Author Topic: Environment, Economy, Politics.  (Read 103316 times)


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #160 on: August 08, 2016, 10:15:35 PM »

It seems that forecasts suggest oil demand will increase world wide until 2030, and then start falling off, down to single figures by the end of this century. Advances in alternatives are actually coming faster then expected, and particularly, at less cost then expected. We are not there yet, but one sees glimpses of it. I know of one Lockheed Martin plant near my condo in Florida that covered the carports for employee's cars with solar panels. One can see it from the road, and I would not be surprised if the roof of their 1950's building was also covered. Look at all the alternative energy, both solar and wind, that the Hutterites have on their colonies in Alberta.

It is a report of the largest solar installation in western Canada, which now produces 25% of Alberta's solar power.

They can never get massive horsepower out of solar, not the kind of horsepower to run everything. Not going to happen.

Look at a company like Tesla, great cars, electric powered, they can never make enough electricity out of solar to run cars like that for everyone, not with current technology. They still need massive amounts of power, OK so coal is out, it comes to natural gas power plants, is that any easier on the environment?


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #161 on: August 08, 2016, 10:18:48 PM »
You know I just figured out why Rachel increased the minimum wage. Those people will need that money to pay their utilities, they will never see a dime of it.  They will be just as poor as they were. The only reason it was done was to create another suck on business to support her communist agenda. The entire minimum wage increase will go to the carbon tax, pretty sneaky move.


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #162 on: August 09, 2016, 10:15:18 AM »
They can never get massive horsepower out of solar, not the kind of horsepower to run everything. Not going to happen.

Look at a company like Tesla, great cars, electric powered, they can never make enough electricity out of solar to run cars like that for everyone, not with current technology. They still need massive amounts of power, OK so coal is out, it comes to natural gas power plants, is that any easier on the environment?

Horse power is not everything, torque is a huge part of the equation. Tesla is opening the first phase of their Giga factory, which exists for the sole purpose of producing batteries for Tesla. No question there are challenges, and natural gas should be part of the equation, and frankly, nuclear also. In some parts of the world, they are making great strides with ocean wave and current electrical power. There are no magical, instant solutions.

But the reality is that the energy mix is quickly changing. That means we need to find a way to deal with that for our economy here in Alberta. I sure don't have the answer for that. Value added needs to happen more here. Why are we not producing not only the raw materials for plastics, but some of the finished goods here? What agricultural finished goods can be produce more of? What intellectual capacity can we use and develop here (ala Silicon Valley)?

Better minds than me will have to deal with that, but it does need to be dealt with. Alberta can't afford to become the buggy whip manufacturers of the 1800's.


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #163 on: August 09, 2016, 01:44:57 PM »
I found a great deal of stupidity in the comments last week when Lethbridge East NDP MLA called a local business owner "selfish".  Her response was in reference to his saying that he would be laying off staff as a result of the minimum wage increase.  On a radio interview, he indicated that the increase would cost him considerably more than the 15% in both wages & benefits.  As a result of our government's astute decision, he would be laying off staff, while at the same time, not affecting the service in his establishment.  Am I stupid in that I do not know that a business requires a profit margin to continue to exist, pay employees, and provide the owner/investor with a return on his investment? ::)


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #164 on: August 09, 2016, 05:14:16 PM »
Her response was in reference to his saying that he would be laying off staff as a result of the minimum wage increase.

Years ago one of our co's did lot's of fed. contract work, it was strictly piecework.  One day the secretary was aghast, stating I'd, "made 3000 dollars today, in ONE day!".  I tried to explain that I'd actually made about 300 bucks Gross, before taxes, stating the labor, transport and materials cost(not a small item);  and also it takes me minimum 3, more commonly 6-7 months to get paid and meanwhile I have to pay for the labor, transportation and materials at the end of the month.  She couldn't see past the gross and didn't seem capable of understanding expenses.

In my past experience dealing with gov't employee's that seems to be the norm.  All they know is their cheque shows up every second tuesday like magic, they deserve a raise every 6 months and banked sick days are paid holiday days to be used whenever they want.  When they read in the paper X company grossed X billions last year, they think that one person Made that much and must be punished for it because they should be paid the same.
That sounds facetious, it's not.  And that my friends is how the libs and dips get elected.


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #165 on: August 09, 2016, 05:26:59 PM »
Years ago one of our co's did lot's of fed. contract work, it was strictly piecework.  One day the secretary was aghast, stating I'd, "made 3000 dollars today, in ONE day!".  I tried to explain that I'd actually made about 300 bucks Gross, before taxes, stating the labor, transport and materials cost(not a small item);  and also it takes me minimum 3, more commonly 6-7 months to get paid and meanwhile I have to pay for the labor, transportation and materials at the end of the month.  She couldn't see past the gross and didn't seem capable of understanding expenses.

In my past experience dealing with gov't employee's that seems to be the norm.  All they know is their cheque shows up every second tuesday like magic, they deserve a raise every 6 months and banked sick days are paid holiday days to be used whenever they want.  When they read in the paper X company grossed X billions last year, they think that one person Made that much and must be punished for it because they should be paid the same.


One in Four of these tax fed people make up the labour market in Canada. In simple economics one quarter of the labour force in Canada lives off three quarters off the real labour force.  And this one quarter make a lot more money and benefits than the people who have equivalent employment.


That sounds facetious, it's not.  And that my friends is how the libs and dips get elected.


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #166 on: August 09, 2016, 05:28:44 PM »
Years ago one of our co's did lot's of fed. contract work, it was strictly piecework.  One day the secretary was aghast, stating I'd, "made 3000 dollars today, in ONE day!".  I tried to explain that I'd actually made about 300 bucks Gross, before taxes, stating the labor, transport and materials cost(not a small item);  and also it takes me minimum 3, more commonly 6-7 months to get paid and meanwhile I have to pay for the labor, transportation and materials at the end of the month.  She couldn't see past the gross and didn't seem capable of understanding expenses.

In my past experience dealing with gov't employee's that seems to be the norm.  All they know is their cheque shows up every second tuesday like magic, they deserve a raise every 6 months and banked sick days are paid holiday days to be used whenever they want.  When they read in the paper X company grossed X billions last year, they think that one person Made that much and must be punished for it because they should be paid the same.
That sounds facetious, it's not.  And that my friends is how the libs and dips get elected.

Yes indeed,, that elusive 1% that they must punish for being successful. I could never figure that out, so what if it is 1% that have most of the money what does it matter to me. They work for it, they run the businesses we all work at, they supply the world with needed employment what's the big deal. It bothers me none at all if that's the way it works. I'm happy , I get my share, I work hard for it, what's the big deal here.
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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #168 on: August 24, 2016, 07:04:57 PM »
      No matter how many times they hear they are hurting the economy, and no matter how many directions they hear it from Rachel Hood and her band of merry men/women will not stray from their ideological ways.  Just pay attention to some of the quotes from the NDP lately.

     They feel they are fighting the good fight and it's become more about not backing down than doing what's right to help Albertans.  I can't friggin believe these people. 
"Wolves don't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep"


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #170 on: August 27, 2016, 06:57:04 AM »

 A pause for reflection .

   As Harper stood down yesterday , he resigns at a time when this
    country is at a economic standstill . The new regimes would blame
    It on the right but so far the left has taken us into the crapper in record
     Time . Harper proved there is no use electing a changer in a soviet
      republic . Between Notley and girly boy we are heading back to 1950 s
       standards . Recessive depressive will be the atmosphere for many
        years .  I am afraid history will prove Harper to be the best PM in
         The last and the coming 100 yrs. I know I'm right because every
          Commie media rag is bad mouthing Steve , he must have been
          great for business . There is one thing for sure your kids , or their
           kids will never do as well in this country as You have !
             I hope they have a big party for him in Cowtown.
     I know Today there s a big parade in cowtown for that ---
       Trudeau . Maybe one of the Edmonton floats will run him over .
         You can only hope .
My motto


  and media ....


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #171 on: August 27, 2016, 08:18:34 AM »
A pause for reflection .

   As Harper stood down yesterday , he resigns at a time when this
    country is at a economic standstill . The new regimes would blame
    It on the right but so far the left has taken us into the crapper in record
     Time . Harper proved there is no use electing a changer in a soviet
      republic . Between Notley and girly boy we are heading back to 1950 s
       standards . Recessive depressive will be the atmosphere for many
        years .  I am afraid history will prove Harper to be the best PM in
         The last and the coming 100 yrs. I know I'm right because every
          Commie media rag is bad mouthing Steve , he must have been
          great for business . There is one thing for sure your kids , or their
           kids will never do as well in this country as You have !
             I hope they have a big party for him in Cowtown.
     I know Today there s a big parade in cowtown for that ---
       Trudeau . Maybe one of the Edmonton floats will run him over .
         You can only hope .

Here, here. Fully agree W101.
Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.

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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #172 on: August 27, 2016, 10:19:35 PM »
     Ya know it's always been apparent that the media holds a lot of power but when Harper lost that election it really hit home for me who is actually running the country.
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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #173 on: August 27, 2016, 10:26:55 PM »


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #174 on: August 28, 2016, 06:39:41 AM »
^^^  Only catch with that is awhile ago there was an article posted about the libs requesting google eliminate search results that placed positive things about him at the top of searches. 
Instead of reading how 2.0 destroyed everything Harper accomplished in less than 6 months perhaps we'll be reading how harper did all the damage and little justin saved the country while dodging sniper fire. 


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #175 on: August 28, 2016, 11:34:18 AM »

Harper is gone and Canada is back to:

A 70 cent dollar

All the public servants, old and new, happily squealing at their trough knowing they are not going to market during Justin's term.

Special interest groups again are front and centre.

Liberal elitism at it's best

And Albertans not even caring what is happening to them. That is something new.


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #176 on: August 28, 2016, 02:06:07 PM »
Don't worry, be happy, our "dear leaders", both federal & provincial know what is best for us, and will look after us with our money that they have already pissed away on anything and everything that is of no benefit to anyone but those that they seek re-election from!!!!


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #177 on: September 03, 2016, 03:30:43 PM »

Calgary Sun and the Wildrose..... I enjoy reading Rick Bell , I don't always concur.But he hit one out of the park here . I voted WR last time , first time I deviated from a PC vote , first time in 47 years. I can't figure out Brian
 Jean , is he happy with opposition for life , is he just not that sharp , not
 A team player or deer in the headlights syndrome, and Kenney is driving
 A Kenworth . Here in Okotoks the WR won handily but immediately our guy
  Lost the power of speech but he did gained the ability to disappear.
     Even I understand that this isn't your Dad s society , too bad but that's
   Reality . So , beating women jokes , really , I thought it was funny but I'm already in main minority . Hunter , Fisher , redneck , etc etc . Brian only
  Has one job to bring Alberta back to the right ....

  I'm not inspired , GO Jason .
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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #178 on: September 03, 2016, 06:40:08 PM »

 Is the upcoming climate change war the undoing of this country .
  Throwing your tax dollars at the target seems to be the national
   Political past time.

 Love the picture .....soon to be the most vilified people in this country .
  Makes you understand Harper is and was the only sane politician .
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  and media ....


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