Author Topic: CWD in Moose?  (Read 3342 times)


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Re: CWD in Moose?
« Reply #20 on: February 24, 2013, 10:15:47 AM »
Now I'm angry lol

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Re: CWD in Moose?
« Reply #21 on: February 24, 2013, 12:40:46 PM »
Justin C
you are full of it and I am discusted with you and afga and SRD.

When you come out and say something like that, do you really expect anyone to respond to you and have a discussion with you?


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Re: CWD in Moose?
« Reply #22 on: February 24, 2013, 12:56:57 PM »
So basically you're saying that SRD is too "invested" to back out now?!?! No. That's an unacceptable answer. And makes you sound stubborn and egotistical.
No, F&W was stating that cases of CWD were at a low % in the testing and getting lower when the "cull" was in place.  They were "pressured to stop the "cull"and in the three years since, the % of cases of CWD in their sampling has gone up and spread to the west.

Furthermore, it is NOT reasonable to assume ANYTHING when it comes to nature and wildlife management.
Just because your stats look good on paper does not mean its been best for the herds. Are you even a hunter? Have you been to those units personally? Have you noticed before a super cold winter the fruits and berries and food supply naturally is in abundance to help animals prepare for colder longer months? Nature does take care of itself if we give it a chance. 

Most people believe that CWD in Alberta is NOT a natural thing and that it was imported by man.  So man should deal with it and try to protect our provinces deer herds.  And sometimes in order to protect deer through out all of Alberta the "slaughter" of some in the east may be necessary.

 Stop sounding so arrogant that you KNOW anything. You said so yourself its an assumption Thats right I did not want to come across like I thought I KNEW everything so I did not make definite statements.
 So listen to those who actually are truly invested and spend time in these units with these critters.

Why would people who spend time in the units know anything more about CWD that people with F&W who are educated and experienced and informed about CWD?

I was with my son as he hunted and killed two deer in camp Wainwright last fall.  he just got conformation that his two deer were negative on their CWD testing.

Don't get mad, it usually does not help matters.


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Re: CWD in Moose?
« Reply #24 on: February 25, 2013, 01:37:16 PM »
There is no proof. Just speculation and skewed stats.

Yeah you will decrease the number affected by CWD by lowering herd numbers... but that doesn't mean the overall health of the herds is any better. Per capita id speculate the numbers are the same percentage.

Then there will not only be no cure or treatment for CWD, but also no animals!!! Moose take so long to grow up and reproduce its just a sin to think of them wiping out the numbers because "its natural to assume"... and getting angry does help because idle gets me nowhere.

Your degree or experience does not make you more knowledgeable just because you went to school.

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Re: CWD in Moose?
« Reply #25 on: February 25, 2013, 01:42:18 PM »
"I already know what they don't know."

That sounds very much like an admission that you don't know much about CWD.  And I suspected that.
But someone told you that in the States in a similar but not the same situation they had come up with some suggestions.  And you have latched onto their assumptions and are determined the same should hold for Alberta.

I have a theory that you are not interested in learning anything from anything I may bring forward on this issue.  You are prepared to dispute it all and call SRD and me names.

Good day!