Author Topic: Another AF&GA resolution  (Read 1640 times)


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Another AF&GA resolution
« on: February 16, 2013, 09:43:49 AM »
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Alberta Fish and Game Association request that Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development and the Alberta Government take the necessary steps to change legislation so that non-resident aliens convicted of an offense under the Alberta Wildlife Act receive a lifetime ban from hunting in Alberta.

At first glance it may look like a good idea but our club discussed it and voted against it.

The "Brief" is not voted on or presented along with the resolution.  It is simply there to help explain the concept to the delegates at the conference.

BRIEF: Currently, non-resident aliens have more opportunities to hunt in Alberta than Alberta residents do especially where draws are involved. If a non-resident alien is convicted of an offense under the Alberta Wildlife Act they should not be allowed to hunt in Alberta.

Sounds like jealousy and spite to me.


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Re: Another AF&GA resolution
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2013, 03:10:48 PM »

There are 37 resolutions and a few "recommendations"

If I listed them all here and members of the board wanted to comment on each one it would make for a big confused thread indeed.

If you were a member of AF&GA you would have a list of them and could go to the conference as a voting delegate for your club and vote on them.


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Re: Another AF&GA resolution
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2013, 04:05:05 PM »

That is interesting.  If you are not a member of AF&GA how did you get a hold of a list of their resolutions for 2013?


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Re: Another AF&GA resolution
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2013, 05:17:39 PM »
How is this interesting?  I dont understand how hard it is to believe a guy can have a friend or two.   ::)
Maybe it's just hard for him to believe that YOU have a friend, or two. LOL