Author Topic: Environment, Economy, Politics.  (Read 103244 times)


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #740 on: February 13, 2018, 07:13:55 AM »

 Happy Pancake day .....

Another retired guy called me to watch Question
period on CPAC yesterday ....
 It was kick the shit out of Trudeau day ...
  Another thing I noticed , to get elected in
   Quebec you have to be old , overweight,
     female with unusual facial growth ...
     I called this when it happened  , slimey , slimey ..

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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #741 on: February 14, 2018, 10:39:37 AM »

 Happy Valentines Day ...

   The whole truth and nuttin but the truth.....

    The facts about the incident


"MURDERER!" They yelled as the verdict was read.
> "RACISTS!" They said, to those who agreed with the verdict.
> But lets back track a little bit here.
> Colten had been drinking. That's a fact. The other people in the car had been drinking. That's a fact. They admitted to it. There was a loaded weapon in the vehicle. That's a fact. They had just come from a different farm, after stealing stuff from it. That's a fact. One person in the car tried to steal an ATV. That's a fact. The people in the car admitted to lying under oath. That's a fact. The others in the car admitted to attacking Stanley's wife. That's assault. A scuffle ensued, and due to some unfortunate circumstances, Colten paid the ultimate price, due to his own, and his friends, poor choices.
> Agreeing with the verdict, doesn't make me a racist. It makes me a realist.
> The economy has been in the crapper for the last what, 3 years? 4 years? And in that same amount of time, the crime rate has spiked substantially, especially rural crime. Look at it locally, when those 3 women were killed after being T-Boned by a vehicle that was stolen in town, and then went to a rural area, cased out some places, and then was reported and chased from a rural area home. These criminals know that the response time for police to get to a rural area, is astronomical, and they're using that to their advantage. And if they do get caught, they get a slap on the wrist. Steal a truck and wreck it? Pfft, 3 months in jail and probation. You've learned your lesson, now don't do it again young man!
> People are getting fed up. They're getting fed up with their vehicles getting stolen. They're getting fed up with their houses being broken into. They're getting fed up with criminals. And that's what Colten and his friends decided to do that day. Be criminals.
> Now, have you noticed that not once, have I mentioned race? That's because race doesn't matter in a case like this. What matters are actions. To Quote Sir Isaac Newton, "To every action there is always an equal and opposite or contrary, reaction." Now, he was talking about Physics in that general statement, but the meaning is the same, I feel for this situation. And the actions carried out by Colten and his friends, resulted in an opposite reaction, in the form of a man defending his property, and his family.
> The ones playing the race card, are also playing the victim card. "If Colten was white, and Stanley was Native, he'd be in jail." No. He wouldn't. If the cards played the same, but the races were reversed, It would have played out very similar.
> "Why weren't there any indigenous people on the jury?" I actually have an answer for this one. There were WELL over 100 people interviewed for possible Jury Duty for this case. I had a couple friends that were summoned for Jury Duty. And they both told me the same thing. Now, quick run down about Jury Duty. You have to be impartial. You cannot side with either party, you have to rely solely on the facts presented to the argument. Both of my friends said the same thing. During the interview process, while in the waiting area, EVERY indigenous person present, were talking to each other, and saying how they wanted to hang Stanley.
> That's not impartial. (And it's not something you openly talk about, when officers are all around you, relaying that information to the lawyers and judge.)
> (Follow up, neither of my friends were selected for Jury Duty, as they felt that they'd be partial to siding with Stanley. Good on them for the honesty.)
> Is it sad what happened? Yes, Absolutely. No family should experience a loss like this. Is it Stanley's fault it happened? No, absolutely not. Stanley didn't invite them onto his farm. He didn't tell them to steal his stuff. He didn't say they could have his ATV. He didn't provide them with the alcohol that made their B.A.C. 3+ times the legal limit. Stanley was protecting himself, his family, and his property, from the threat of some criminals.
> End of Story.
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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #742 on: February 14, 2018, 11:03:17 AM »

I wonder if and how the liberals might turn this dog and pony race show also into a gun control (aka. confiscation) issue.


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #743 on: February 14, 2018, 03:40:56 PM »
In my eyes the best thing that could have happened for Stanley's case is when Justin bone head and his puppet minister piped off. How on Gods green earth can there be a trial now. The highest voice in the country has given the verdict and his preferred outcome on it. It would be ludicrous to think they could have an up partial hearing on the case now.
Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.

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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #744 on: February 14, 2018, 03:59:16 PM »
Sent what w101 posted with a letter to mcleans and ctv.  Many high profile lawyers seem to be pretty disgusted with the gov't rep's trying to undermine confidence in the judicial system, and rightly so.
If people believe leftard politicians can meddle with the outcome of a trial there simply is no law, period.  (there's a word for that)

I'll just leave this here:

He still has firearm charges coming up and the media is non stop spewing lies and completely omitting the facts, as are their useful idiots.  (a couple politicians come to mind, for eg)


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #745 on: February 14, 2018, 04:00:10 PM »
More bad news , will it never end ?
 So much for me and politics.

 " This poor kid doesn't even know it yet , but

    he just screwed up any chance, he might have had

    of getting into politics ...."
« Last Edit: February 14, 2018, 04:05:26 PM by W101 »
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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #746 on: February 14, 2018, 05:45:33 PM »
Trudeau has already botched any chance at an appeal, but why the hell should there be an appeal.  Stanley had his trial fair and square and was found not guilty.  Just because the natives don't like it, too bad.  Appeals are based on miscarriage of justice....not minority public opinion.

Only new trials in this case should be perjury, theft, drunk driving, firearms, and assault charges on the other natives that were in that car.
I think I see a rip in the social fabric, Brother can you spare some ammo?
Gettin' down on the mountain, gettin' down on the mountain


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #747 on: February 14, 2018, 06:29:44 PM »
Tne Stanley news cycle case is almost over. 

What will the liberal news media bring up next to satisfy the "low information population" of Canada.

One of these days a decision will have to be made by Mr. Trudeau about pipeline access. But not for now.

What will be next week's diversion for Justin, while Albertans suffer under NEP2? An NEP2 created by the son of PET-NEP1. Go figure.

P.S. Stanley still has firearm charges against him. Let us see if Justunias Trudueus and his henchmen will nail Gerald to the cross. To the cross even under mitigating circumstances which I believe are part of the Criminal Code. Correct me if I am wrong on the mitigating circumstances.

« Last Edit: February 14, 2018, 06:39:59 PM by greylynx »


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #748 on: February 16, 2018, 08:32:26 PM »
 I have just one question,,...

  Are you now or have you been an agent
   Of the Soviet Union whose mission is to
    corrupt Social media , government programs
    And defame our politicians .
     Apparently this what has been going on in the
      USA ..
      My first thought was ,you mean our PM is actually
       smart .....naw...too Bizzaro World .   

    So there is a chance that when making verbal interaction on line .
     there is a possibility that Bigfisherman is a 300 lb. rusky named Sweatlana ...

   Now this one I believe , we have this problem in Canada big time ...
    fake , payed protesters.....G20 s , idle no more , aboriginal road blocking .

  So Womens March , Russians ,     BLM ....Ruskies ,  Pride parades ....Russians
    Millions spent .....the Donald ...Genius
« Last Edit: February 18, 2018, 07:24:42 AM by W101 »
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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #749 on: February 22, 2018, 09:34:41 AM »
 Have you any doubt that our boy Trudeau is not a total knob ...
   or Quebecer ....A bigger knob is his long time advisor Gerald Buttz

  I like most Canadians couldn't give a rats ass about India ....Prior to living
   in Gods country, I lived in Surrey BC at the south end of Scott Road .
   The only place there are more Sikhs in the world is in Mumbai .
    I wore my own Kirpan ....

     Newspaper columnist Ajit Datt in India ..superb column

Justin Trudeau is a mascot of everything that is wrong with the world today. From being at the forefront of encouraging every degeneracy to welcoming radicalism into his homeland, from cheap gimmicks of tokenism to attempts at creating a culture of politically correct absurdities, the stink of his leftist hypocrisy wafts far and wide. As citizen of India, I could not care less if the elected leader of Canada seeks to drive his nation to the dumps. But where it has an adverse effect on my country is where I choose to draw the line.“
« Last Edit: February 22, 2018, 10:13:18 AM by W101 »
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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #750 on: February 22, 2018, 10:22:35 AM »
Yup,  Trudeau is so incompetent he even manages to botch his India holiday.  Ya, another holiday on our dime!
Again, he manages to throw his support behind criminals and terrorists.  See a trend here.
He really pissed off the Indian government.

Not a mistake like he is claiming either.  His very own Liberal MP Randeep Sarai from Surrey invited this criminal (Jaspal Atwal), who was convicted of the attempted murder of an Indian cabinet minister, Malkiat Singh Sidhu, on Vancouver Island in 1986.
And even his dear wife Sophie and star cabinet minister Amarjeet Sohi (another criminal) felt is necessary to get selfies taken with this convicted criminal while on this holiday junket this week.

Take responsibility, Justine.  Don't run away from the media there, you botched it.

Justine ran away to India when things were heating up for him on the pipeline issue because he really doesn't support pipelines but is forced to look like does.
What does he do, runs away to India and looks like a fool there too.


« Last Edit: February 22, 2018, 10:29:10 AM by AxeMan »
I think I see a rip in the social fabric, Brother can you spare some ammo?
Gettin' down on the mountain, gettin' down on the mountain


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #751 on: February 22, 2018, 12:19:28 PM »
And here is a Trudeau bullshit statement on the India trip embarrassment.

"Obviously we take this situation extremely seriously," Trudeau said. "The individual in question never should have received an invitation and as soon as we found out, we rescinded the invitation immediately. The member of Parliament who included this individual has and will assume full responsibility for his actions."

Complete bullshyt!  Meanwhile his wife Sophie is posing and taking selfies with the convicted criminal.  So was his very own cabinet minister Sohi.  He knew full well this guy was invited.  Keep up lying to the world Justine, you are toast.

Justine, better put a leash on your wife when you on these "government business" trips....ya right.  More like a weird cosplay costume party trip.
I think I see a rip in the social fabric, Brother can you spare some ammo?
Gettin' down on the mountain, gettin' down on the mountain


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #752 on: February 22, 2018, 05:17:43 PM »
Every time the Justin Trudeau family goes on a holiday and I look at the media pictures I think of this song.  :)

« Last Edit: February 22, 2018, 06:19:11 PM by greylynx »

Hammer spur

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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #753 on: February 22, 2018, 07:02:31 PM »
If you were a r.c.m.p member involved with high river you are a disgrace to the uniform and a traitor to the citizens of this country.


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #754 on: February 23, 2018, 11:27:52 AM »
Can someone explain the reason for him and his family to dress in full Indian garb? Whats wrong with a nice business suit for our Prime minister and sharp looking clothes for his family? I rolled my eyes so hard I went blind when I seen those pics.

 And he invites an accused assassin to the party. Then gets caught and says he didn't know. I used to think Chretien was the worst laughing stock of a PM, not anymore.


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #755 on: February 23, 2018, 05:23:27 PM »
What an embarrassment hey,, lol, a real goofball.
Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.

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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #756 on: February 23, 2018, 05:59:06 PM »

Another reference to Hammerspur's post.  Thanks for the pictures. :)


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #757 on: February 24, 2018, 11:27:35 AM »
My Opinion - Notley and Kenney are both being tools.

The childish playground spat between Horgan and Notley and the bitumen vs wine BC ban is ridiculous.  Here is why.
Horgan is an idiot and doesn't even have the legal right to limit bitumen shipping.  It is Federal responsibility and Notley should be pressuring Trudeau, not BC wine producers.
It is clear that her carbon tax has failed miserably to promote any form of social license.  Her social license idea has failed even with her comrades, the NDP in BC.
Notley is using a group of working people in BC, the wine producers, as pawns.  They have no major skin in the bitumen battle, and it is them who are being punished along with Albertans now.  That battle should be focused on Trudeau, who has failed to act in any meaningful way.

Now we have Kenney, who is missing the opportunity to lambaste both Notley and Trudeau on their failed policies, by supporting the BC wine ban.

All this kindergarden spat is going to accomplish is building bad blood between average Albertan and BC residents.  I can foresee vehicles getting keyed or worse now just because they have Alberta plates while in BC.

Yes, Alberta bitumen is being held hostage by the BC NDP and Greens, but the Okanagan wine producers are not the culprit here.  Come on Notley and Kenney, can't you see it is really Trudeau here is the one that is failing here.  He has supported the carbon tax as the tool for building pipelines in the interest of all Canadians and it has failed.  Horgan needs to be taken to court and mandated Federal level pressure needs to be put on him.  How about withholding any Federal level money to BC until he completely complies.

I would also challenge all of these fools to perhaps take all of the wasted money on carbon tax fraud and put it to pipeline safety and spill detection and cleanup technology.  I would think a direct line of action like that may build some real social license.
I think I see a rip in the social fabric, Brother can you spare some ammo?
Gettin' down on the mountain, gettin' down on the mountain


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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #758 on: February 24, 2018, 12:51:31 PM »

 Now bear in mind ...McLeans Magazine is as left leaning a
  publication as is found anywhere on the planet . For them
   to deride JT this badly is an indication of where the country
    stands . I understand that for any half ass journalist to poke
     fun at La Famille Trudeau isn't a stretch of the grey cells .

    Made my day for sure !
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Re: Environment, Economy, Politics.
« Reply #759 on: February 24, 2018, 12:54:21 PM »
It's always the small pawns that pay. Kinder Morgan isn't going to lose any sleep really over these delays, they have 100's of other lines full to capacity and a waiting list to get on them. It's the small family ran operations along the line and in the welding shops through out both provinces, the family ran trucking companies, the rental businesses along the line in towns in BC and Alberta being effected by this delay. In BC it's the small wineries that will pay the biggest price for this lost revenue. It's never the stealing politicians or the billionaire trust funds that own these huge conglomerate companies that will pay anything. KM has rooms full of lawyers getting paid regardless what they are working on, it's minimal extra expense to them. You are right Axe,, it's our damn balless, spineless politicians that create this environment. All in the name of buying votes meanwhile working class families pay the price and lose business and homes.
Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.

Never run away a boy, When you can walk away a man