Author Topic: Caping  (Read 2189 times)


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« on: May 30, 2011, 11:05:38 AM »
I have never Caped a animal before is there any way to learn other than just doing it. Are there any video's to watch?
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Re: Caping
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2011, 09:08:50 PM »
There are a few videos on the market that do show you how, but the best is get a person to show you first hand. Some taxidermists will show you and is probably the best way to learn.

If you want one time when im home pop out for a beer and I can kinda show you the basics on a couple salted bear hides I have. Then in the fall if we get a fresh cape we can go over it in detain how to turn the ears, nose and eyes and split the lips if you would like.

I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

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Re: Caping
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2011, 10:16:50 AM »
Decker , really it is not hard to do there are a few things and places you want to watch though.  Make sure you get real deep and get all around the eyes and eye glands.  After helping the taxidermists I have found that a lot of guys don't take enough around the eyes and cut off the ducts near the eyes.  Your best bet is to practice on a small whitetail and like it was mentioned spend  some time at the taxidermists to show you how first.  It does not take long and the taxidermist will thank you for doing it right.  Also I have noticed how sloppy some guys are at skinning.  When I skin a critter I skin it clean with no meat on it.  It is such a pain to try and do it after.  Skin your animal right off the carcass with no meat on it and it will be better for everyone.