Alberta Sportsman Fishing and Hunting Forum
Alberta Sportsman and Outdoors Fishing or Hunting Discussion => Hunting in Alberta => Topic started by: jimmy on May 21, 2011, 08:30:44 PM
like some local information on how the mule deer made it though last winter? I am planning to hunt out of Brooks in nov. thanks.
Deer Numbers in the areas I have been lately are very very good. When bear hunting at Slave and traveling to and from home(Caroline) and the Rig(north of Bonnyville) the deer numbers seen were high, no worry of winter kills affecting numbers in these areas.
The one issue I have heard is that with the bad winter some does could abort and this could really affect numbers down the road but we will have to wait and see when the fawns start hitting the ground.
The deer down south were on the verge right up until the last late dumps of snow. While coyote hunting in Jan and Feb, deer were still finding good hillsides to feed on and were bunched up real good. Once the late snow hit, the deer took a beating. Here are some pics I took yesterday on a 1 mile walk of some wintering coulees near Brooks. I wanted to keep walking but between the signs of death and the mosquitos, I had decided I had enough. Six kills within a mile. Only one deer seen alive. Brutal sights for sure.
All the deer did well around Edmonton this winter, including the mulies. Not sure how they faired up north but so far it looks okay in the south, west, and central.
I took this pic this spring in Strathcona county beside the trout ponds where I fish.
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The deer down south were on the verge right up until the last late dumps of snow. While coyote hunting in Jan and Feb, deer were still finding good hillsides to feed on and were bunched up real good. Once the late snow hit, the deer took a beating. Here are some pics I took yesterday on a 1 mile walk of some wintering coulees near Brooks. I wanted to keep walking but between the signs of death and the mosquitos, I had decided I had enough. Six kills within a mile. Only one deer seen alive. Brutal sights for sure.
Out of the six, how many were bucks? I found three whitetail bucks in one hay field last month while shed hunting, two were young, one mature. They had already shed so they died later on in the winter. I think the does managed fairly well, only problem being as mentioned above is the chances of them aborting due to the winter. The bucks are a little more of a concern, winter came pretty early, lot's of snow and cold, and we all know how run down they are by the end of november.
3 or 4 out of 6 were bucks. All were shed off already, i want to do some more walking but the mosquitos were something else. Couldnt even breathe!