Author Topic: Environment, Economy, Politics.  (Read 103305 times)


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #320 on: March 01, 2017, 09:10:33 PM »
CBC makes me puke.  Biggest mistake Harper ever made was not dismantling them.
Corus Radio is bad too. 
There is a guy named "Dave" that comments on 630 Ched news articles and boy is he hard on the lefties.... ;) ;D
I think I see a rip in the social fabric, Brother can you spare some ammo?
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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #321 on: March 01, 2017, 09:43:38 PM »
CBC makes me puke.  Biggest mistake Harper ever made was not dismantling them.
Corus Radio is bad too. 
There is a guy named "Dave" that comments on 630 Ched news articles and boy is he hard on the lefties.... ;) ;D

I quit listening to 630 CHED when they cut out Nicki Fordinski..

Nicky: "You know, I'm a lot smarter than some people think!"
Girl:  "How did you find that out, Nicky?"
Nicky: "I had a test lately, and got an A+ on it!"
Girl:  "Wow, Nicky. That's impressive. What kind of test was it?"
Nicky: "Oh, it was a blood test!"


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #322 on: March 01, 2017, 10:06:38 PM »


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #323 on: March 02, 2017, 05:52:02 AM »
^^^^  All of us who haven't need to spend 15 bucks and buy a membership in the CPC;  vote for him.

Otherwise oleary will win.  'Least that's what the poll's say, for what they're worth.

Not saying there aren't other worthy candidates, there are.  Lemeux and Trot for eg. 

Just basing on the polls currently oleary and bernier and 1 and 2 by a healthy margin, lemeux is 3rd currently and also has a sizeable lead over the other's.

Need to lose about 8 or 10 hopefulls to clear the field so one of the remaining will rise to the occasion.

Again, that's just polls.


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #324 on: March 02, 2017, 05:56:28 AM »
Also, read this morning cbc advertisers are jumping ship;  they're advertisers have dropped by something like 62%.

Tells me advertisers are seeing that the listening public is seeing them for what they are.  Made my day.

It was on rebelmedia.


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #325 on: March 02, 2017, 06:56:41 AM »
Maxime is sure saying the right things that's for sure. I was an O'Leary guy at the start but he has lost my attention. He is a business man and has good business ideas but there is more to running a country than just the business end. The social issues are what most people are interested in. Does anybody know what O'Leary's stance on any social issues are, I don't, and I watch this stuff.
I have yet to receive an answer to my letter I sent into the O'Leary camp on their stance on gun ownership. I guess they have no time for me so I guess I have no time for them it's that simple. O'Leary is bidding his time until he sees what the majority consensus is on these issues then he will way in. I have no time for people like this. Let us know what your stance is off the hop, not what you think will get you elected. Pussy footin politics I hate it.

  Maxime is the man we want.
Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.

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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #327 on: March 03, 2017, 06:55:41 AM »

 I am with you , I came out solid Maxime . I think a conservative leader
  at this time should be truly bilingual , and strong conservative BI MP s
  running in Quebec . This is the reality if we want to oust Trudeau .
  Max s stand on firearms is important to me as well . We don't need
   our own side show bob up here , so Kevin s out with me !
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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #328 on: March 03, 2017, 07:50:46 AM »
I am not ready to give up on O'Leary yet.

Just a couple of thoughts:

  • I could care less if the PM speaks French.  Most of Canada speaks English and Trudeau refuses to speak English at times.  Why cater to Quebec except for votes, that is the only catch.
  • For me financial conservatism is king.  For the most part I try to ignore the social engineering attempts by our politicians.
  • I will wait to see if O'Leary straightens out his stance on guns.
I think I see a rip in the social fabric, Brother can you spare some ammo?
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Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.

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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #330 on: March 03, 2017, 08:52:42 PM »

  PEEL school board meeting in Ontario . School trustees
   public servants ......Don't make me laugh .....

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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #331 on: March 04, 2017, 06:03:17 AM »
Boils my blood, smug elitist thinking they can shut down free speech. I had an incident like that once years ago when my kids where is school. One of their teacher told the class that anyone that owned a gun was a enemy to Canada. Myself and a few other parents went in to meet with the Principal, he basically gave us a lecture, then said the meeting was over. We ended up going to the school board meeting and about twice as many parents showed up. We then got an apology from the board. This was in a small rural community and the teacher was on a one year contract. He did not come back the next year, and the principal left the n year after that, over another incident that was not gun related.  I was told once by a university student that worked part time for me, that university people are the ten percent of the population that needs to do the thinking for the other 90% as they where incapable of  leading on their own. He worked for me after he graduated for a while, but never in a leadership role. (he never knew that I had a university degree and was a Red Seal mechanic) farm raised and a blue collar to the end :D.   


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #332 on: March 04, 2017, 10:15:45 AM »
My blood is boiling right now.
Listening to that piece of shit Liberal Ralph Goodale defend the bloody migration of Somali's and Syrians pouring across our borders on foot.
What a disgusting trader of a man this prick is to our country.  I would punch him in the face and go to jail if I was there.
Our country is being thrown in the garbage by these f'n Liberals.
Sorry for the language but if you can't get fired up about this, then you don't care about our country and our forefathers.

I think I see a rip in the social fabric, Brother can you spare some ammo?
Gettin' down on the mountain, gettin' down on the mountain


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #333 on: March 04, 2017, 11:22:31 AM »
These are not, "refugee's", they're not, "immigrants", they are ILLEGAL ALIENS.

As I understand a little over a week ago it was 175 to date.  Wait till the weather warms up.

History shows us what happens to country's that do not defend their borders.   This will Not end well.  We effectively have no border, and our gov't is not only ineffectual it could actually be said it is working Against the interests of Canada and Canadians.

Sunny ways..........


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #334 on: March 04, 2017, 12:06:42 PM »
Illegal Alien. Hmmm. :)

One would think the CBC would be playing this video back to back. ;D

There was this other forum I was on that would not allow this video, and gave me a warning. Ha Ha Ha Ha. ;)

« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 12:08:39 PM by greylynx »


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #335 on: March 04, 2017, 01:16:21 PM »

Really Grey ....your on another forum ! A little levity lol.

 I have some relatives and friends in Southeastern Manitoba.
  They are the ones with the signs .....

    " illegal Aliens passage to Ontario " This is nothing wait
     Until you don't have to have a visa from Mexico .....Hasta la vista
      Baby . And you all know the answer ,C4 filled piņata .
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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #336 on: March 04, 2017, 01:32:52 PM »

Phase 5 - Influence gullable liberals and get into politics.
Phase 6 - Institute Sharia law.
Phase 7 - Call Canada a Muslim nation.
Phase 8 - 3rd world craphole.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 01:35:10 PM by AxeMan »
I think I see a rip in the social fabric, Brother can you spare some ammo?
Gettin' down on the mountain, gettin' down on the mountain


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #337 on: March 04, 2017, 01:42:13 PM »
We're going to end up just like Europe. :(


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #338 on: March 04, 2017, 07:22:18 PM »
 W 101

Manitoba can be a pretty rough place to live in Canadian Terms.

With the good folks of Manitoba that abound, the province would be a good place to train to be a new Canadian.

I know that farm labour is darn hard to get from Manitoba to B.C.

Do you think any of our new Emerson invitees might stay on in Manitoba to help build this country and Manitoba with farm labour?

Or, will they head to the nearest city ghetto to live off welfare?  Welfare that is paid by Manitoba and other western farm folks.

« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 07:32:07 PM by greylynx »


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #339 on: March 04, 2017, 07:32:56 PM »

I doubt the weather will be to their liking  . That's Mennonite country
 Mexican and otherwise ....I think they will go where there communities
  Are Edmonton and Toronto .
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