Author Topic: Be careful Out There....  (Read 2460 times)


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Be careful Out There....
« on: November 17, 2014, 03:41:00 PM »
  Here is an interesting article I ran across today. It scary to think that some people are shooting this type of bullet in a closed area near Connor Creek.         
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Re: Be careful Out There....
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2014, 05:46:11 PM »
Read today 4 bullets hit a house (strathcona?) by edmonton.  After legal light, in a bow only zone.  (article sounded to me like it was an acerage area where you can't throw a rock without hitting an urbanite and if you peed outside someone would report you for indecent exposure  (urbanite's call it acerages, most of us would call it a subdivision))

Not sure where all the bozo's are suddenly coming from, definitely a distinct lack of respect for the game, the regulations and hunting morals.   I have a suspicion, but I'll keep that to myself.

Perhaps things like this will prompt our gov't to start funding srd so we can actually have a reasonable number of co's in the field.  As a kid (late teens, early 20's) we'd get checked at least twice/fall while hunting.

I haven't been checked in over 10 yrs.  Unfortunately since we have a liberal gov't common sense won't enter the picture.  Instead they'll pass a bunch more un-needed regulations the bad guys can ignore but will put undue hardship on the good's the liberal way.

Although I've also, "heard" that an inordinate number of co's are kept busy answering bear calls in the tourist know, about the, "endangered" bears.  I've a solution for that as well......but I digress..........  ;)


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Re: Be careful Out There....
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2014, 06:23:49 PM »
Scary stuff.

Lots of idiots out there, one of the reasons I don't even bother with public land on weekends anymore, just stick to my own property.


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Re: Be careful Out There....
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2014, 07:46:37 PM »
 That house will four holes located near Devon. I understand the bullet recovered near Connors creek can do a lot damage. If someone please would explain this.
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Re: Be careful Out There....
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2014, 07:49:04 PM »
To me it looks like a 123gr 7.62 x 39 but I could be wrong.


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Re: Be careful Out There....
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2014, 10:08:02 PM »
That house will four holes located near Devon.

I must've got the location wrong, I understood it was just SE of Ed. proper.


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Re: Be careful Out There....
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2014, 07:56:46 PM »
              It seems to get crazier every year.  Just to many reckless people out there.  A landowner I know almost had his neice shot this past week by yahoos trying to crack a deer from their vehicle on a paved road.  She had even tried to flash a light at them as they were stopped in the middle of the highway with guns out but they shot anyway.  Good news is Fish and Wildlife caught up to them.

              A couple of years ago I was hunting in 326 and did a quick little glass of a clearing at first light and started walking back to the truck.  I was a bit skylined and a truck coming up the road stopped.  A guy got out, with a gun and put his scope on me.  I started waving my hands in the air because the orange toque I was wearing apparently wasn't enough of a hint that I wasn't a deer.  I heard a round get chambered so I hit the dirt.  Eventually the truck door slammed shut and I heard them start driving.  I started hoofing it towards the road down a quad trail  and as they hit the intersection of the quad trail and the road they got a better view of me and stopped.  Finally realizing I wasn't a deer they sped off.  I guess I'm lucky the guy with the gun wasn't hunting with a loaded rifle in a vehicle because it wasn't until I heard that round get chambered did I realize how truly friggin retarted he was and got down.

           Sorry if it's maybe a little off topic but I agree with the weeman to be dam careful out there...

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Re: Be careful Out There....
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2014, 04:55:06 PM »
Too bad everyone is assuming it's hunters.


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Re: Be careful Out There....
« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2014, 08:41:18 PM »
Too bad everyone is assuming it's hunters.

Your right Huntnut it may not be hunters but being this time of year the odds are it was but one really never knows.

My son has an acreage 7 miles out of Lac La Biche in the same acreage area he was raised. After we moved out a couple years later he bought a place just down the lane from our old place. That acreage area sits on the edge of crown land from there you can access unlimited hunting and fishing areas. Like Blacket Lake, Kinnard, Jackson, Elinor what ever its endless. Its also some of the best whitetail country in the province its one of the reasons that boy stayed there he loves it there and trust me when I say he knows every hill, hole and tree for 40 sqr miles in those woods. You all seen the pic of his little boy on here and that's how old he was when he started hunting in those same woods with me. Anyways he has a spot that he sits at and has lunch, its on a large line on top of a hill and during hunting season you have a great view in either direction for a couple miles. Its a good lunch spot. Over the years he leaves some cooking equipment at the site hung up in the trees, like a grill, and one of those folding basket grills. He just leaves them there for anyone to use if they need be. He has been hunting heavy this fall and using his spot and equipment but usually stays out on the weekends as the weekend warriors start to roll in so it gets busy. Monday he goes out and after a morning hunt goes to have lunch, makes his fire and goes to get the grills and of all things somebody wrecked them. They never even had the decency to steal them, they took it upon themselves to just wreck them, twisted up the grill and basket grill and mangled them beyond use. What is wrong with people,, what would posses someone to be like that. Its obviously hunters as there is no one else that far in this time of year. Its not locals as the locals respect each other out there. Its just disheartening to see something like this. Jesse is really upset over it, not because of the loss of equipment per say, its no big deal but what sort of people are taking over in his area.. Its just sad is what it is.

Sorry for the rant but stuff like this just pisses me off to no end.


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Re: Be careful Out There....
« Reply #10 on: November 20, 2014, 08:10:32 AM »
Your right Huntnut it may not be hunters but being this time of year the odds are it was but one really never knows.

My son has an acreage 7 miles out of Lac La Biche in the same acreage area he was raised. After we moved out a couple years later he bought a place just down the lane from our old place. That acreage area sits on the edge of crown land from there you can access unlimited hunting and fishing areas. Like Blacket Lake, Kinnard, Jackson, Elinor what ever its endless. Its also some of the best whitetail country in the province its one of the reasons that boy stayed there he loves it there and trust me when I say he knows every hill, hole and tree for 40 sqr miles in those woods. You all seen the pic of his little boy on here and that's how old he was when he started hunting in those same woods with me. Anyways he has a spot that he sits at and has lunch, its on a large line on top of a hill and during hunting season you have a great view in either direction for a couple miles. Its a good lunch spot. Over the years he leaves some cooking equipment at the site hung up in the trees, like a grill, and one of those folding basket grills. He just leaves them there for anyone to use if they need be. He has been hunting heavy this fall and using his spot and equipment but usually stays out on the weekends as the weekend warriors start to roll in so it gets busy. Monday he goes out and after a morning hunt goes to have lunch, makes his fire and goes to get the grills and of all things somebody wrecked them. They never even had the decency to steal them, they took it upon themselves to just wreck them, twisted up the grill and basket grill and mangled them beyond use. What is wrong with people,, what would posses someone to be like that. Its obviously hunters as there is no one else that far in this time of year. Its not locals as the locals respect each other out there. Its just disheartening to see something like this. Jesse is really upset over it, not because of the loss of equipment per say, its no big deal but what sort of people are taking over in his area.. Its just sad is what it is.

Sorry for the rant but stuff like this just pisses me off to no end.

That sucks although I would believe its one of the locals.  Its always the locals I find that are shooting from the roads or accessing land that they do not have permission on. 


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Re: Be careful Out There....
« Reply #11 on: November 20, 2014, 08:14:35 AM »
It’s not hunters it’s not hunters

It’s exactly who it is…   


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Re: Be careful Out There....
« Reply #12 on: November 20, 2014, 05:56:45 PM »
That sucks although I would believe its one of the locals.  Its always the locals I find that are shooting from the roads or accessing land that they do not have permission on.

Yah who knows these days. Assholes are out there .


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Re: Be careful Out There....
« Reply #13 on: November 21, 2014, 04:28:01 AM »
There will always be arseholes out there Terry.  It is not good enough to have the use of stuff, but to wreck it besides, is unbelievable.  (well maybe not, seeing what is out there!!!!!) >:(


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Re: Be careful Out There....
« Reply #14 on: February 06, 2015, 09:52:54 AM »
Nothing new here. This crap has been happening since the beginning of firearm use.
 I grew up on the edge of no where, yet we always had idiots who never cared what was on the other side of their target.
People would drive for hours to hunt in our back yards. Nothing mattered other than shooting something. Now we are into a generation of shooters who weren't beaten by an Elder for disrespect and lack of safety. Bang is all they care about.
A friend had to endure years of waiting for court to finish up on a fellow hunter shooting his other hunting partner. Thought he was a deer. Crawling thru the fence?
 Let it fly and see what you hit is a bad philosophy, but it seems to be common.