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Alberta Sportsman Fishing and Hunting Forum
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An Odd Perspective on Ethics...
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Topic: An Odd Perspective on Ethics... (Read 1451 times)
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Posts: 185
An Odd Perspective on Ethics...
October 17, 2013, 04:57:42 PM »
Last night I sat in my ladder stand and watched a combine go back and forth in front of me all night. I was in the neighbors field (same place Im sitting now). Theres been 4 different bears and 18-20 Whitetails feeding here every night for a while (including the buck Im chasing). A couple times she passed within 50 yards of me and looked right at me. I waved but just got a stare back...which is odd because we get along awesome with our neighbors. Figured maybe she couldnt see me. I finally gave up and walked out about a half hour before dark cuz she was still combining.
So this afternoon I ran into her on the road and stopped to bs. I asked her if she saw me last night and she said she did. "oh" I said "I waved at you but thought maybe you didnt see me when you didnt wave back". She says "no I saw you but you shouldnt be hunting there". Confused as I have been hunting their land for years and just double checked my permission a few weeks ago I asked her why. "Because its not fair to hunt them (deer) in a field. Thats where they eat". This is a new one on me. I asked her what wasnt fair about hunting where they eat. "If they cant eat theyl all die. You should go try and sneak up on them in the bush like we used to, not hide in a tree and scare them away from their food!"
The ironic part about this is that just a few days before she was complaining that the bear & deer poop on the swaths was going to make for a less clean grain sample and lower prices for her oats. At this point Im writing it off to one of 2 things or perhaps a little of both: She is in her 80s and may be starting to show her age a bit or / and I think somebody else may have pissed her off recently because she was also complaining about arrows in the field.
Re: An Odd Perspective on Ethics...
Reply #1 on:
October 17, 2013, 06:47:35 PM »
Yah,, hard to,say with some people. Guess you have to,decide how important it is for you to hunt that land, sooner or later the old girl will probly refuse you access..
Full Member
Posts: 185
Re: An Odd Perspective on Ethics...
Reply #2 on:
October 17, 2013, 08:14:25 PM »
Na I doubt it. Its her son that runs the show over there. For her age shes always impressed me with how sharp she is, I really suspect that finding an arrow in one of the bales pissed her off and she was just venting without thinking. Odd that they would find an arrow as none of my guys have pulled the trigger in any of the fields here this year, Im guessing its either an old one (although I dont remember an instance here in several years when we didnt recover an arrow) or another yahoo trespassing road hunter that flung one at a deer. Gonna drop by tomorrow and take a peek at it.
Full Member
Posts: 185
Re: An Odd Perspective on Ethics...
Reply #3 on:
October 19, 2013, 04:11:29 PM »
Turns out it was one of my kids little fiberglass arrows lol. They must have flung one out of the yard into the field this summer lol. Shes still pissed but her son was all good lol.
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Alberta Sportsman Fishing and Hunting Forum
Alberta Sportsman and Outdoors Fishing or Hunting Discussion
Hunting in Alberta
An Odd Perspective on Ethics...