Author Topic: Because I respect a few opinions on here!  (Read 881 times)


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Because I respect a few opinions on here!
« on: October 12, 2019, 11:33:38 PM »
So Yes Dear and I are scouting waterfowl and we come to a
Place I have hunted many,many. Times .Thousands in of asst birds
 Coming in to a 1/4 section of peas ....
   No brainer ....I have known the land owner for over ten years .
   He informs me a local Apos outfitter has the field for today ....
    He says the guy has hunted this for 2 days prior as well.
     I say bullshit , this many birds 5K plus have not been coming
      here for days ....these are all new arrivals ....we watched for over an hour
      Thes birds piling in...

        Now for the good part ! We could see the guide watching us and the birds
         till dark ....This local guy and I have history ....about 4 years ago
           After my party was set up and shooting ,this so called professional drives a van full
            Of hunters into the field behind us and lets hunters out in a ditch  to pass shoot
            Our birds coming from the water ...
           I complained to the land owner , he said he would kick that guy off for life ...

            Now every dog  has his day Lol ,we have the adjacent pea field .
            So 120 Dakota FB ,state of the art silhouettes , 6 Roboduck,
              50-75 yds from the X in the first field....
                As a former guide and outfitter my compassion is very suspect ,
                And ethics stretched very thin.
              I will take pics ......

« Last Edit: October 14, 2019, 03:33:16 AM by W101 »
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Re: Because I respect a few opinions on here!
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2019, 06:13:59 AM »
 Sooo.... how much is this outfitter paying the landowner. Outfitters will do what ever it takes to make money and make clients happy, just ask Phil.


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Re: Because I respect a few opinions on here!
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2019, 08:28:49 AM »
Sooo.... how much is this outfitter paying the landowner. Outfitters will do what ever it takes to make money and make clients happy, just ask Phil.

I’ve often wondered this myself, and we all know it takes place but to prove it is another thing.

W101- I understand your frustration as the boy and I run into this often as well, it’s getting pretty difficult some years to find land to hunt. I would imagine in the southern regions with the denser populations it’s even worse. I won’t call judgement on what your doing thats your call and I understand it for sure. Personally it’s not something I would do, I would more than likely just move off and find other ground, mad yes but still not worth the headache. I think all that’s going to happen is you will end up scaring the birds away from both set ups and no one will get a lot out of it.
Last year we had a hard time finding land that wasn’t spoken for this year it’s been pretty good as the boy has been out 3 or 4 times already. He has a very good reputation in our area in regards to respecting the land and leaving it clean so he has little opposition when it comes to getting land.
Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.

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Re: Because I respect a few opinions on here!
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2019, 05:27:24 PM »
Because I hunt with younger guys , example does become important .

Several things occurred , last night we followed quite a few of those birds
  a mile north ...this morning only a 1/4 of those birds came back to
  The outfitters field...
  The one we settled on got more than its share and we did as well.
   Old guys know , risky business, spotting at night for a morning shoot .
     My dad used to tell me ..." Revenge is a dish best eaten cold "
    Thanks  Walleye

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Re: Because I respect a few opinions on here!
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2019, 05:48:04 PM »
Awesome glad to hear you guys did well.
Westerner by birth, Canadian by law, Albertan by the grace of God.

Never run away a boy, When you can walk away a man