Author Topic: archery mule draw  (Read 9765 times)


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Re: archery mule draw
« Reply #20 on: December 21, 2012, 12:25:32 PM »
It's not fair if a person wants to hunt with a rifle only............... it helps limit the percentage of  wounding a deer with an arrow. Rifle shots at 40? Not happening! Get in the draw system and choose your's that simple. ;)

I'm pretty sure rifles wound more deer then bows do, especially cause there's 85% more of them. And you sound like a jealous boyfriend, if you can't have her, no one should.  Hunting with only rifle is your own choice and if you want to close doors, that's your problem.

When your truck breaks down, do you stay home, because you only want to drive? Or do you get out and walk?


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Re: archery mule draw
« Reply #21 on: December 21, 2012, 12:47:45 PM »
I'm pretty sure rifles wound more deer then bows do, especially cause there's 85% more of them. And you sound like a jealous boyfriend, if you can't have her, no one should.  Hunting with only rifle is your own choice and if you want to close doors, that's your problem.

When your truck breaks down, do you stay home, because you only want to drive? Or do you get out and walk?
Disagree with you....witnessed seeing, six deer to be exact, some still running around with arrows in them and some dead. Didn't find any with bullet holes in them as of yet.
I'm content with the changes that "may" arrive this coming hunting season and might have a chance to hunt a mule buck for a change. Their not a very wary animal like the elk or whitetail, maybe that's why their is a high percentage of bow kills. If so, then I guess bow hunters had their turn at the kick of the cat. Bow hunters can't have everything all of the time, greed is not good.........must share. ;)


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Re: archery mule draw
« Reply #22 on: December 21, 2012, 01:12:15 PM »
Disagree with you....witnessed seeing, six deer to be exact, some still running around with arrows in them and some dead. Didn't find any with bullet holes in them as of yet.
I'm content with the changes that "may" arrive this coming hunting season and might have a chance to hunt a mule buck for a change. Their not a very wary animal like the elk or whitetail, maybe that's why their is a high percentage of bow kills. If so, then I guess bow hunters had their turn at the kick of the cat. Bow hunters can't have everything all of the time, greed is not good.........must share. ;)

6 deer... Lol. Sure you did! Throw the your pics up.

 Be content all you want, be careful what you wish for! 8 years is a lot shorter than 12...... At least your an entertaining little fellow.

Oh and let's see your monster not so very wary mule deer. My favorite comment on the net, especially when it's followed by either no pic or a little 160 not very wary


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Re: archery mule draw
« Reply #23 on: December 21, 2012, 01:22:35 PM »
Disagree with you....witnessed seeing, six deer to be exact, some still running around with arrows in them and some dead. Didn't find any with bullet holes in them as of yet.
I'm content with the changes that "may" arrive this coming hunting season and might have a chance to hunt a mule buck for a change. Their not a very wary animal like the elk or whitetail, maybe that's why their is a high percentage of bow kills. If so, then I guess bow hunters had their turn at the kick of the cat. Bow hunters can't have everything all of the time, greed is not good.........must share. ;)

This is actually quite funny.  I hunt with both weapons and the amount of animals that I find dead/wounded is much higher during general seasons.  From gun hunters taking shots longer than they are capable of and not getting out to check if they hit the animals, to mistakenly shooting small bucks (spikes) to fill doe tags.  Both weapons have their issues with people takings shots outside of their capabilities and losing wounded animals.  Although, I guarantee the instances of accidentally shooting the wrong animals is significantly lower for bowhunters (near non-existant).


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Re: archery mule draw
« Reply #24 on: December 21, 2012, 01:30:43 PM »
First off your low numbers are incorrect.  They have not counted anything for many years in that zone. Greater than 5 years.  Also these tags mite become obsolete to outfitters and land owners as of this year.  But that is not my question. 

Why do you apply in this zone and not others??
I apply in a particular zone to hunt with friends.


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Re: archery mule draw
« Reply #25 on: December 21, 2012, 01:37:52 PM »
6 deer... Lol. Sure you did! Throw the your pics up.

 Be content all you want, be careful what you wish for! 8 years is a lot shorter than 12...... At least your an entertaining little fellow.

Oh and let's see your monster not so very wary mule deer. My favorite comment on the net, especially when it's followed by either no pic or a little 160 not very wary
Like I said, "I'm quite content". A 120, 160 or 200 point mule deer, or should I say, "dummist, dummer and dumb, dosen't matter, their grey matter is not like the elk or whitetail. The point is not who has the biggest deer, it's how many tags issued, who will get their draw?


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Re: archery mule draw
« Reply #26 on: December 21, 2012, 01:39:38 PM »
I call bullshit. Were are you getting your numbers as they are way wrong?? Also I was out rifle hunting ALL of that zone and saw zero dead or wounded deer.  Only dead dead I saw was a friends muledeer and wt he shot.

Still waiting for your answer to my question.
What zone are you referring to?


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Re: archery mule draw
« Reply #27 on: December 21, 2012, 01:44:01 PM »
You are spiking in 138 cause there are lots of deer there cause gun hunters have not slaughtered it yet do to low rifle tags.  That is why you are waiting to hunt there. No because you are waiting to hunt with freinds.
What are you getting at? What do you mean by spiking? What difference does it make where I apply. I apply for mule deer to hunt mule deer. Can I say it any more simple than that?
« Last Edit: December 21, 2012, 01:57:16 PM by BuckTracker »


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Re: archery mule draw
« Reply #28 on: December 21, 2012, 01:51:06 PM »
Only one zone in our province takes that long. As a priority 7 you would have drawn everywhere else.
I gave you the answer already, now repeat after me "huuuunt wiiiiiiiith friennnnnnnds". 


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Re: archery mule draw
« Reply #29 on: December 21, 2012, 02:07:46 PM »
Like I said, "I'm quite content". A 120, 160 or 200 point mule deer, or should I say, "dummist, dummer and dumb, dosen't matter, their grey matter is not like the elk or whitetail. The point is not who has the biggest deer, it's how many tags issued, who will get their draw?

If this is true, why are you applying for 138 in recent years.  Historically 138 has taken about 3-5 years to get drawn like many of the 100 zones and only crept up to 6-7 in 2011 and 2012.  Either you are 1 of 3 guys who were unfortunate to not get drawn for 3 consecutive years in that zone or you studied the summaries to calculate the worst case scenario province wide (my guess).  I am actually confused as to what your argument is even.  You had the oppurtunity to hunt antlered Mule Deer every year with a bow but now you are arguing to take away hunting oppurtunity for Alberta residents, an oppurtunity that you have as well.  Perhaps your next argument would be that hunting season should only be limited to the week that you can go.


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Re: archery mule draw
« Reply #30 on: December 21, 2012, 04:10:33 PM »
Well maybe ou and your friends should hunt in other places to quit your whining.  312 you can draw every year.  Hell I can give you land owners name and contact info you can kill a 170" mule ever year if size does not matter. But it does or you would be hunting elsewhere. Geeeeeet ittttttt.
I'm quite content where I apply, weather I get picked or not. Like I said before, there are other species to hunt other than a dumb mule deer, moreover; it's most satisfying that bow hunters have to apply from now on, I think........nothing is written in stone.  However, don't loose faith in the government system, I'm sure that you will be able to purchase doe tag's over the counter.
BTW, what priority do you have for mule deer buck?


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Re: archery mule draw
« Reply #31 on: December 21, 2012, 04:48:35 PM »
A lot more than you. Why worried about not drawing again?   Like I have said this draw does not affect me as much as you think it does. I will kill another 195"+ mule again with my bow next year.  Even if I have to draw a tag. Oh ya your bullshit draw is only for a few zones if it passes.  Maybe I will go guide 138 for the outfitter to screw up your hunt when you draw it.  Or maybe just go coyote hunt starting nov1 and only hunt then wed-sat till dec them move closer to home.  Lol. You are a very special person whom ever you are.  You should get are your FACTS straight before you start spouting off on here.
What facts are you talking about? All I said that there is going to be a fair playing field "if" bow hunters have to draw for mule deer. It will only become more fair once landowners and outfitters are obliged to apply as well. I don't know why you would bring-up the fact that you are going to kill a 195 mule deer. Does killing a high scoring mule deer make you more a man? Moreover, it is most illegal to interfer into one's hunt by guiding or hunting coyotes with intent to interfer.......................your not a very good role model for a bowhunter or hunter, period.
Well in the meantime I will wait for the regulations to come out and hope that it will shed light with equal legislative laws.


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Re: archery mule draw
« Reply #32 on: December 21, 2012, 07:53:25 PM »
Lol.  The facts and the numbers proving bow hunters are the problem. You are just a whining rifle hunter.  I hunt with both. I see we all loose not just bow hunters.  You just need to pull you head out of you ass to see that. All your post make you look like a TROLL.  Also I can guide or coyote hunt if I feal the need to.  If it screws up your hunt to bad.  I guess the video footage will make it look like I am just hunting.  So good luck with that crap.  Also when it comes to me shooting a big deer does not mean I am a big man.  I just proves I am a better hunter than you. So go back to your rock whom ever you are and troll there.
Looks like you can't control your emotions, moreover, you wouldn't be a very good role model for the ABA the way you talk to others, and not a very good sportsman. 

Also I am going to be joining the ABA and helping the fight against SRD and all others. I am probably going to go to the next meeting to be a big part of the fight with the real facts. Not just the same old poor me crap from a gun hunter whining cause he chose to wait 9-10 years for a tag.


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Re: archery mule draw
« Reply #33 on: December 21, 2012, 11:05:01 PM »
Like I said, "I'm quite content". A 120, 160 or 200 point mule deer, or should I say, "dummist, dummer and dumb, dosen't matter, their grey matter is not like the elk or whitetail. The point is not who has the biggest deer, it's how many tags issued, who will get their draw?

Lol ,   your really amusing!

So shooting mule deer at rifle ranges makes them  again post your pics of your dumb mule deer. Oh and size does matter, I've never heard anyone get out smarted by a fork horn......... and justinc is right, if size doesn't matter and you want to use your magic wand, there are zones you can hunt them on a general tag. Imagine that, every year you can out smart dumb muleys and shoot them at 800 yds.


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Re: archery mule draw
« Reply #34 on: December 22, 2012, 04:18:53 AM »
Lol.  I am a great sportsmen.  You want to screw with bow hunters. I figured you want to troll I could do the same with you.  As for emotions. That is what needs to happen as we as a whole are getting screwed and you and them are ok with it.  Well myself and many are not ok. But most don't have it to stand up for our selves. Well I sure do other than with someone with no facts of anything other than your opinion of oh poor mr gun hunter has it all so bad.
Like I said before, "bowhunters had their kick at the cat for many years", now it's time that they pay their dues like everyone else. Hopefully outfitters and landowners will follow suit. Go hunt a good old smart whitetail that scores 195 B&C instead of a dumb mule deer..........I bet you can't. Their out there, you just have to be smarter to hunt them.........alot smarter.


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Re: archery mule draw
« Reply #35 on: December 22, 2012, 10:24:40 AM »
Like I said before, "bowhunters had their kick at the cat for many years", now it's time that they pay their dues like everyone else. Hopefully outfitters and landowners will follow suit. Go hunt a good old smart whitetail that scores 195 B&C instead of a dumb mule deer..........I bet you can't. Their out there, you just have to be smarter to hunt them.........alot smarter.

Dumbest deer I ever arrowed was a 260 ish whitetail......oops, not what you hoped , now what you gotta say ? Comparing big whiteys to forkie mule deer shows me you lack hunting expireince .....

How about you...forkies and does ?

Well its been a slice .


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Re: archery mule draw
« Reply #36 on: December 22, 2012, 12:05:57 PM »
You still lack to show me proof on this issue.  Still only your opinion because were you choose to hunt. As for hunting smart wt's the biggest one I ever shot was well over 200". I have had lots of opportunities at 170"+ wt's.  So what is your point? All animals you or I hunt the secret is time in the field. Well and be a good hunter. No different than my elk hunt that almost no one got an elk this year.  I got mine in 1.5 minutes on the first day I hunted them in the middle of the hunt. 

But this is not I am better than you thread. It is about the proof that oppurtunity is going to be lost for all and what we need to do to get it fixed before SRD screws up like always.  So like I stated in more than one post to you prove that bowhunters have cause any problems. Not just accusing that some deer were wounded or killed in your zone by a bow hunter.  Prove it post pics or actual data that is from a creditable source. All info I posted was actually actual numbers that were provided from SRD.
What side of the river are you on? You slam SRD for mis-management, but yet you use their numbers to prove other people wrong and yourself. Like I said before, animal numbers have declined in recent years, especially in the 200 and 100 WMU's. CWD, outfitters allocations, landowner allocations, road kills, winter kills, native kills, bowhunters, rifle hunters, poachers, lack of bred does and plain old natural deaths.
SRD have used these figures and "maybe" decided that bowhunters will have to compete in the draw system. Give it time, it's only a matter of a few years before the deer numbers come back and SRD will reinstate the over the counter mule buck tag.
I fully support SRD for what they have done to better wildlife management, moreover, to manage hunters because they cannot manage themselves.
As for "your" 200 class whitetail and passing-up 170+ I think that your ful................................ 


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Re: archery mule draw
« Reply #37 on: December 22, 2012, 12:58:46 PM »
Well the numbers they provided they sure did not want to.  But is all the number that prove land owners and outfitters with there RIFLES are the problem.  Not bow hunters. But you did not look at that info. You just spout off your opinions. Not facts. All the info that is being used to try and persuade everyone there is a problem do not work. They are not actual numbers but a mathematical formula with no factual backing to be trusted or used for such a big descison.  If it was true numbers that were provided then there is no actual room to disagree. But anyone in this world that has any intelligence can see there numbers are complete bullshit just like your ideas about bowhunters.  So again were is your proof??  The numbers I posted can't be altered like the ones being used to try and say there is a problem.  As for my wt hunting. I really don't give a shit what you believe or not.  I know the truth of what I have done and have not.  Anything else hotrod??
I love to see the pic of you and your 200 class whitetail. ::) I seems that you just like to argue and have a chip on your shoulder because you have to complete in the draw system. Well, I guess you will have to suck it up just like the rifle hunters have done. ;D Good luck to the ABA if your going to join ranks with them, especially with your attitude. I'm surprised that you haven't been banned from this forum with the foul and aggressive language that you use. :(


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Re: archery mule draw
« Reply #38 on: December 22, 2012, 09:19:17 PM »
Just a observation that I have picked up on all these mule deer archery threads on this board and others.  If ESRD was to read these threads they would certainly get the impression that many of you muley archery hunters are taking good bucks every year.  Now the arguement you are making is that archery success rates are low and that ESRD's statistical assumptions are grossly incorrect.  It just seems counter-productive to argue that success rates are lower than what is projected while bragging that you take a trophy buck every year easily and intend to do so in the future.  I honestly think ESRD is trying to balance the equation between the groups of hunters and the draw requirements to do this.  If you are truly confident that the numbers are in the archer's favor, then I would simply argue for better or mandatory success reporting.  If the numbers then accurately show a substantial bow hunt harvest in certain zones, then it would seem fair that a equitable draw be institued between the different weapons seasons for the sake of the herd.

I think the 15% archery harvest number with a draw free status was a noble incentive by ESRD to provide yearly opportunity to ALL hunters that took up the challenge of archery hunting.  I think it is also fair that if the archery harvest becomes truly significant (say beyond 15%), then a harvest control system (draw) must be instituted to fairly share the harvest with the other weapons seasons.

Of course the land owner tags and outfitter tags must be reviewed because that one sure stinks of a free ride to me.
I think I see a rip in the social fabric, Brother can you spare some ammo?
Gettin' down on the mountain, gettin' down on the mountain


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Re: archery mule draw
« Reply #39 on: December 22, 2012, 11:43:09 PM »
They said xbows numbers would definitely cause things to go on draw. A year later, no xbows and we still are going on draw. They won't give us access to information or stats.   Does this not concern anyone else. If xbows were suppose to make the draw happen, how is it still on the table without xbows included in the archery season??

There are hidden agendas here gentlemen , wake up and smell the bullshit. Because by the time you do hunting will look very different in this province. You might be waiting 5 years for a whitetail draw.

I do believe that, esrd has full intention of putting everything on draw eventually, and removing certain hunts too! But everyone is o closed minded, and believes this is about only mule deer. Any good business man or even chess player, is always looking 5 moves ahead.