Thx flatlander.. Still can't see where you found that but we will wait and be patient..
The first post in this thread by Bruce has a link to the mail out. It was supposed to be emailed to everyone but apparently some were missed. Hopefully it all goes smooth and on time. Here's the email I received.
Message from Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development
Important Information
ReLM 2 launches this month
After 16 years with the same sportfishing and hunting licensing system, the first phase of transition to a new system, ReLM 2, will begin on March 16, 2014. Provided by ACTIVE Network, the system will offer new and enhanced features as well as a new look and feel.
ACTIVE Network is a leading provider of activity and participant management solutions. It currently delivers fisheries and wildlife licensing services in over 23 jurisdictions across North America, including Saskatchewan and Ontario.
The new system is designed for convenience and ease of use, so we expect the transition to be straightforward. However, all licensing services between March 13 and March 16 (inclusive) will be unavailable as we transfer to the new system.
If you have previously purchased a licence online, you will need to re-register your WIN and password.
Key events
March 13
At 12:00 a.m. (midnight March 12), AlbertaReLM goes offline to begin changeover to new system
March 13–15 (inclusive)
No licensing sales available
March 15, 5:00 p.m.
Help desk reopens – number remains as 1-888-944-5494
March 17, 9:00 a.m.
The ReLM 2 licensing system and AlbertaReLM (website) go live
April 8–May 1
Special walleye draw applications may be purchased online at or at an Issuer for $3.04 (plus GST)
May 9, 2014–
March 6, 2015
Special walleye licences available for purchase online at Paper tags and wires available at local district offices
What will not change
You can purchase WIN Cards and licences and apply for draws online through or at an Issuer
The help desk number for all inquiries (including draw question inquiries) remains as
Help desk hours are seven days a week from 6:00 a.m. to midnight (mountain time)
WIN Card holders can either go online or visit an Issuer to purchase all fishing and hunting licences
No new fees will be charged
What will change
Interactive voice response (1–900) phone sales will be discontinued
AlbertaReLM, as a self-service e-commerce solution, will offer multiple licence purchases and shopping cart features
The new system is flexible and will make it easy to add new services relating to the management and allocation of Alberta’s fisheries and wildlife resources
Hunters and anglers will have new, robust harvest survey tools, enabling the collection of harvest and effort information
The tag colour will change from yellow to BRIGHT GREEN. Yellow tags are no longer valid – please destroy any left over from past seasons. For licences purchased online that require tags, they can be picked up at local district offices
Hunters who have submitted heads for chronic waste disease testing and require results should call:
In Edmonton: 780-638-3578
Toll free in Alberta: 310-0000 + office area code + telephone number
Roger's Wireless: *310 + office's area code + telephone number
Bell and Telus: #310 + office's area code + telephone number
Transition phases – highlights
For the 2014/15 season, specific licensing and services will progressively come online to meet seasonal demand. Complete hunter and angler information and purchase history will not be available until the end of Phase 4.
Phase 1 – March 16, 2014
Sportfishing licences, WIN Card purchases, spring bear, turkey, wolf and all associated licences and certificates will be available for purchase
WIN profiles with name, address, email, ID and phone number will be available
Phase 2 – starting mid-April 2014
Current draw priority information available
May – licence history available for 2012 and 2013
All draw applications available
Phase 3 – July/August 2014
Disease (chronic wasting disease) and Game Harvest Survey functionality released
Phase 4 – Fall 2014
Access to all licence purchase history information will be available
Frequently asked questions
When can I start using the new system?
A. You can begin using the new system on March 16, 2014.
How will tags be printed?
A. Tags will be essentially be the same as current online tags – on rolls and numbered, with adhesive and instructions to affix printed on the reverse. Preprinted tags will be provided at no cost. In 2014, tags will change from yellow to BRIGHT GREEN. You must complete the required areas on the tag.
Is there a support or help desk number I can call if I need assistance?
A. Yes, the same number used for support in the past will continue to be used: 1-888-944-5494.
Will I still be able to purchase online?
A. Yes, purchases are available both online and at Issuer locations.
Do I still need a WIN Card?
A. Yes, the WIN Card will remain a requirement of the licensing system for licence purchases.
Is the WIN Card changing?
A. No, the current WIN Card, with a 10-digit number, remains the same.
Once a new WIN Card or a renewal is applied for, how long does delivery take?
A. Expect delivery within approximately 20 days of ordering.
https://www.albertarelm.comhttp://mywildalberta.comOther resources
Alberta Hunting Regulations publication
Alberta Sportfishing Regulations publication
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Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development
Fish and Wildlife
9920-108 Street
Edmonton, AB T5K 2M4
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