just for conversation more than anything so feel free to punch some holes in my numbers.
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Re: Guess the score. (sheep)
« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2011, 07:00:19 PM »
I'll punch the first hole in your numbers ;D  Most rams start to get 4/5 legal at about 30-32 inches from what I have found.  32 inches is about the average I think.  That ram is for sure not 34 " or less and I would say he is over 40 with the way he curls out the side.  Would you agree with that?  That being said I think if you add on that much you will be closer to the score.  I would think he is 185-190 myself


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Re: Guess the score. (sheep)
« Reply #13 on: July 20, 2011, 07:48:40 PM »
In some cases you are right Nube, but ive seen many rams that are well over legal that are only 32 or 33 inches. I have one horn off a Dormer River ram that is at or over the bridge of the nose broomed just like the one in your first pic and he is only 33inches, would only have been 36" with his tips and that would have put him 2-3 inches over his nose. When I first saw it laying there I thought what a pig, he is only a high 160 ram. That ram alive would have been deceiving as hell.

For a ram to be over 40" he must come way up and back off his head drop below the jaw and come up well in front of the eye. I dont see that in any of them rams. To me the longest would be maybe 38" - 39" at the high end.

One of the hard parts of these pics also is no one is in full profile and at a level height. A ram looking towards or away even a little makes the horn look allot different. And a ram slightly above or below will also make a tip or horn curve seem at a different spot.

Sorry Nube but there is no way I can see a ram there that is in the 190" ball park. But hey thats just my opinion by looking at pics.

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Re: Guess the score. (sheep)
« Reply #14 on: July 20, 2011, 08:01:56 PM »
Curious to know what you think on these rams on length?

Same one in the field 

This is one in particular I am interested in your thoughts

Here he is on the wall.  I know it is hard to tell from pics.

This is a great discussion guys.  I am learning a few things here and there are some good thoughts.  If what guys are saying I must say that I am not as impressed with Cadomin as I was before.  There would be a lot of 170+ rams there instead of all of the 180+ I am thinking I am seeing :o ;D


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Re: Guess the score. (sheep)
« Reply #15 on: July 20, 2011, 09:01:14 PM »
Ill take a stab at them rams Nube. Pretty tough to go by them pics but here are my guess's.

Ram 1 -  37 1/2" to 38"

Ram 2 - 35"

Ram 3 - 33"

Ram 4 - 36 1/2" to 37"

Think I got them in the right order  :o  and like I said very hard on most of them pics to judge at the angles they are taken at.

I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

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Re: Guess the score. (sheep)
« Reply #16 on: July 20, 2011, 10:58:13 PM »
You did pretty well Sheepguide.  It is unfair to go by a picture but I thought we could all learn and it doesn't hurt to have a little practice. 
1- 36"  It was 36 1/2 when first killed but shrunk when on the wall. 

2- is 36" on the wall but when I first killed it it was 37 1/2 fresh

3- was my first ram and was 4.5 years old and 29 1/2 when first killed and is 29 on the wall after shrinking

4th and biggest was just over 39 when first killed and is now only 37 1/2 now on the wall

I am surprised at the shrinkage as I did not think it would be that bad
I think this is good practice.  I think it would be nice to have others post up as well liek this and we could take a crack at it. 


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Re: Guess the score. (sheep)
« Reply #17 on: July 21, 2011, 12:29:17 AM »
Here is one that you guys have seen before....unfortunatly its the only dead ram pic I've got!  Not a giant but he does have some impressive measurements for his age!

I also took a peak at some of the ones while getting Kim's ram plugged.  This guy was impressive!!

« Last Edit: July 21, 2011, 12:33:35 AM by Rackmastr »


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Re: Guess the score. (sheep)
« Reply #18 on: July 21, 2011, 01:12:51 PM »
34.5" Rack????


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Re: Guess the score. (sheep)
« Reply #19 on: July 21, 2011, 02:03:45 PM »
I would also call him a very tight 34 - 35".
Like you said Rack fairly decent length numbers for his age. Some of the other ram areas it takes the sheep one extra year in the zones to the south of Cadomin and 2 years north of Cadomin to reach that these days. Used to be 4 1/2 year old rams killed in other areas but you dont see it often anymore.

I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

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