Author Topic: Alberta Advantage  (Read 2004 times)


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Alberta Advantage
« on: February 12, 2014, 10:08:25 AM »
I guess I will be next to be banned from this site as well. Just had to put my two cents in!
I am NOT Chris, I am his Dad. For some reason people on both sites choose to slander me as well???? (What in the world kind of keyboard moron does that for no reason??) Just so that I set the record straight(even though the keyboard complainers will ignore it) Chris made some mistakes and corrected as many as he could contrary to the posters that have NO PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE. He screwed up, one of the biggest complainers and fabricators screwed up (yes it is considered your screw up when your friend picked up items to deliver to you and then disappeared)
We ALL made mistakes in our youth but I know from personal experience and talking to many of Chris' satisfied clients that he runs a wonderful operation. So good of an operation that many past clients become personal friends. That only happens when you treat people right.
Learned from his mistakes, turned out to be a wonderful Husband, Father, Son and friend.
He is running a very succesful business that is growing due to great customer service, successful hunts and LOTS OF GOOD word of mouth from happy customers.
Shame on both forums for banning him, shame on them for deleting dozens of posts from forum members in support of his business and shame on all of the keyboard jockeys that made up so much of the garbage! Karma is wonderful! that is why Chris is successful and we will be falling down laughing at all the forum members from both sites that jumped on the bash Chris band wagon for no personal reason other than to be the big shots when Karma rises up and gives them what they deserve. Remember that when it happens to you!
Post all you want about this as I will not come back to this site to see any responses so it will make as much difference to me as all your garbage posts have made to Chris' business. Life goes on happy and successful and you will always be a wanna be!


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Re: Alberta Advantage
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2014, 10:30:19 AM »
Glad your proud of your son. Good luck!


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Re: Alberta Advantage
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2014, 01:23:24 PM »
Ain't that nice, coming from the father of a known crook!!!  I am very proud of my son as well, however, he did not hose anyone.  My son is a rather successful businessman in his own right, done properly.  Carry on pop - like father, like son.  Obviously the kid was one hell of an astute learner, as he probably had the best teacher!!!! ;D
« Last Edit: February 12, 2014, 01:50:34 PM by unclebuck »


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Re: Alberta Advantage
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2014, 03:04:31 PM »
Albertabound, didn't we shut down a thread about Chris already? Now you come in here a couple days later and start it right back up again. You are welcome to stay and contribute to the forum, with that said, if your only here to continue the drama you may as well leave too.

Post all you want about this as I will not come back to this site to see any responses so it will make as much difference to me as all your garbage posts have made to Chris' business. - See more at:;last_msg=31341#sthash.MdMVsg8t.dpuf
I'll look forward to that....