Author Topic: Coyote Hunt  (Read 1953 times)


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Coyote Hunt
« on: December 19, 2016, 02:28:33 PM »
Well my son(18 now) and i have been invited on a coyote hunt in the new year with a experienced yote chaser. For now we will use our hunting rifles but now I find myself researching predator rifles and calibers just in case we like it. Been watching you tube vids too. Never tried Coyote hunting/control and we find ourselves looking forward to a new experience. Looks like fun and if we can connect on a couple to help the farmers, that would be good. Something tells me this could get expensive and a expanded want list :)

Be for warned that when we return, the caliber questions will start. So far from what i read, sounds like the 223(Kids in camp and us dads shot this at the Aheia hunter training week years back) and the 220 swift are contenders but what the hell do I know. I have used the same 308 savage since i got it for my 16th bday. That's 33 yrs ago hahaha.


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Re: Coyote Hunt
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2016, 05:50:15 PM »
Sounds like you guys are in for a fun hunt. I hope you connect on a few.

My personal preference is the .243 run the numbers it's a hard one to beat. 2 of my boys and i shoot .243's and the youngest shoots a 22-250 he's a crack shot with that gun. I don't think I guy can go wrong with any of the smaller caliber they are all fun to shoot.
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Re: Coyote Hunt
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2016, 06:21:07 PM »
I run a .204 in a Ruger M77 Hawkeye.  Only drawback for me is that the rifle does not use a "clip" magazine.  Otherwise it is a great little unit, minimal recoil, and hard on coyotes to quite a distance with minimal damage to the pelt(no pass thru).  I am told that their innards are nothing but mush(I give them to a trapper friend).


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Re: Coyote Hunt
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2016, 10:51:57 AM »
I use my Brno Fox 2 22 Hornet. Set triggers, I find it's good up to 150 to 200 yards, I do shoot it a lot so know where it hits though. Some say I am under gunned a bit and that might be true, but it works for me. I also have a 243 I use the odd time so that ups the game a bit if I need to. Anything I think from a 243, 223,22-250 is a good choice and you don't need to spend big to start out.If you go with a 243 it gives you that back up gun for deer hunting if needed, and as Wallyeyes said, great caliber. Have fun, good luck.


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Re: Coyote Hunt
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2016, 05:34:59 PM »
Cool info. I shoot my 308, son takes it when were out and I use dads 30-06 for hunting. May be a bit large for yotes. But once the PAL licence comes back, we will be shopping for a rifle for him and maybe a predator rifle too. Figure get a good yote rifle that maybe is good for the big bad wolf too.


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Re: Coyote Hunt
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2016, 09:31:25 PM »
That is a loaded question, it is like saying what is the best girlfriend . I think we all have favourites and think they are the best because they have worked for us. The 22-250 is the only production cartridge that has a advertised velocity of 4200 fps , Superformance 40 gr. If you are looking for no exit wound, but the 243 is a dual purpose the can save the cost of another rifle and scope.  Beware the man with one gun.  Sonny ignore that.
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Re: Coyote Hunt
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2016, 10:36:04 PM »
That is a loaded question, it is like saying what is the best girlfriend . I think we all have favourites and think they are the best because they have worked for us. The 22-250 is the only production cartridge that has a advertised velocity of 4200 fps , Superformance 40 gr. If you are looking for no exit wound, but the 243 is a dual purpose the can save the cost of another rifle and scope.  Beware the man with one gun.  Sonny ignore that.

hahaha.. like the ignore part..  ;D

Friend of mine has a .22-250 and he has done great with it but..
The cost of ammo is crazy compared to the .223..
A .243 is also a great round (not for deer in my books) but it will certainly eff up the hide on a coyote or fox.

So I'd say a .223...but that's just my opinion.. ;)


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Re: Coyote Hunt
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2016, 09:47:09 AM »
It would depend on a lot of things. I have shot coyotes with a lot of different guns over the years. I used a 223FMJ when I wanted the fur in good shape but I found that the bullet did not stop them fast and you had to go look for them. Most of the high speed guns ( 220 swift 22-250 etc ) did not do the damage to cause them to stop quickly. The gun I now use is a marlin 1895 in 44 rem mag. I have not lost one since I started use it. Most of my shooting is in the bush, if I was in the open I would most likely use something different. 25 06 with a soft light weight bullet would be a good choice.