Author Topic: Looks like Bear poop  (Read 1197 times)


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Looks like Bear poop
« on: September 20, 2016, 11:23:56 PM »
Looks like bear poop

smells like bear poop

feels like bear poop

taste like bear poop


good thing we don't stepped in it

saw more bear poop on roads than ever

shot at 3 got 3 Ruff

saw 5 Ruff 2 were running 1 Spruce coming home(no chance)

Coachman kick my butt 2 too 1

2 Old guys having fun



Scientific & Analytical Angler /Hunter


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Re: Looks like Bear poop
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2016, 06:10:45 PM »

Flashback. ;)

The Fabulous Freak Brothers are hiding out in Hinton.

Hey Speckle:

I sent your picture to my Haida relatives so you could get one of those tax free car and boat gas cards.

It turned out that your skin was not white enough, and your last name is not Scots enough.

You might get a chance into the tribe if you are a "Haida Gay".

I love those Turkey pictures.  I see that .22 has it's Turkey choke screwed into the barrel.  Very innovative.

When is that gun coming out in a double barrel?

Also,  I have sent one of your pictures of  your photogenic buddy to "Dancing with the Stars". 

Moderator: I actually have Haida relatives and they would be laughing their heads off at this post.

For anyone serious, this post is all tongue in cheek.
