Alberta Sportsman Fishing and Hunting Forum

Alberta Sportsman and Outdoors Fishing or Hunting Discussion => Hunting in Alberta => Topic started by: Weste on December 03, 2015, 02:52:00 PM

Title: Bison With the Bow
Post by: Weste on December 03, 2015, 02:52:00 PM
Not sure where to start except I had a phenomenal hunt, worked hard scouting and getting to know the lay of the land, getting to know some great people (RobMcleod82 - can't thank you enough for help on this hunt!!) and with a little luck, harvested a bison with the bow.  Not the biggest one on the world but the one that gave me the opportunity.  I spent 3 full days in the area scouting and trying to understand the movements of these animals.  Rob was a great resource and ultimately was the reason I knew where this herd was.  Anyway, prior to opening day we had a couple herds put to bed for opening morning.  We went to the first herd and there was a truck parked and watching the 2 bulls that were there so we left for the other herd.  Once we got there we seen a couple guys on sleds going after that herd.  What a bust for opening morning!!   >:(  As we were leaving the area the herd popped out about 500 yards in front of us on the road/cutline.   We followed them for about 2 miles in the truck then set out on foot.  Anyway, after running for about 2 miles i realized we were losing ground so retreated to the trucks.  We seen them head down a pipeline so we went a couple miles around to the next well sites and set-up shop.  The herd came out exactly where we guessed and James got his bull at 50 yards.  While we were taking pictures Rob sent me a text that he seen some bison nearby.  I left the boys and took off for the spot.  The herd was exactly where he said and the stalk was on.  I tried a couple of stalks to get close to the herd but it is difficult to get close to that many eyes.  eventually they started moving off down a powerline so i raced to cut them off down a couple miles.  It worked perfectly and I was rewarded with this cow at 25 yards.   I felt very small and intimidated when I had a 100 bison looking at me after i arrowed this cow, probably the most nervous I have been while hunting.   Still trying to wrap my head around the events of that day.  It was a blast, Would do it again in a heart beat!!
Title: Re: Bison With the Bow
Post by: Weste on December 03, 2015, 02:52:30 PM
James' bull.
Title: Re: Bison With the Bow
Post by: sonny on December 03, 2015, 03:49:32 PM
Awesome....that must have been tricky getting within bow range tho.. :o
Title: Re: Bison With the Bow
Post by: Weste on December 03, 2015, 03:51:12 PM
Awesome....that must have been tricky getting within bow range tho.. :o

Actually they were quite predictable once they started moving.  set up with the wind and tried to not crap my pants when they were there!!!  :o :o
Title: Re: Bison With the Bow
Post by: Walleyes on December 03, 2015, 06:18:02 PM
Pretty cool stuff weste.. I love it,, thats an awesome animal to kill lol..

Thx for sharing it with us that's awesome.
Title: Re: Bison With the Bow
Post by: RobMcLeod82 on December 03, 2015, 09:46:53 PM
Was good to meet you guys!
Title: Re: Bison With the Bow
Post by: sonny on December 03, 2015, 09:54:02 PM
With a stick and string...awesome again..

btw...we expect some tablefare reports...

Title: Re: Bison With the Bow
Post by: KyleSS on December 04, 2015, 06:59:48 AM
That is just purely awesome!!!! Congrats and what a shot!!!!
Title: Re: Bison With the Bow
Post by: AxeMan on December 04, 2015, 07:33:03 AM
Right on!  :)
Title: Re: Bison With the Bow
Post by: sporthunting on December 04, 2015, 07:49:29 AM
Great job Weste!!  Its on my list of hunts to do.
Title: Re: Bison With the Bow
Post by: Speckle55 on December 04, 2015, 11:18:35 PM
Grats nice feat

Thanks for sharing

Title: Re: Bison With the Bow
Post by: Deputy sheriff on December 05, 2015, 07:54:13 PM
Awesome ,so cool, one of my dream hunts.
Title: Re: Bison With the Bow
Post by: Doug N on December 09, 2015, 03:30:11 PM
Awesome! That is an accomplishment!
Title: Re: Bison With the Bow
Post by: JIMMY 808 on December 10, 2015, 04:29:46 PM
Blood is still on my pants as I type this.

Rob M and I got my bison as well we are both played right out mostly from celebrating he is kind of a big deal in Zama he is running for mayor of Zama.

Pics to fallow sorry I missed you boys up there.

Drank all there beer shit in all there toilets and fornicated with all there women in less then 72 hrs...
Title: Re: Bison With the Bow
Post by: Weste on December 11, 2015, 01:06:17 AM
Awesome!!!  Congrats!!

Can always be talked into whacking something in the south as well.

Blood is still on my pants as I type this.

Rob M and I got my bison as well we are both played right out mostly from celebrating he is kind of a big deal in Zama he is running for mayor of Zama.

Pics to fallow sorry I missed you boys up there.

Drank all there beer shit in all there toilets and fornicated with all there women in less then 72 hrs...
Title: Re: Bison With the Bow
Post by: SouthernGuy on December 17, 2015, 07:04:20 PM
Looks like an awesome hunt! Congrats!
Title: Re: Bison With the Bow
Post by: Hammer spur on January 12, 2016, 02:07:21 PM
Congrats! Thats simply awsome