Got to my ground blind this morning and what do I see
Its a Black Bear ..and not bad size to boot (no Tag)
watching the Bear when a WT buck 6by7 show up (6 inches by 7 inches)
about 11 ish the Canis Lupus(Wolves) started howling about 1 1/2 away so I waited
when they howl again a different group in my valley 900 yds away
I give them a few Elk distress calls
3(doe n 2fawns) deer to my left run up hill and 2(doe n fawn) to my right
wait 20 minutes and Wham here they come on the trot
to my left 3 of them in a v at 35 yards
Bang ones down ..moved to vantage point that opens up shooting field
and there is one running ...slowing down.. and stopped ... shot gone
that's 2 where is the 3rd ..ahh smart took the left turn no shooting field
2 out of 3 is not bad
Fun fun fun