Looks like another great trip. Did you bring your own boat or just rent?The winter jacket was a bit surprising though .
Thanks guys. Glove have you fished on the ocean up there before in September? The morning and evenings are pretty chilly when the wind is blowing. The daytime highs were 15, we could see our breath even when the sun was shining. It always seems cold on the ocean when the wind is blowing. Lots of people with fishing guides even wear those full body mustang flotation suits up there. This isn't the Bahamas, it's the North Island. What do you wear this time of year out there... a thong? Haha. We brought our boat on the ferry. I'm not sure about rentals out there, probably wouldn't be cheap if there are.
No doubt living in California makes a person soft, but lets go ice fishing I'll be out there longer than anyone. Being on the ocean is very damp though, it's a different kind of cold. Goes right through you.So cost for the boat on the Ferry regular one way is 139.70 (my 22 foot trailer/boat). During the summer if you go wednesday night or saturday night it is only 2 bucks per foot. So one way we only payed 44 bucks and full price on way back. So it only cost about 180 bucks to bring the boat this time. My Yukon Gas mileage doesn't really change with pulling the boat, it's always terrible with the 6.2L engine. http://www.hardybayfishing.com/ratespage.htm So to get a similar size boat and engine power on this site is $210 per day for a 17 foot and 70 hp and no kicker. I'm not sure if they come with downriggers and equipment either.So we fished three days and decided to not go out the fourth, but could have. So that would have been $840 compared to our $180. Big difference. Bringing your own is always cheaper than renting if you're going for a few days. That's why most guys will haul their boats all the way from alberta to go salmon fishing. It is still cheaper than renting even in that case.
hey man. mind sharing where you stayed? we always stay at the same spot but would like options if we ever bring our own boat.