Author Topic: No More Muzzleloader in AB???  (Read 5366 times)


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No More Muzzleloader in AB???
« on: February 27, 2012, 06:52:19 AM »
I just heard a rumour that there would be no more muzzleloader seasons in AB, can anyone confirm this?

Have a call into SRD, as usual, helpful, friendly staff.

Hope to hear back today one way or the other.  Fingers crossed!

« Last Edit: February 27, 2012, 10:39:30 AM by BruceW »


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Re: No More Muzzleloader in AB???
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2012, 12:31:27 PM »
I certainly wouldn't be in favour of stopping it,, why would a person be ?? Any more restrictions on hunting for residents is not good. Justin,, not everyone is a trophy hunter many people,, most actually are meat hunters, to push your ideals on others is wrong. There is absolutely no shortage of mule deer or any deer in this province there may be a shortage of large deer but no shortage of deer. You want more big deer,, quit shooting every big deer you see. The problem is we have more and more trophy hunters thats the problem. Why not allow bow hunters to shoot small deer ?? whats it to you if a person is happy to eat a nice young tender deer, if you judge a kill by the size of the horns there are many zones in this province to accommodate your hunt. For the people who enjoy the animal for its intent and thats to put on the table not the wall then there has to be zones to accommodate them as well.

DO NOT push your ideals on others,, that is bad for everyone in the long run,, very bad. Now if you want changes to non resident hunters,, thats a different story I will join you on that band wagon any time..

PS,, I don't even hunt with a muzzle loader, don't even own one but for those that do I applaud them and hope they get a break and get to continue on with their own hunts,, hell make it longer start them off in August if they want,, whats it going to hurt..


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Re: No More Muzzleloader in AB???
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2012, 05:51:34 PM »
I for one will not be too happy if this is true I love to hunt with my muzzle loader.  Mostly do the late season elk hunts and deer culls.  Where I hunt with my muzzle loader only does and cows there is not season for bulls or bucks last count of elk in Calgary bow zone was around 1300 well 1299 now hehehe  :).  Give it a try Justin see how much permission you get to even get on


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Re: No More Muzzleloader in AB???
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2012, 07:48:22 AM »
Trust me that aint the hunts I am refering to... I hunt this zone bigtime.... Trust me I am alloud on most were others are not permitted. I have had fun in both these seasons. I think they are great and for good reason... As I stated to walleyes I am just against a extended season to asisst in a cull hunt for cwd or to bring numbers down to a stupid state such as in the cwd slaughter zones....

  Good to hear Justin I was fortunate to grow up in the area and go to school in Okotoks best hunting in Alberta if you have access   :-X


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Re: No More Muzzleloader in AB???
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2012, 08:32:10 AM »
Justin I am sorry I just don't see where the numbers are that low,, They may be down from a couple years back but you have to know that there were just to many it was not good for the herds at all. Now after a couple hard winters (excluding this one) the numbers are down a bit. Personally I see it as a good thing. Mother nature looks after herself just fine. What would you rather have deer being slaughtered in culls or a steady strong herd. I for one do not see where the numbers are down that critical. I work on the drilling rigs and as a result I travel this province extensively and I live for the time being in the south,, personally don't see a big change in numbers. A couple weeks ago I actually had a week off from work, the boy and I spent a couple afternoons doing some yote hunting south around the Manyberries country. I shit you not that in those 2 evenings driving home between Med Hat and Manyberries we counted easily over 100 muly a few bands of decent bucks, still with horn and one band of 5 bucks I kid you not with not 1 buck under 150 and the largest pushing well into the 80's. I have spent the winter between Drumheller, Elk Point and now Wainwright,, where are the numbers critically down ?? Again yes they are down from 3 and 4 years ago but good they have to be.
We get a couple hard winters with deep snow and lose a few older mature deer and everybody is in a tither, relax after a winter like this one and hopefully not a bad one ahead we will see those older deer make it and keep growing. This doesn't mean that we couldn't go for a few changes yes we could. Like you said lets start with making it a little more difficult for out of province people, heck shut it down for muly and big northern whitetail as well for over the counter tags, lower the number of outfitter tags as well. I don't believe it would hurt the outfitters revenue, it would only make the tags that much more valuable. Heck if someone can afford to spend $5000.00 on a hunt they can afford $8000.00. if they can't so be it. We should definitely be cutting back there before we cut back on residents. As well I have said it before and will say it again. There should be a little more descrpepancy for all these newcomers and transient workers as well in our province. With all the new workers coming here I think there should be a mandatory min of a 5 year wait to be considered a resident as well they should be made to pay into a wildlife fund for those 5 years waiting time in order to show they are contributing. Not just coming here and raping the benefits of what we have built over the years.

Good discussion though,, kind of going off track but that's just the way it happens.


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Re: No More Muzzleloader in AB???
« Reply #5 on: February 29, 2012, 07:59:06 AM »
Still waiting to hear back. 


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Re: No More Muzzleloader in AB???
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2012, 08:06:23 AM »
I don't have a pre cwd reg book, so if that goes through, does that mean NO m/l season in the province except Wainwright?  That's the only one I remember.

I mean dedicated m/l season.


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Re: No More Muzzleloader in AB???
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2012, 04:59:15 PM »
^^^ yeah thats how it was.  too bad to see some opportunity lost.  the fact it was created to help draw hunters from other areas to cull those regions kinda sucked.  id like to see muzzy seasons province wide just to increase hunting opportunity for all.  no extra tags....just extra time.
opinions are like sphincters......everyone has one, and they all stink!