Wow what a beautiful day
started with a Spruce Grouse(got) that flew to the road as we came out of a lease
then down the road a couple miles I saw shape/color so I stopped and looked
bino's don't lie its a doe about 250yds down the road to the side
Out goes old Bill(75) and I passed him my gun(7mmMag) set at 250yd BDC
shot gone ...its a hit but it just barely made it into bush line but disappeared
3 more tails in bush vanished we hadn't seen ..just sit here and wait the hour I said
as we waited out .. Bill looked over to me and states
we sure are lucky to have the Privilege to be able to hunt in Canada
I agreed.. then saw another Wt come out and prance with tail up
Out goes Bill with my gun and shot gone(neck)
I give him a fist bump as he had decked it ..that's 2 ... I said
lets drive over there as I think the other is dead too
2 of his 3 WT tags filled 15yds into bush
2 Old Guys having fun

ps the 3rd n 4th deer looked like this ../roflmao ;;;;