Went out yesterday with the wife to try and fill the last two tags I have.
We were looking for a whitetail doe and a buck to round out the season.
We saw a ton of mule deer as they seemed to have moved into my favorite area and the whitetail deer herd were just not happening.
Late in the day we were parked watching a hillside waiting for the deer that I new were bedded to come down to feed.
All of a sudden two whitetail deer came out from a drainage that I was not prepared for and started to walk towards us and catching us out of position.
When they were down in a depression I made a move to get in front of them to get a good look to determine whether indeed I wanted to take one of them.I was hoping to take a doe as I wanted to save the buck tag for when my bud comes out next week for mule deer.
As it hapenned both deer were young bucks to what looked like a yearling spike/fork and a retarded one antlered 2 1/2 year old four point.
As I moved to get into position the yearling busted me and they started to move back up the hillside towards the drainage they came from. I quickly got on the shooting sticks and lined up on the larger of the two deer ( Ricky Retardo) and knew from pre-ranging that he was in the 300 to 350 range distance.The 280 barked and he dropped and started to do the funky chicken dance and the jig was up.
Deer down!!
Before all the dickheads start harping on me about the age class and size, I am first and foremost a meat hunter not a trophy hunter.
I feed myself and other families in the community with the animals I harvest.
My wife said it was cruel to call him retarded so we named him "Elliot" after the misfit deer from the movie " Open Season "
Elliot the misfit whitetail deer
2014 one antlered whitetail buck.

And as some of you know....most deer look small compared to me because I am a bit on the large size. :kewl: