Well Wolf tracks in mud on road first we saw
oh oh pack of Wolves tracks on road
time to do a set up for them I asked Bill
yep lets do this was his reply
set up on edge of mill cut
Elk distress called 4 times then a howl and another distress
Wham here they come
Black Wolf on the hill in front of us at 50yds
I lined up and missed fired ..do you know how loud a miss fire sound is
Bullet out bullet back in a second
ready... another grey and black come over ridge
Bill calls the Black ... Boom down goes the Black one 1
The Gray to the right looks over at the Black and boom that's 2
then howled and got answers and chirped a couple distress calls
then the valley in front was a chorus of howls
at least 8 to 10 more right in front of us
no more bold Wolves
the dance was over
2 out of 3 is not bad
Wow what a week I shot 4 Wolves in 6 days
Grizz sow and cubs on way home