Author Topic: Clamp down on OHV misuse.  (Read 11642 times)


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Clamp down on OHV misuse.
« on: April 18, 2013, 11:27:41 AM »

A couple articles in the "Mountaineer" (Rocky Mountain House paper) pointing to problems in the back country west of Rocky.

"THERE'S A CONSEQUENCE;  Irresponsible ATV and OHV operators damage habitat and make it difficult for the conscientious users. is one head line.

A fellow who was caught washing off his quad in a stream recently payed a $500.00 fine.

If you are one of those who like to play in the mud, better wash off your OHV at the car wash.  And you should always wash it off before taking mud and weed seeds to another area.

May long weekend is not that far off.  I wonder how many will die this year in OHV accidents?


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Re: Clamp down on OHV misuse.
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2013, 11:48:32 AM »
May long weekend is not that far off.  I wonder how many will die this year in OHV accidents?

Hopefully none.  Keep it safe out there guys, hopefully I will be sitting in a treestand waiting on a bear!!

I do like the headline, at least they recognize that there are only a few Quad owners that is making it bad for the rest of us.


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Re: Clamp down on OHV misuse.
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2013, 11:49:08 AM »
**** off !


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Re: Clamp down on OHV misuse.
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2013, 12:04:53 PM »


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Re: Clamp down on OHV misuse.
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2013, 12:32:51 PM »
Am I missing something??

Not you weste.

  Deer man I have gone back and looked at most of the posts you have made on this fourm not to much positive.  Your negativity drags me down time for me to walk away for a bit. 


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Re: Clamp down on OHV misuse.
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2013, 12:48:15 PM »

I thought it was totally positive.

Some people are very irresponsible in the way they use OHVs.  Is this not true?

There is and will be serious consequences for this.  Is this not a good thing?

Jimmy only if you like to wash your quad in a trout stream and misuse public lands, will you think this is a negative thread.


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Re: Clamp down on OHV misuse.
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2013, 01:22:57 PM »
I could never figure this one out.. A guy crosses a creek with his quad and he's public enemy number one. We have ranchers grazing cattle in those hills shittin in the water, pissin in the water herds walking up and down the banks tearing them up and stirring mud and grass into them,, but in someone's world this is ok.. Could just never rap my head around that. Many times I have went down trails behind a pack string of horses. Every wet spot was churned up and tore up, horse shit with god knows what disease may be in it spread over the trail. Yet behind my quad not barley a hint of a track left yet I am the bad guy.. Just blows my mind.

Abuse is abuse and I don't tolerate nor condone it,, but this wide brush all are painted with pisses me off.

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Re: Clamp down on OHV misuse.
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2013, 02:30:51 PM »
I could never figure this one out.. A guy crosses a creek with his quad and he's public enemy number one. We have ranchers grazing cattle in those hills shittin in the water, pissin in the water herds walking up and down the banks tearing them up and stirring mud and grass into them,, but in someone's world this is ok.. Could just never rap my head around that. Many times I have went down trails behind a pack string of horses. Every wet spot was churned up and tore up, horse shit with god knows what disease may be in it spread over the trail. Yet behind my quad not barley a hint of a track left yet I am the bad guy.. Just blows my mind.

Abuse is abuse and I don't tolerate nor condone it,, but this wide brush all are painted with pisses me off.

Not only cattle, pick any industry and it will have an effect on a stream. Every vehicle that crosses a bridge on any of the O & G / logging roads kicks up a ton of dust the settles in the creek.

The writings on the wall , there are big changes coming in the back country, at least on the Eastern slopes that or going to effect all users. It comes down to the sheer number of people utilizing the outdoors.


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Re: Clamp down on OHV misuse.
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2013, 03:06:06 PM »
Yet behind my quad not barley a hint of a track left yet I am the bad guy.. Just blows my mind

ITs not your one quad that's the issue. It's areas and trails that see hundreds of quads per weekend every weekend!!!
And they do leave a mark just as bad as any other user.
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Re: Clamp down on OHV misuse.
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2013, 03:42:26 PM »
Yah your right darcy,, from what I hear on here and just gather from people that go there some places are pretty bad. There definetly has to be restricted areas put in place on the eastern slopes.. And some major enforcement taking place of rules already in place.


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Re: Clamp down on OHV misuse.
« Reply #10 on: April 18, 2013, 03:57:36 PM »
Walleyes, there's a difference between natural waste and chemical waste and I'm sure that's what they are concerned about. It's the oil and gas that could leak in the creeks and effect spawning areas in a adverse direction.
I'm all for restricting ATV's from harming the environment. It's our play ground and if we don't respect it we'll sure enough loose it. I don't see anything wrong with this thread title or why Jimmy should tell Deerman to FO. Jimmy if Deerman bothers you that much don't read his post....... cut the crap. What do you think this is, a place to come and squabble with other members. I don't see Deerman being disrespectfull to any of you. Again, if you don't like his posts, don't read them. SIMPLE!!
« Last Edit: April 18, 2013, 03:59:39 PM by Tuc »


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Re: Clamp down on OHV misuse.
« Reply #11 on: April 18, 2013, 04:23:37 PM »
Walleyes, there's a difference between natural waste and chemical waste and I'm sure that's what they are concerned about. It's the oil and gas that could leak in the creeks and effect spawning areas in a adverse direction.
I'm all for restricting ATV's from harming the environment. It's our play ground and if we don't respect it we'll sure enough loose it. I don't see anything wrong with this thread title or why Jimmy should tell Deerman to FO. Jimmy if Deerman bothers you that much don't read his post....... cut the crap. What do you think this is, a place to come and squabble with other members. I don't see Deerman being disrespectfull to any of you. Again, if you don't like his posts, don't read them. SIMPLE!!

Please point out were I have ever squabbled with anyone on this forum?  Slurp up all the Deerman you can get if you like the taste.

« Last Edit: April 18, 2013, 04:35:35 PM by JIMMY 808 »


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Re: Clamp down on OHV misuse.
« Reply #12 on: April 18, 2013, 05:00:23 PM »
Walleyes, there's a difference between natural waste and chemical waste and I'm sure that's what they are concerned about. It's the oil and gas that could leak in the creeks and effect spawning areas in a adverse direction.
I'm all for restricting ATV's from harming the environment. It's our play ground and if we don't respect it we'll sure enough loose it. I don't see anything wrong with this thread title or why Jimmy should tell Deerman to FO. Jimmy if Deerman bothers you that much don't read his post....... cut the crap. What do you think this is, a place to come and squabble with other members. I don't see Deerman being disrespectfull to any of you. Again, if you don't like his posts, don't read them. SIMPLE!!

Well yes and no.. First off the minute little bit of gasoline that may somehow come off of a quad while passing throug a creek could hardly be considered harmfull, or the minute bit of oil off of an axle that may wash off into a creek would soon lodge itself on rocks or debris and evaporate and break down in the end causing little if any long term effect. The reality is we know what it is. Now you take some herd of cows that have been penned up all winter being fed hay that has been purchased from parts unkown across the country and all sorts of anti biotics that were shot into it over the spring vacination. Now we take that herd and release it into the wild to defacate those products into our local streams and water ways.. What do we have,, who knows !! Who knows what parisites are alive in that animal.  That's what scares me. Same as buddies horse what's in that horse that is being introduced into the wild ?? We don't know.. On one hand we know what we have on the other not a clue.. Think about it,, don't give it the old David Sazuki thought process but good old common sense..
« Last Edit: April 18, 2013, 05:02:13 PM by walleyes »


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Re: Clamp down on OHV misuse.
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2013, 05:11:35 PM »
One thing that I just don't understand..

You can not use ohv's in and around the Cardinale Divide just south of Cadomin...

But a few miles away it's ok to dig up the ground with P&H shovels and 240 ton haul trucks........hmmm. ???


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Re: Clamp down on OHV misuse.
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2013, 05:19:22 PM »
Walleyes, I did a little bit of a research on the effects that livestock have on rivers and streams and you are bad.

Manure, and wastewater containing manure, can severely harm river and stream ecosystems. Manure contains ammonia which is highly toxic to fish at low levels. Increased amounts of nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, from AFOs can cause algal blooms which block waterways and deplete oxygen as they decompose. This can kill fish and other aquatic organisms, devastating the entire aquatic food chain.

I see your point and now that I know this and the province allows livestock to run free in our mountains, I'd have to say the quad thing is a cash cow....unless of course your in there with the soap, rinse and wax, then you deserve the fine.


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Re: Clamp down on OHV misuse.
« Reply #15 on: April 18, 2013, 05:48:07 PM »
The biggest issue isn't the gas and oil off the bikes. How people wash their bikes is by ripping up and down the stream in the water. This intern tears up the stream bed. As well they will tear up feeder streams when playing in the mud. These are the big factors.
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Re: Clamp down on OHV misuse.
« Reply #16 on: April 18, 2013, 06:02:04 PM »
The biggest issue isn't the gas and oil off the bikes. How people wash their bikes is by ripping up and down the stream in the water. This intern tears up the stream bed. As well they will tear up feeder streams when playing in the mud. These are the big factors.

No doubt about it.. Now this takes us back to what we all say,, more laws is not whats needed its enforcement of the ones we have.

I would also like to know,, who decided that a few dimples in the mud from a quad tire is more intrusive than a pack string mess.. Why is one more offensive than the other,, just because its been around longer its better..

I will guarantee anyone one thing, I will take 3 or 4 guys back in the woods anyplace you can reasonably get with 4 machines and all the gear you need to stay a couple weeks. Someone can take in a pack string with 4 guys and all the gear you need for 2 weeks I guarantee I will leave no more or even less a foot print than that pack string.. Now yes we can get a group of idiots in there and make a heck of a mess but that's not me and my guys,, so why should I be punished.. You all know where I am going with this. One is no more intrusive than the other.. They stop me from taking my quad back in somewhere,, they damn well better stop John Wayne from taking his pack string back in there as well.


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Re: Clamp down on OHV misuse.
« Reply #17 on: April 18, 2013, 06:25:37 PM »
Good point walleyes and on that point..

No ohv in the Willmore but horses are ok,I know it's been like that for many many years but I'm starting to wonder if it's fair to the people who don't own horses or who can't afford a paid horseback hunt.


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Re: Clamp down on OHV misuse.
« Reply #18 on: April 18, 2013, 07:34:33 PM »
Actually Walleyes, there is a huge difference between the mess a pack string makes and that of the quads in places of high use which is far more than a few dimples! I'm a guilty as many for ripping up a mud hole on a quad but I've also ran pack strings of 20+ head of horses in many many areas. And I'd bet a years worth of wages that a group of weekend warriors at Chambers creek, Burnt Timber, waiprious, rigstreet, south and north fork of prarie creek and many other areas of west central Alberta will cause more damage than ten years of a pack string traveling an area. Just remember that many horse trails are from the early part of the 1900's.
They all cause damage and all need to be controlled but there is serious damage happening in places with the shear numbers of bikers and the ability of new high horsepower mud units.

I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

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Re: Clamp down on OHV misuse.
« Reply #19 on: April 18, 2013, 07:35:28 PM »
I always wanted to go into the Wilmore for a trip after them big bull elk. Now I hear there aren't that many of them anymore. Still nice country in there and amazing scenery, would be nice to see.