Author Topic: Alberta Caribou?  (Read 9888 times)


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Re: Alberta Caribou?
« Reply #40 on: March 16, 2013, 09:18:11 AM »

After a bit of google searching I found this from a Manitoba hunting regulations document.

Non-Indian people may accompany Indian people that are hunting or fishing, but may not help them to exercise their hunting or fishing rights. For example, non-Indian people could not set or lift nets, shoot an animal, carry a gun, search for or flush game, or take any meat, fish or animal parts. They could, however, assist in retrieval of game or transporting of game and fish while accompanying an Indian person. Similarly, licensed hunters and fishers can be accompanied by status Indians, but each may only exercise the rights accorded to them individually.

I kind of thought that Alberta had something similar in the wildlife Act / Regulations but could not find it.  This applies to being with an Indian who is not hunting under the authority of a resident hunting licence but are "exercising their treaty rights".

As stated above, if your friend has a win and wildlife certificate and appropriate licences and tags, they can borrow a gun from you if you are with them.  You also must be licenced if you are aiding them in their hunt.


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Re: Alberta Caribou?
« Reply #41 on: March 16, 2013, 10:20:11 AM »
Hmmm well if I can't aid in the hunt, but only in the retrieval, then how can I be within arms reach for him using my rifle? I can't teach him to identify tracks, game trails, rubs, food scrapes, scat, and beds if I'm not with him.

He wants to take all the courses and he wants to get his PAL. So I guess he will have to because this is kind of a double standard.

I think him and I will both have a sit down talk with F&W officer, or go too AHEIA when he takes his course and see if they can guide me in the right direction. I was considering mentoring for them last year and take their mentor training, but decided to mentor my own sisters instead.

 This is all most helpful. I won't be taking all info from the net to decide trust me. I need to see and hear it from someone who has the autority to take it all away or I won't be comfortable.
There's no delight by day or night, than hunting in the morn. -   William Roscoe Thayer

Joe Fehr

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Re: Alberta Caribou?
« Reply #42 on: March 16, 2013, 10:40:15 AM »
It's all in how you answer the questions asked also....... ???
If you are with them while they are hunting and assisting with retrieval only that is how you answer the question asked. If you do not have a firearm on your person I am sure that they will not press the issue at all.

I was asked this fall in BC if I was hunting, I had a rifle, fishing rod and up the Muskwa river with meat in my boat and a hunter in the boat. My answer was no, only asked to see if my rifle was unloaded, which it was. Rifle was for protection, fishing rod for fishing (didn't ask to see my fishing lic either), no more questions asked of me. I was within the law, so they left me alone.

Been asked in Alberta before also, if you say you aren't hunting and they can't prove 100% that you are they will leave you alone. But if they think you are breaking the law they will be all over you. Be honest and upfront and things go way easier......

That being said take them when you are legally entitled to hunt also and all questions will go away when you produce your hunting license. You can hunt the species on your license and they can hunt what they choose.... If you are teaching them then that is fine, I can't see a F&W officer giving you grief about it at all if you have a license to hunt.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2013, 10:43:23 AM by Joe Fehr »


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Re: Alberta Caribou?
« Reply #43 on: March 16, 2013, 11:58:42 AM »
Well, I guess I'm not wrong, according to Deerman's post. I did say hunt, which you are not allowed to do with a treaty indian hunting for subsistence, I retract my apology. Whatever!


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Re: Alberta Caribou?
« Reply #44 on: March 16, 2013, 12:02:39 PM »
After a bit of google searching I found this from a Manitoba hunting regulations document.

Non-Indian people may accompany Indian people that are hunting or fishing, but may not help them to exercise their hunting or fishing rights. For example, non-Indian people could not set or lift nets, shoot an animal, carry a gun, search for or flush game, or take any meat, fish or animal parts. They could, however, assist in retrieval of game or transporting of game and fish while accompanying an Indian person. Similarly, licensed hunters and fishers can be accompanied by status Indians, but each may only exercise the rights accorded to them individually.

I kind of thought that Alberta had something similar in the wildlife Act / Regulations but could not find it.  This applies to being with an Indian who is not hunting under the authority of a resident hunting licence but are "exercising their treaty rights".

As stated above, if your friend has a win and wildlife certificate and appropriate licences and tags, they can borrow a gun from you if you are with them.  You also must be licenced if you are aiding them in their hunt.

I would be cautious about things that duffy4 posts.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2013, 12:04:56 PM by Guido »

Joe Fehr

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Re: Alberta Caribou?
« Reply #45 on: March 16, 2013, 02:10:42 PM »
Is it not special treatment they get?  THat is our government being racist to all that are not indians....
I agree........
But then again the white male is the most discriminated against person in the world......
And we just take it........

Tuc - Comes down to you were wrong about being wrong........  :o
It's all in how people read and understand the rules and regs in the end......

walking buffalo

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Re: Alberta Caribou?
« Reply #46 on: March 16, 2013, 02:11:54 PM »
Well, I guess I'm not wrong, according to Deerman's post. I did say hunt, which you are not allowed to do with a treaty indian hunting for subsistence, I retract my apology. Whatever!

Are we discussing Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta? Provinces and Territories can and have made legislation valid for their jurisdiction. Deerman may be correct regarding Manitoba, but I assure you I am correct regarding Alberta. Saskatchewan has legislation that differs from both Alberta and Manitoba.


who are you refering to Dale? Also I am not wrong in my post. Go back to AO.....

102,  Brilliant reply.  ::)

 Naw, I think I'll stick around, maybe spend some time pointing out more of your specious posts.



 Joe has given you solid advice as well. It's great to hear of your desire to involve others with the hunting lifestyle. Just like on this or any forum, calling and asking F&W will often produce incorrect opinions. Make your inquiries in writing (email) and ask for the legislation to back up any restrictions claimed by the correspondant. Feel free to contact me if you need further direction regarding the legalese of hunting with your friend.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2013, 02:43:49 PM by walking buffalo »


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Re: Alberta Caribou?
« Reply #47 on: March 16, 2013, 02:32:01 PM »

 Joe has given you solid advice as well. It's great to hear of your desire to involve others with the hunting lifestyle. Just like on this or any forum, calling and asking F&W will often produce incorrect opinions. Make your inquiries in writing (email) and ask for the legislation to back up any restrictions claimed by the correspondant. Feel free to contact me if you need further direction regarding the legalese of hunting with your friend.

Thank you sir, I will for sure take all factors into consideration and I think having the legislation in hard copy to keep with me when we go will be a great asset if there's any issues.

I'm glad to hear you're going to stick around on AS. I think the purpose of a forum is to share all views and have dialogue (RESPECTFUL) between all. The more we understand about each other the better relationships we can build.

I hate to say this, but Canadians are experiencing right now from their government what I feel happened to the Natives back when we stripped them of culture, heritage, rights, and traditions. Now Canada's government is so hyped up on immigartion you're deemed racist to celebrate any Christian holidays. Heaven forbid you wish someone a Merry Christmas nowadays. There is no heritage or celebration in Canada anymore the way it use to be. Its bittersweet really. Its karma. Its just coming full circle.

I really try to not talk politics with everyone here as I still want to keep building bridges not putting up walls. We all have different opinions, backgrounds, beliefs, logistics, views, and hopefully what CONNECTS us all, is our love for the great outdoors, protecting our heritage of hunting and being anglers. Our love for wildlife and conservation. Let's not let attitude and ignorance get in the way of opening our minds to new ways of doing things. Lord knows that gets us nowhere....

I wish there was no segregation between our skin colour and what rights we get as a result of our bloodlines, but that's just the way it is. So let's put our big boy/girl pants on and just agree to disagree when its needed.

There's no denying that white man is the most hated on the planet and that's something we as caucasians need to take the high road and lead by example that we aren't all asses. That we are open to others, and not so stubborn we can turn our egos off for a second and accept reality for what it is.

Sorry to get into this. I guess I started this thread and thus need to "man-up" here. I hit a nerve on this topic but let's use it as an opportunity to learn not as an opportunity to throw stones. Please be kind to each other. Love everyone as though the won't be there tomorrow....

I hate racism on all fronts. Especially towards natives. Because they were here first. My family immigrated to Canada from the Netherlands in '52 and I am so blessed to be here and be fortunate enough to be Canadian. For those of you saying the government is racist to white people I'm kinda disappointed to read that :( its not racism. Its retrobution for a great deal of hurt and harm inflicted upon a once strong and prosperous independent People. There's a great deal of healing that needs to happen. And sadly, a lot has been erased from the history books. There is a lot the government has hid for many generations and doesn't want us "white" ppl to know.

Before you throw stones make sure you know a bit of the history behind the laws we have today.
There's no delight by day or night, than hunting in the morn. -   William Roscoe Thayer


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Re: Alberta Caribou?
« Reply #48 on: March 16, 2013, 02:59:02 PM »
We all hate racisim,, thats why we are againts the special treatment the Indians are getting. Don't want to get off topic but what do you mean the Indians were here first,, first from where,, oh yah Europe and there is much proof out there that Europeans and even some from the African continent visited here and inter bread over centuries.. Sorry the old I was here first thing can suck it,, it shoul be,, what have you done lately that garners any respect..

Sorry but since this last go round the Indians have pulled I lost all repect and sympathy for them..


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Re: Alberta Caribou?
« Reply #49 on: March 16, 2013, 04:16:23 PM »
I'm sorry but white men are not victims here of discrimination or racism by the government in MY OPINION. I just have to agree to disagree on this one.

Sorry I brought this up :(   

There are some in every group who give a bad name or representation. That's all I can say.

I can't get into this discussion any further.

There's no delight by day or night, than hunting in the morn. -   William Roscoe Thayer


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Re: Alberta Caribou?
« Reply #50 on: March 17, 2013, 12:25:27 PM »
who are you refering to Dale? Also I am not wrong in my post. Go back to AO.....
Real classy Justin, as always.  There's been alot of talk on this board lately about trying to boost membership and traffic.  Dick-head comments like this do nothing but turn people off.  I would think that the admin., mods and regular members here would want to encourage someone with WB's knowlege and expertise to stick around.  You, on the other hand, Why they allow you to continually spew this kind of crap (driving good people away) is beyond me...... ::)
« Last Edit: March 17, 2013, 12:27:59 PM by albertadave »


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Re: Alberta Caribou?
« Reply #51 on: March 17, 2013, 12:40:20 PM »
Real classy Justin, as always.  There's been alot of talk on this board lately about trying to boost membership and traffic.  Dick-head comments like this do nothing but turn people off.  I would think that the admin., mods and regular members here would want to encourage someone with WB's knowlege and expertise to stick around.  You, on the other hand, Why they allow you to continually spew this kind of crap (driving good people away) is beyond me...... ::)

Thanks albertadave....nice to know I'm not the only one who thinks that kinda attitude and negativity, and classless choice of words is unacceptable.

I've been so disgusted I'm wavering whether or not to even stay on this board. I'm so ashamed and embarassed he could talk that way to WB :( pure ignorance and no cooth.

True colours I guess. Real shame :(

There's no delight by day or night, than hunting in the morn. -   William Roscoe Thayer

Joe Fehr

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Re: Alberta Caribou?
« Reply #52 on: March 17, 2013, 12:46:01 PM »
Thanks albertadave....nice to know I'm not the only one who thinks that kinda attitude and negativity, and classless choice of words is unacceptable.

I've been so disgusted I'm wavering whether or not to even stay on this board. I'm so ashamed and embarassed he could talk that way to WB :( pure ignorance and no cooth.

True colours I guess. Real shame :(

Stick around, don't let one guy turn you off. This board needs some new members and loosing members doesn't help at all.....


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Re: Alberta Caribou?
« Reply #53 on: March 17, 2013, 12:46:30 PM »
First rule of project Mayhem is you don’t talk about project Mayhem.   


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Re: Alberta Caribou?
« Reply #54 on: March 17, 2013, 01:54:11 PM »
Justin I think this is one best to walk away from!!!

And Huntress don't leave for the unthought out comments of any of us members! Some of us just don't know when to shut our mouths!

Oh and Justin why do you insist on telling people to leave?? Seems to be an ongoing trend with you!! Everyone should be here and not be told to leave because you have an issue with them. Maybe you are part of the problem? Maybe it's time to mellow out a little.
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

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Re: Alberta Caribou?
« Reply #55 on: March 17, 2013, 02:03:46 PM »
LOL Jimmy808!

First rule about fight club....never talk about fight club!!!!

Love it. Ok. I'm staying and I hope WB does too. Cuz I think having everyone's input is crucial in any sort of social development. Its brain storming. Its a networking and sharing of ideas and ideologies. Its sharing experience.

That's what FN is all about! Passing on the tradition and the elders sharing their wisdom with the up and coming. I feel we lack that so much in todays 'fast world'. The tone feels selfish and entitled everywhere I go....its not just Calgary. Its everywhere. Some people say its the economy but I don't buy that. Its the instant gratification mentality and its a major turn off. The reason I LOVE this forum is its being founded by people who are willing to WORK for their fun, their food, their families....its awesome!!! I wish there was a million more like all of you!!!

But then there would be more hunter there's me being selfish and wanting the bush all to myself. But deep down we all want our kids to live this way too. And the longer we're at each others throats the more buzzkill its ruining it for their generations too. Buck stops here!!!

There's my female coming out. I don't have a dick to wave on here like I see some guys doing on you get this long winded womanness lol. I hope its good enough for y'all and we can agree to disagree when its necessary and we go around in circles.

Onus is on ME to do my research for hunting with my friend. Ill make sure I'm legal with hard copies of legislation relevant to ALBERTA only, as MB and wherever else doesn't do me any good. There's been some amazing feedback and a lot of great avenues of information for me to explore and I thank all of you for your input.

Happy Trails to all!

There's no delight by day or night, than hunting in the morn. -   William Roscoe Thayer


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Re: Alberta Caribou?
« Reply #56 on: March 17, 2013, 04:33:22 PM »
 Justin you have no right to tell someone to take a hike, you have been warned about your choice of words several times now and if any body takes a hike it's going to be you. You think your opinion is the only one that matters here, if someone disagrees with it you are all over them. Numerous members have stated how they felt about who should stay and who should go on this forum and I AGREE with THEM!!
Another warning Justin and if I got anything to do with it, it will be your last.......


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Re: Alberta Caribou?
« Reply #57 on: March 17, 2013, 04:52:00 PM »


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Re: Alberta Caribou?
« Reply #58 on: March 17, 2013, 04:59:31 PM »
You just don't know when to quit, do you?  Always gotta have the last word,eh Justin?  It's funny, I can't think of one single argument, or altercation, on this board that you haven't been right at the center of it.  Coincidence?  If there was one, I must have missed it.

Edit: And 15 minutes later, now you're going back and deleting your posts?  I guess you had second thoughts about mouthing off and swearing at Tuc?  Brutal.  You're pathetic dude.  LMAO.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2013, 05:11:15 PM by albertadave »


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Re: Alberta Caribou?
« Reply #59 on: March 17, 2013, 05:10:50 PM »
Hey folks , please ignore this guy.