Hunted hard the last two days since opening of bowseason here on Vancouver Island and finally sealed the deal this mornin at 6:55am. Had limited time this mornin and hunting from the tree wasnt workin for me so I decided to hike the slash close to home. Come up over a rise in on an old de-activated logging road and spot a set of 2x2 antlers in the slash - put the stalk on him with the help of a burn pile for cover and close the distance to 20yards! Still no shot due to the thick westcoast vegetation, so I crawl up the burn pile for some elevation. At this point he hears me and is looking my way - I freeze and he resumes browsing! Still no shot, so I wait a minute or two till I have a window through the ferns at his vitals - then let my Darkhorse Stud go! Buck jumps, hunched up and books it for the tree line - watch him jump a log then stumble on the landing, staggers then tips over in the bush! The DZ-32 pushed the PX2 tipped Stud through ribs and the offside shoulder! Nothin like watching them go down! Didn't make it more than 20yards, had I not seen it the blood trail was crazy!!! Pressures off and now I can afford to be picky with my second! This guy is going to be tasty for sure!!
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