Author Topic: New Cougar seasons and Quotas  (Read 1987 times)


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New Cougar seasons and Quotas
« on: December 22, 2011, 06:06:45 PM »
Sure looks like a disaster happening with the new system. Used to be guys hunted cats most of the season running lots of cats(giving alot of cats the fear of man and dogs). Now most of the zones will all be closed by mid January. Many were closed in the first week the season was opened.  And now with the shortened quota and such guys are just running out shooting the first cats they tree so they get a chance at a cat. And with that many young 100lb or less cats have been shot. These guys dont understand the impact they are having. A major change to the system now is that they are taking a tooth from every cat and aging them. Without guys taking mature cats there is the chance that the age structure could seem to low and even lower quotas could happen as a result.
I personaly think with the way things are now cat populations will be on the increase even more and problem cat deaths and issues will also rise in the next few years.
What are your guys thoughts on this topic and changes?
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

Maximus Outdoor Adventures Prostaff

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Re: New Cougar seasons and Quotas
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2011, 03:21:39 PM »
You might be right but I would think if they continue to have problems with the loss of sheep cattle and man that thye would only increase the numbers a bit.  It is too bad when guys shoot the young ones like you say but it's just like sheephunting.  Most guys will shoot the first legal ram they see.  I don't think there is a way to stop it at all for cougars.  Myself I don't plan on doing much cougar hunting.  If I do I want one like Bruckbrush's lol.   Only want one mounted and have no need to shoot a bunch of them if they are not going u on the wall. 


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Re: New Cougar seasons and Quotas
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2011, 05:21:30 PM »
You might be right but I would think if they continue to have problems with the loss of sheep cattle and man that thye would only increase the numbers a bit.  It is too bad when guys shoot the young ones like you say but it's just like sheephunting.  Most guys will shoot the first legal ram they see.  I don't think there is a way to stop it at all for cougars.  Myself I don't plan on doing much cougar hunting.  If I do I want one like Bruckbrush's lol.   Only want one mounted and have no need to shoot a bunch of them if they are not going u on the wall.

The problems with livestock havent swayed their ideas thus far on quotas and they let farmers and ranchers shoot any problem cats they need to so I doubt that will change any quotas. Just be alot more shot by F+W.

And as far as the rams go im thinking once they are on draw which is in the near future there will be a thread on how screwed up that season and tag number is!!

Wildlife managment here is an unbeleivable joke.
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

Maximus Outdoor Adventures Prostaff

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Re: New Cougar seasons and Quotas
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2011, 10:22:24 PM »
Ya it is funny how there are more rams now than in past years and they want to put it on a draw.  Too many guys complaining they can't hike 500 yards off a road and kill a ram so they think a draw will help them. 
Personally if I can get a draw every 3-4 years and have a better chance at a decent sized ram then I would be cool with it but we all know that everyone and their dog would be applying just because and it would be a once in 10-15 years for a draw real fast.  Kind of like all the people applying for a Cadomin tag and a lot of them have never hunted sheep before in their

You are right about our managers in this province.  Look at the mule deer in Saskatchewan.  We could have the same thing as well here I think.  I don't know much about cougars but I do know that they along with the wolf population are decimating a lot of our herds and I would rather have the ungulates more than the predators myself.  It wouldn't hurt my feelings if they doubled the cougar harvest