Also if you want to come bash me on here cause of how far off the road I was. Get a life and grow up. I know a shit pot of people that dont have one that have put in years and years. I have passed on 3 this year 2 last year do to sitting out. How about you??? By the way it was further than you think. You know nothing of my hunt other than what others that were not there told you. Maybe you should ask first or maybe you should look closer to a road.LOL.
Well I sure as hell was no were near the road this year passing legal rams. Were is all the exspence when it comes to sheep hunting? gear is paid for and no gas gets burned when hiking for a week or two.I use the same hunting gear in all other hunts in the hills too. So a mountain elk,moose or deer hunt is the same. Dont be claiming sheep is so much better than other critters in our province. Just cause you think it should be more does not make that rite. Also if you want to come bash me on here cause of how far off the road I was. Get a life and grow up. I know a shit pot of people that dont have one that have put in years and years. I have passed on 3 this year 2 last year do to sitting out. How about you??? By the way it was further than you think. You know nothing of my hunt other than what others that were not there told you. Maybe you should ask first or maybe you should look closer to a road.LOL.
No need making things a rich mans sport! Sure a little higher tag fees isn't going to hurt and I'm sure even twice the price it wouldn't limit anyone and would put in some extra much need conservation funds and more funding to help with habitat and inter province transplants.As for draws I feel they are very unneeded at this point. But I do feel some other restrictions could be beneficial. Longer waits and curl restrictions are deffinatly a better option then draws. Many don't agree that there is a problem and 98% of that is just opinion based on personal ideas so arguing it is basically a waste. The change is coming and right now the the fight should be how to keep as many hunters in the field and trying to avoid the one in a lifetime type draws. just don't understand this.
Alberta has relocated sheep from the mine site to other areas of Alberta. And mountain goats as well.I have no problem with moving sheep from the mine to some sheep habitat anywhere they need sheep.
The link to the article - check it out again.The title states that the captured sheep are Nevada bound....And I have a huge issue with shipping sheep out of Province at any time - it should either be done as relocation within the Province or increase resident opportunity.
Even out of province???
Yes even out of province. There are "people" in Nevada. There are "hunters" in Nevada. They are all my "brothers" and I think we can spare some sheep for them.The issue surrounding the possible change to the sheep hunting regulations is not simply about numbers of sheep. So moving a dozen ewes and a couple young rams is not going to have much effect on it.I don't think relocating large trophy rams to other areas in Alberta so hunters can shoot them is good option. Just like I don't follow the release truck to pheasant release site so I can shoot a few "chickens" is a good idea.
So why is it Alberta`s issue that Nevada extirpated Bighorns from their range? I understand your congenial spirit - and if this was Elk - we could easily afford to give up some from the suffield base. But this is a very different situation I am afraid.I could care less if it's a single ewe lamb moved. When there is a move to change regulation as to the health of our herd of Bighorns in this Province there should certainly not be any reduction in the population. How about we get a handle on what is going on - and develop some real data before we make any decisions of relocation. And comparing pheasants to Bighorns is too much of a stretch to even discuss.
Your exactly right deerman people are having a very tough time distinguishing between overall population numbers and hunt able / mature ram numbers. Another big concern is why in some areas it's taking rams a year or two longer to reach legal length than in the past. As well why not help other areas out. There are other animals that have been brought in to Alberta over the years and maybe down the road we will need help. Look pretty dumb on our part if we couldn't get that needed help because we were to greedy to help others.
No we didn't trade just stated that we have over the years brought in other animals and such from out of province to help our populations.And with most of Alberta's overall populations of bighorns being stable the transplant didn't really hurt anything. Cadomin needs thinning out so this helps that's with a little financial boost for Alberta's conservation.
I think you misunderstand the reason for the proposed change to sheep hunting rules.It is NOT about the sheep population.It IS about the numbers and ages of "trophy" or legal rams.Moving a dozen ewes to an area in Alberta will do little to help ram numbers and ages.I thought some one was going to sugest they move the big rams out to other areas in Alberta thus increasing the number of legal rams. Which sound like a "put and take hunt" similar to stocked pheasants. (if you don't see an analogy there I'm sorry)