No need to alternate years. Just need like some BC zoned and have split seasons. Branch antlered bulls for part of it up to 5pt and then straight 6pt. I think the harvest of the big breeding bulls has a bigger affect on calf mortality and herd numbers than anything else!!
Healthy bigger mature bulls support the largest antlers right? Typically the breeding bulls. And the ones taken out in a 6pt season!!! Ill leave that for a min. And go to beef cows. What do farmers and ranchers breed there cows to! The stronger healthy good genetic bulls as these throw the bigger healthier calves that are stronger, have better immune systems and can get up and get going better on average. Now take most of these top bulls out and allow lower quality bulls that throw smaller weaker calves that are more susceptible to disease and sickness as well as take longer to get up and get going. You now have a larger mortality rate and the herd does not grow. Now transfer this to elk. Take most of the breeding bulls out and let inferior bulls breed and you have the chance of smaller weaker calves in the spring. These calves can be slower getting up which adds predator harvests on them. As well as these calves are more likely not to survive early season storms and any bugs they may contract. As well you can possibly end up with more open cows due to the fact that they don't allow these other bulls to breed them. And with weaker calves you can have a larger chance of aborted calves due to the health of the animals. Now if your offspring aren't in numbers exceeding the yearly die off your heards can start to dwindle. That is why there is a rut!! So the healthiest strongest of the species can procreate to carry on healthy populations. Now harvest all them top breeders and tell me it's not going to cause an affect!!Just my opinion from what I've seen hunting 6pt zones since most were implemented and the same zones prior to 6pt seasons and talking to a few peopl of a ton more knowledge than I have!!
Didn’t Dr. Val Geist have an article a few years back that suggested some of the biggest bucks and bulls were inferior breeders (not necessarily inferior genetics) and it was for exactly that reason that they were able to survive the winters and grow their mass?It seems to me I read the article in Bugle Magazine a few years back and it contradicted a lot of what I would have believed.I found his observations astonishing and, objectively, they made a lot of sense. Regards, Mike
Wow am I ever surprised no one has commented on this!!!! It is a big discussion with a few Bio's and could be a future change to some areas. Thought a few hunters here would have an opinion!!
Full curl s far better than full draw!!!!!
A 2 year old 5 point may have better genetics than an 8 year old 6 point. So # of points doesn't necesarily make for a healthier calf.Also, a 5 point isn't genetically inferior to a 6 point, just has 1 less point. Doesn't make it less healthy. Just my thoughts. I have been wrong before.Anyways, back to my question, would the 5 point gene ever wipe out the 6 point in any certain zone. Or would natural migration take care of the abundance of 5 pointers?
I have an opinion. The 6 point rule for elk is just as stupid as the full curl rule for sheep. That's my opinion.