Okay, it becoming very clear now on the SNC scandal.Trudeau and Butts in the PMO did indeed pressure Wilson Reybould on the SNC deferred prosecution agreement. No doubt.She resisted and was demoted out of that office and cut down by Trudeau.She got pissy pants and resigned from her new lesser ministerial post and threatened to spill the beans on Butts and Trudeau.In the end, with much backroom negotiating and ransom type of talks, she got her way. That is that Butts resigns and she gets some golden future considerations in the Liberal Party.She is a Liberal in the end and has a huge agenda of Indigenous and Feminist rights. She will get a clear path of power now to advance that in return for not testifying against Trudeau and bringing down the whole Liberal Party. Butts was the "pound of flesh" so to speak for her humiliation by Trudeau.Nothing left but some cross party fighting now. Any real evidence will be swept under the rug now and Wilson Reybould will go back to being a good little Liberal.That is my take.