Author Topic: The worst shot I ever never made  (Read 2831 times)


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The worst shot I ever never made
« on: March 04, 2013, 05:55:46 PM »
I am tired or all of this bragging - lets here some stories of the worst shots you didn't make. Telling on your hunting buddy acceptable.

I have quite a few - let me start with a nice fall day about 11 years ago. Had a real nice pheasant land in a little patch, and I was taking a brand new pup out for her first bird.

I walked over to where the bird had been - to no avail. The dog kept going back to a patch about 6 feet across so I walked right up to it. We had looked it over carefully, when after about 10 seconds the rooster flushed right at my feet. I managed 3 shots in about 30 nanoseconds - and had an empty gun when the rooster drifted to the distance you normally shoot them.

I was rattled completely - but all was not lost. My dog developed her "what the heck were you shooting at" look, which she still flashes at me regularly.

What is your story?


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Re: The worst shot I ever never made
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2013, 05:59:12 PM »
haha, did you start this cause I said I missed a nice antelope in the other thread, lol? I'll tell that story in a bit when I have more time, gotta get the kid to karate! :)
Bonnie (and Joel)


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Re: The worst shot I ever never made
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2013, 06:09:19 PM »
heck no Bonnie - figured I would start a thread where we could laugh at each other.

Certainly wasn't directed at you.

And fwiw I have missed a couple Antelope too lol.


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Re: The worst shot I ever never made
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2013, 06:17:17 PM »
Lurch, I'm going to tell on my brother....I don't know if this is bragging or complaining, you be the judge.

I'd say the year was '74' and bro and I decided to go for a rabbit hunt with the dogs and shotguns. Back in those days deer season and rabbit season over lapped so we often carried slugs for the shotguns incase we came across a deer. My brother had been deer hunting that morning and I was to meet him at a designated place at noon time. After we met up and had lunch we started our rabbit hunting. It wasn't long and the dogs had started a bunny. My brother and I had separated to improve our chances of a shot. He had my single shot 410ga and I was using the 20 ga pump. We both usually carried No: 4 shot. After about 10 minutes I hear a shot. After hollering at my brother "did you get him", he responded with a 'yes'. When we met up I started looking at his rabbit and here was a hole blown in the front shoulders about the size of a 50 cent piece. I said to him, how in the hell did you do that. The bugger forgot to take the slug out of his shotgun and when he shot the rabbit he said it was about 10 yards away from him at a slow hop. I couldn't believe it and told him he had a horseshoe up his ass. That would never happen again in a thousand years. Actually, he said he could do it again with less than a box of slugs. The bet was on and guess who won......


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Re: The worst shot I ever never made
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2013, 06:29:57 PM »
I've got too many stories. I think some of the guys I hunt with keep Winchester in business.


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Re: The worst shot I ever never made
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2013, 07:06:11 PM »
I've got too many stories. I think some of the guys I hunt with keep Winchester in business.

I know that would be a true comment lol.

Another beauty story for me.....

Was hunting coyotes in my teenage years with my Father many years ago - we jumped one in a ditch (driving a ditchbank). I got beaded up on him and shot. He stumbled hard and then ran back into the ditch and holed up in a culvert.

We drove up and I could see him in there, so I popped out and relayed the message to my old man. He said "we used to get these wounded coyotes out of a culvert or den with barbed wire". We just happened to have an old coil in the back - and so I was instructed to start twisting the wire into the culvert(from what I learned later was several lengths of the wire away). I finally had the barbs wound up tight in the dog and pulled hard back. I think my Dad made some comment like "you better hope your girlfriend doesn't hear about this, a grown man that can't even pull a dead 30lb coyote out of a culvert".  His tactic worked as I heaved back and yarded the coyote right out of the culvert in one shot, right to the caps on my boots.

I don't know how many of you have been face to face with a snarling coyote (while on your arse I might add) - but it was strangely exhilarating, and terrifying all at once. The coyote was about as excited as I - and ran up the side of the ditch.

My Dad was able to let out a quick "well don't let him go now" between laughing spasms.

I ran up the side of the ditch following the coyote still attached to the 15 ft chunk of wire. All was good until the coyote noticed he wasn't gaining on me and decided to try a new tactic. Lucky for me, my thought process (or fear of being bit by a rabid dog) still worked and I would run sideways and jerk the wire when the dog would make a lunge towards me.

For what seemed like an eternity we danced around until my Dad had wiped the tears of laughter from his eyes long enough to shoot the coyote with a charge of BB's from the 12 gauge. He mentioned how impressed he was that I had held on to the wire. I didn't have the heart to tell him that my old worns mitts had torn and the wool liners were wrapped as tight as the coyotes fur....

And skinning that coyote that night I found no 22-250 hole - the coyote had not been hit until the shotgun dispatched him.


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Re: The worst shot I ever never made
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2013, 07:07:04 PM »
I would need to miss once to add to this thread  8) 


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Re: The worst shot I ever never made
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2013, 07:21:40 PM »
I am sure it's just my brain playing tricks on me,, but I honestly can't think of a makable shot that I have not made,, not on any game that mattered anyways,, I am sure I have missed on some dogs or gophers and grouse over the years,, not to mention throwing pounds of steel at geese and watching them fly by but other than that nothing really stands out..


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Re: The worst shot I ever never made
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2013, 07:26:17 PM »
I would need to miss once to add to this thread

I know the feeling Jimmy, ain't it a bitch when your simply the best!  lol  ;)


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Re: The worst shot I ever never made
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2013, 11:37:07 AM »
Ok, well I was out to fill my antelope tag. We had to wait to get the older two off to school, then head out with the 17 month old to try and fill the tag before we had to head back to pick the kids up from school. We went out to where we had seen a good buck the day before and walked in to a dip about 100 yards by a water hole. They were pretty skittish, and I didn't get a good show at the buck without a bunch of does in the way. They dissapeared around the hill, and to follow them meant they would see us before we saw them. We decided to back out and go WAY around and come in at them from a different direction. THis took a good hour and a half. When we got to the bottom of the hill they were on the other side of, Joel sent me up with the rifle and he stayed down with Janaye, seeing as she was awake at this point. I went up one side of the hill, and could only see a couple does, so I had to retreat, again, and go up the hill in a different spot. After doing this, I could see the top of his horns so waited for him to stand. WHen he did, I got off my shot. Total clean miss, and the herd was gone. He was a beautiful antelope, with a perfect heart, and one of his front points went way off to the side. I replay that shot over in my head every so often and still come to the conclusion that I wouldn't have missed if I would have been packing my .257 Roberts instead of Joel's .300. I won't say who was the one to grab the rifle that morning, but it wasn't me!  ;)
Bonnie (and Joel)