I see Notely and her gang have started the smear campaign on Kenny already. Totally bypass any fiscal issues and straight to the social agenda. Not that we didn’t know this would happen. Most of those issues only bother the urbanites anyways and most are sick of hearing about it non stop every day as well I would guess. https://thetruthaboutjasonkenney.ca/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIrZCk7dfB4AIVLiCtBh0Vpw4tEAAYASAAEgJTNvD_BwE
I have no faith what so ever in most easterners and their views, they will forget about this in weeks and keep their boy in power.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Ms. Notley is purchasing a large number of oil tanker rail cars for a few billion bucks of Alberta taxpayer money. Does anyone know or have heard just where these rail cars are going to be built? Where is the steel for these rail cars going to come from?I am sure the grain farmers in western Canada are going to be very happy over this rail car purchase.
I had to turn it off ...embarrassing to see another Liberal Circle Jerk .