Author Topic: Clamp down on OHV misuse.  (Read 11638 times)


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Re: Clamp down on OHV misuse.
« Reply #60 on: April 26, 2013, 08:18:02 AM »
I'm tired of only one group getting the finger pointed at them by people such as yourself! There are hundreds of miles of oilfield roads that them and there ditches wash bad into creeks and streams as well there huge cut locks that have no vegetation for the whe year causing large amount of erosion that also enter streams! But the only source you guy finger and cry about are atv users! What about summer pipeline crossings? How about river crossings by oilfield and logging companies? They both put bridges in at all times of the year and disrupt stream banks and allow silt into the rivers. They cause way more issues in the way of silt in the streams but what gets the biggest coverage? Atvs!!!

You are right there are all sorts of causes of increased siltation.  However the sins of one do not excuse the sins of the other. - See more at:

Didn't you read that part of my post?  I ain't giving the finger to one group.  It seems you are saying that OHVs are one of the problems on the landscape and industrial activity is too and really increased horse use in the back country is causing damage as well.

And even anglers wadding over redds and destroying trout eggs is a problem that considerate anglers are starting to be concerned about.

Land managers and legislation is making changes in the way industrial activities on public lands are dealt with.

So lets look at doing something to correct each and every problem.  This thread was started as the result of one specific problem.

If OHV damage is much less than industrial, that is no reason to accept it and look the other way.


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Re: Clamp down on OHV misuse.
« Reply #61 on: April 26, 2013, 08:26:39 AM »
If you click on the pic it says Neils Land Cruiser,, I would supect it be Neil Waugh ???

And what stream do you "suspect" it is and what year do you "suspect" it is?

I think it is probably Neil Swarts or maybe Neil Mac Hine.


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Re: Clamp down on OHV misuse.
« Reply #62 on: April 26, 2013, 08:31:29 AM »
And what stream do you "suspect" it is and what year do you "suspect" it is?

I think it is probably Neil Swarts or maybe Neil Mac Hine.

Could be,, don't really care.. You started this thread for controversy just giving you what you want,, finger pointing and accusations. You should be happy.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2013, 08:33:08 AM by walleyes »


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Re: Clamp down on OHV misuse.
« Reply #63 on: April 26, 2013, 09:59:49 AM »
Could be,, don't really care.. You started this thread for controversy just giving you what you want,, finger pointing and accusations. You should be happy.

Another whack a mole thread by deerman duffy!
It does seem to be his favourite passtime.
Most guys that spend too much time on the couch, and have nothing better to do except wax eloquent about the things they don't have, and places they have never been, seem to be the ones that dream this stuff up the most.

Dinty Moore is to shooters, like spinach is to Popeye.
Hell of a thing, killing a deer. You take away all he's got, and all he's ever going to have.


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Re: Clamp down on OHV misuse.
« Reply #64 on: April 26, 2013, 03:39:51 PM »

I'd like to thank you guys for contributing so much to the thread.  Nice to have the benefit of your knowledge.


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Re: Clamp down on OHV misuse.
« Reply #65 on: April 26, 2013, 03:49:03 PM »
If you click on the pic it says Neils Land Cruiser,, I would supect it be Neil Waugh ???

Dang Walleyes you are a good internet detective.  I wouldn't of thought of that. LOL ;)