Alberta Sportsman Fishing and Hunting Forum

Alberta Sportsman and Outdoors Fishing or Hunting Discussion => Hunting in Alberta => Topic started by: Weste on February 04, 2013, 01:32:26 PM

Title: How not to drag a Mature Alberta Mule Deer!
Post by: Weste on February 04, 2013, 01:32:26 PM
Found this video on my phone.  Forgot that I had it on there.  LOL  Thought it was hilarious seeing it again.
Title: Re: How not to drag a Mature Alberta Mule Deer!
Post by: Sonny on February 04, 2013, 05:37:28 PM
Something tells me he didn't make it to the truck.. ;D
Title: Re: How not to drag a Mature Alberta Mule Deer!
Post by: deerman on February 04, 2013, 06:06:15 PM
I have used one of those harnesses.  But there was snow on the ground and I cut my buck in half.  It worked quite well.

Title: Re: How not to drag a Mature Alberta Mule Deer!
Post by: sporthunting on February 05, 2013, 07:47:58 AM
Good Stuff
Title: Re: How not to drag a Mature Alberta Mule Deer!
Post by: Weste on February 05, 2013, 08:33:15 AM
I have used one of those harnesses.  But there was snow on the ground and I cut my buck in half.  It worked quite well.


I have used them as well, even tied 2 people to one deer and it works.  I just thought it would be funny to let him try by himself.  Like I said, I knew the landowner would let me run in with a Quad or my truck.  I also had a deer cart in my truck that works extremely well.

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Title: Re: How not to drag a Mature Alberta Mule Deer!
Post by: Tuc on February 05, 2013, 09:10:59 AM
If I didn't own a quad to pull it out, I'd be quartering that sucker up. Yep, it's a long way to the truck.....
Title: Re: How not to drag a Mature Alberta Mule Deer!
Post by: walleyes on February 05, 2013, 04:51:28 PM
When we were down south,, we drug a couple and used the game cart on a couple and I'll tell yah,, I swore if I stayed down there I was going to buy a good pack and start the gutless method to pack them out.. Even with the game carts when you shoot one in the bottom of a deep coulee it's a wicked chore.. If I go back south for a Muley hunt I will be going with a pack.
Title: Re: How not to drag a Mature Alberta Mule Deer!
Post by: Weste on February 07, 2013, 08:28:59 AM
Those big old mules sure can be a pain. But with a game cart they sure turn in to a lot lighter critter.  Those drag holsters look great. Were did you get them?

The one I have, my wife got me for Christmas 10 years ago so it has to be from WSS.  LOL
Title: Re: How not to drag a Mature Alberta Mule Deer!
Post by: Springer on February 19, 2013, 02:23:59 AM
A cheap $10 plastic tarp reduces the friction a whole bunch more and its disposable in the end as well.
Title: Re: How not to drag a Mature Alberta Mule Deer!
Post by: deerman on February 19, 2013, 07:23:47 AM

"disposable"?  Don't you mean reusable and recyclable?
Title: Re: How not to drag a Mature Alberta Mule Deer!
Post by: Springer on February 19, 2013, 08:52:18 PM
"disposable"?  Don't you mean reusable and recyclable?

By the time you get back to the truck I really dont find much use for a tarp with holes in it and covered in blood unless its still good enough to haul something else. Its light and i always carry one in my pack .