Did you get my text? Order it now, will be home before you. Order Pyrodex should be easier to ship.
50 yards..100 yards drops it about 12 inches...Is this normal?Round ball with 80grns of FFF
I do not have a mold for the 54 but I have one for the 50. I think it is around 500Gr in a mini ball with a hollow base. I find that it is about the best for me. I got the first hollow base lead bullets back in the 80's from I old guy here in town, and it took me a long time for me to find the same mold. If you can find one maybe my wife will cast a few for you to try.
Now try different powder charges. What are you using for powder 2f or 3f? You are just starting to play.
A 5 Inch group for a old guy like you with open sights is pretty good. Can you even see a hundred yards or is your wife telling you where to point the gun? When you get the 36 let me know I might come out just to see it shoot. Have not shot one since the 70's