Author Topic: Bloody Trespassers  (Read 11564 times)


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Re: Bloody Trespassers
« Reply #20 on: November 06, 2013, 08:32:05 AM »
Every word of everything I post (this thread and every other) is always 100% the truth. Handy that the blowhards picked tonight to call me a liar as there just so happens to be another member here thats well up to speed Im sure on this situation right from the first minute to now. Or is he a liar too?

I usually don't agree with Robin, but in my mind he has never been a liar. And in this case Robin has just confirmed that there is always 2 sides to every, blown out of porportion, story. A well as what weeman says there's politics involved in hunting private land, there is always more to the senario. With your history Chris you gotta know most people are going to take what you say with a bag of salt.

Sorry Sonny, thats it thats all, I promise. ;)


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Re: Bloody Trespassers
« Reply #21 on: November 06, 2013, 09:22:48 AM »

I guess if it is a real insult to be called a liar (and I sure think it is) then it is quite a complement to be refereed to as "not a liar".

I can not say I have never lied but I try hard to avoid it and I have never smoked crack cocaine.

Sorry to get off the "bloody" topic.


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Re: Bloody Trespassers
« Reply #22 on: November 06, 2013, 09:26:16 AM »
The funny thing about a history (especially mine) is that theres also 2 sides to it. Actually theres dozens, maybe even hundreds. I admit that in my younger days I made some mistakes. However what many people think they know couldnt be farther from the truth. There has been so much embellishment, gossip and just outright lying about me on the internet that for someone to try and derive any truth out of it is nearly impossible.

Without blowing my horn the fact is I am an upstanding guy and I do more for the sport of hunting in a week than most of the knuckle dragging keyboard jockeys will do in their entire lives. I can't count how many new and young hunters have gotten onto that other ridiculous forum and posted a picture of their first bear, deer, moose etc and mentioned that they got it here only to get drug through the mud, bashed and accused of all sorts of other crap.

So before you open your mouth and speak about my history maybe you ought to brush up on your facts sir. As the story goes: "You can build houses for the homeless but nobody calls you Chris the home builder. You can paint the most beautiful paintings in the world but nobody calls you Chris the artist. But you %#* one sheep....."


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Re: Bloody Trespassers
« Reply #23 on: November 06, 2013, 09:32:24 AM »

Oh, I heard the story about you and the sheep but I thought it was a lie.

Never cared for sheep myself, they don't kiss very good.  (now who will cal me a lier for that last part about them not kissing good???)


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Re: Bloody Trespassers
« Reply #24 on: November 06, 2013, 10:01:36 AM »
Every word of everything I post (this thread and every other) is always 100% the truth. Handy that the blowhards picked tonight to call me a liar as there just so happens to be another member here thats well up to speed Im sure on this situation right from the first minute to now. Or is he a liar too?

I will publicly apologise if you think I called you a liar.
I'm sorry Highwildnfree, treestander,whitetailer.........


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Re: Bloody Trespassers
« Reply #25 on: November 06, 2013, 10:57:56 AM »
Sorry Chris didn't mean to hurt your feelings it all makes sense. roflmao


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Re: Bloody Trespassers
« Reply #26 on: November 06, 2013, 07:59:01 PM »

Never cared for sheep myself, they don't kiss very good.  (now who will cal me a lier for that last part about them not kissing good???)

Won't call you a liar, but it doesn't surprize me that you have an opinion on this.


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Re: Bloody Trespassers
« Reply #27 on: November 06, 2013, 08:26:37 PM »
Won't call you a liar, but it doesn't surprize me that you have an opinion on this.



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Re: Bloody Trespassers
« Reply #28 on: November 08, 2013, 09:10:59 AM »
3 cheers to you Chris !! Nobody knows better than I do how much BS has been spread about you! Seems that whatever happened in the past that was not so good didn't make a good enough story so the low lifers that kick people when they are down decided to make up the wildest stories. It has been really funny to see them make themselves look sooooo ridiculous. Reading their posts always made me laugh and I almost fell on the floor when I heard about one of the worst ones getting in trouble over Sheep hunting or something like that.  I really like this board because they don't have many posters like that "other" board.
keep on doing what you are doing, I'm always your biggest critic and your biggest fan!!! and I go by facts not fiction.
Boy that sounds mushy but I am allowed.


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Re: Bloody Trespassers
« Reply #29 on: November 08, 2013, 10:45:48 AM »
3 cheers to you Chris !! Nobody knows better than I do how much BS has been spread about you! Seems that whatever happened in the past that was not so good didn't make a good enough story so the low lifers that kick people when they are down decided to make up the wildest stories. It has been really funny to see them make themselves look sooooo ridiculous. Reading their posts always made me laugh and I almost fell on the floor when I heard about one of the worst ones getting in trouble over Sheep hunting or something like that.  I really like this board because they don't have many posters like that "other" board.
keep on doing what you are doing, I'm always your biggest critic and your biggest fan!!! and I go by facts not fiction.
Boy that sounds mushy but I am allowed.

Ok Whitetailer, higwildnfree, treestander and now albertabound-lol


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Re: Bloody Trespassers
« Reply #30 on: November 09, 2013, 07:03:26 AM »
You guys having fun?

How many times in the past have we been down this road with Chris. We all know of his past so why do you feed into the drama. Is it truth or is it opinion, who in the hell cares.

Chris, I'm not here to get into it with you but I will speak my mind on the many comments you make about how you have turned over a new leaF. In my honest opinion, you have turned over a new leaf or changed your ways***ONLY*** when you have righted your wrongs. As we all know ACTIONS speak louder than WORDS. The outdoor world on the internet is tight, not only on this website but on many others ntoo. Guys talk and many are saying you haven't given back what you have taken. Is this truth or is it talk? Again, who cares, you never done me, I know how to put up healthy boundaries as many who were taken should have.
Chris, I think you know, with all due respect, guys are going to jump on you every chance they get until you prove yourself.

For you other guys......come on, you know better. If you feel that strongly about Chris and his drama,  it's very hard to have a one sided conversation....Only My Opinion!


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Re: Bloody Trespassers
« Reply #31 on: November 11, 2013, 04:44:49 PM »
There is no "turn over a new leaf" about it. The fact of the matter is that there was ONE instance where there was a guy who didnt get what he paid for...and that was not my fault and was out of my control. He seemed to think he was "important enough" to try and buffalo me into fixing a problem he created. I simply refused. That one guy spread a ton of false information about me and even went so far as to create fake handles on the internet claiming to be others who had been "ripped off".

Now I will say this: There is a rumor floating around that I was thrown in jail. This is absolutley true. Twice as a matter of fact. Both times was for driving with no insurance tickets I got when I was a kid and didnt pay. Not poaching, fraud, domestic abuse, guiding without a license, stealing a car, baiting too close to a dump (although thats how the whole thing started, I did have a bait that was 300 yards inside of a mile from a dump, no charges were ever laid), sexual assault or any of the other mindless crap thats out there.

When all you "Chris experts" speak of a track record, 99% of what you speak of is BS that you heard somewhere and know nothing of first hand facts. Funny though that nobody ever cares to bring up the kids I give free hunts to every year, the brand new hunters I mentor and teach every fall, the free hunting gear I give away to kids that can't afford trail cams but REALLY want one, the trips I donate to be raffled / auctioned at charitable fundraisers or the hunters I invite to stay for an extra few days on my dime because the weather sucked or for whatever reason they didnt fill their tag over the days they hired me for. No, that stuff isnt juicy, better make up some bs to entertain people.

I am at the point where it dosnt bother me anymore. We have some great laughs about the crap on the internet about me. And try as they all have to ruin my name, Alberta Advantage Outfitters owned by Chris Gerritse is a thriving business thats already far surpassed what any of us expected. We will continue to thrive and grow because we are upstanding people, run a clean, legal operation and deliver what we promise in a fun, clean atmosphere.

So please, keep chirping. Theres no such thing as too much material to laugh at :)

To the mods: I have no issue with this thread or any other about me. I'm more than happy to stick up for myself and see no reason to have this locked or deleted. Its about time the truth was spoken.


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Re: Bloody Trespassers
« Reply #32 on: November 12, 2013, 06:34:39 PM »
Chris, I'll make one more comment and then that will be it for me. (on here)

better make up some bs to entertain people.
You can call it BS if you like but I have had an experience with you, which I will not post here. No big deal but you don't remember do you? I wasn't ripped off by you but since then have formed my opinion about your character. I'ts my opinion, noone elses but I'm keeping it. If you like, PM me and I will refresh your memory.

Chris, many of us do GREAT things for the outdoor life (sports) we love (including me) but we don't go around blowing our own horn.
Good on you for all your accomplishments, ( I won't list mine, I'm shy!  ;D ) I think we all should give back a little, somehow or someway. You keep up the good work, your a real hero!

I appologize for spreading BS on you if you believe that's what I'm doing, think of it this way, you like the drama shows and hey your sucking me right in there.  :)

One last question Chris, just out of curiosity, why haven't you joined APOS?

Food For Thought: You can sober up a drunken horse thief but you still have a horse thief


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Re: Bloody Trespassers
« Reply #33 on: November 12, 2013, 07:16:16 PM »
You have more restraint than a lot of people Tuc, my hats off to you. I have a tough time keeping my comments to my self and he didn't do anything to me personally. I guess if somebody spouts bs long enough and loud enough, you might even start to believe yourself.
Chris you are your own worst enemy, you should stop making new usernames for every site your on and just stick to hunting. Nobody believes anything you say.

Sorry Sonny, just couldn't do it....


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Re: Bloody Trespassers
« Reply #34 on: November 12, 2013, 08:10:11 PM »
Come on boys it's hunting season lets have more chat on some of the hunts and kills coming in and less on the drama.. There is a site that specializes in the drama and we all left there,, let's not bring this place down to that level..

Now,, some stories of your hunts today..


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Re: Bloody Trespassers
« Reply #35 on: November 12, 2013, 10:42:23 PM »
Chris, I'll make one more comment and then that will be it for me. (on here)
You can call it BS if you like but I have had an experience with you, which I will not post here. No big deal but you don't remember do you? I wasn't ripped off by you but since then have formed my opinion about your character. I'ts my opinion, noone elses but I'm keeping it. If you like, PM me and I will refresh your memory.

Chris, many of us do GREAT things for the outdoor life (sports) we love (including me) but we don't go around blowing our own horn.
Good on you for all your accomplishments, ( I won't list mine, I'm shy!  ;D ) I think we all should give back a little, somehow or someway. You keep up the good work, your a real hero!

I appologize for spreading BS on you if you believe that's what I'm doing, think of it this way, you like the drama shows and hey your sucking me right in there.  :)

One last question Chris, just out of curiosity, why haven't you joined APOS?

Food For Thought: You can sober up a drunken horse thief but you still have a horse thief

I'm sure I'll get another spanking from sonny, but tuc I gotta say that's well said.  I don't post on this forum much but I do read it. Glad people here stand up and call a spade a spade. 


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Re: Bloody Trespassers
« Reply #36 on: November 13, 2013, 09:01:29 AM »
 Boy are those guys full of crap!! guess they have nothing better to do than spread BS! I usually don't say much when they are hammering on Chris and the funny thing is that any time I put a post on that "other" forum the moderators (spineless, vindictive nonsense spreaders) deleted my posts and banned me saying I was Chris. Anyone that posted the true facts also got deleted and banned( funny how that goes) As I have said before I am Chris' biggest critic and his biggest fan.............I'm supposed to be, I'm his Dad
I agree lets talk about hunting and to anyone that wants to keep this up, PM me as well as I would love to set you straight and stop wasting time on a great forum with your BS


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Re: Bloody Trespassers
« Reply #37 on: November 13, 2013, 11:55:24 AM »
Chris, I'll make one more comment and then that will be it for me. (on here)
You can call it BS if you like but I have had an experience with you, which I will not post here. No big deal but you don't remember do you? I wasn't ripped off by you but since then have formed my opinion about your character. I'ts my opinion, noone elses but I'm keeping it. If you like, PM me and I will refresh your memory.

Chris, many of us do GREAT things for the outdoor life (sports) we love (including me) but we don't go around blowing our own horn.
Good on you for all your accomplishments, ( I won't list mine, I'm shy!  ;D ) I think we all should give back a little, somehow or someway. You keep up the good work, your a real hero!

I appologize for spreading BS on you if you believe that's what I'm doing, think of it this way, you like the drama shows and hey your sucking me right in there.  :)

One last question Chris, just out of curiosity, why haven't you joined APOS?

Food For Thought: You can sober up a drunken horse thief but you still have a horse thief

I have sent you a message including my phone number if you care to discuss it but I do invite you to post whatever you have to say publically as I have nothing to hide.

As for joining APOS, I am an APOS licensed guide which is what I have to be to do what I do.  I see no reason to give an organization that I don't like more money than I have to. If I was a fan of what APOS does and how they manage the industry I would be much more inclined to be more supportive. But I'm not and thats how it is.


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Re: Bloody Trespassers
« Reply #38 on: November 13, 2013, 12:04:54 PM »
I have a tough time keeping my comments to my self and he didn't do anything to me personally.

Case & point. Zero knowledge of facts but the lips are still flapping.

I suppose its easier for some to hide behind a keyboard and internet anominity while stirring the pot.

My names Chris Gerritse and I live on Circle Road near Hondo, Alberta. Theres a big white sign on my driveway that reads "Alberta Advantage Outfitters". Drop by any time you have the cajones to call me names face to face.


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Re: Bloody Trespassers
« Reply #39 on: November 13, 2013, 01:13:08 PM »
We know who you are Chris. My lips are flapping, not because of what you have done to me personally, because of all the drama, stories, bs, multiple usernames, and plain old horse crap that you say on the sportsman sites you frequent. Those are the facts that I am refering to. You are the only one coming on this thread talking about your shaddy past. Im not stirring the pot, I am telling you that I, and Im sure most guys on all the sites you keep coming back to, are sick of your b.s stories.

Call me a liar and say that you are not the famous "High wild and free" "whitetailer" "treestander"ect ect.....

Answer that and this will be my last post on the thread.