Author Topic: Alberta Sheep Lottery??  (Read 2039 times)


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Alberta Sheep Lottery??
« on: June 14, 2011, 12:03:16 PM »
Has anyone heard more about Alberta Sheep going to a lottery system after the 2011 hunting season??


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Re: Alberta Sheep Lottery??
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2011, 01:31:51 PM »
Nothing has been finalized from what ive heard on what will take place for the 2012 season but from what I hear a lottery isnt in the works. From what was said at the Wild Sheep banquet meetings it sounds more like longer waits after harvest or straight draw(with priorities) like the other species but it could have changed since then.
They arent worried on total population numbers as they seem to be stable but they are concerned on the age structure of the rams, and how many are reaching mature status.
I have a copy of the power point presentation done at the banquet if anyone wants to see it. Its a little tough to follow but it shows what was covered about ages and populations.
Just pop me a PM with an email address and ill forward it.
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

Maximus Outdoor Adventures Prostaff

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Re: Alberta Sheep Lottery??
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2011, 08:59:23 AM »
For anyone who is a sheep fanatic if you get the chance next year be sure to check out the presentation before the banquet. It's a great place to learn some  info on sheep in our province.
Or borrow SG's cd of it!