Author Topic: Euro mount in spruce grove  (Read 1260 times)


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Euro mount in spruce grove
« on: October 26, 2011, 10:05:02 PM »
Hi everyone I've been looking around on here and I seem to see alot of people looking for someone that cleans skulls around the edmonton area.I recenting was looking around for someone myself but I was surprised to find very few people that do it in alberta and the ones that do wanted a arm and leg to have it done.So I did the whole process myself and it turned out awesome. So I thought I'd do this in my spare time for people and charge a fraction of the cost and less waiting time.So if you're wanting a skull done PM me and we can discuss details.


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Re: Euro mount in spruce grove
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2011, 10:05:14 AM »
You might need a taxidermist license to do this?  Not sure on that but I would suspect it would be illegal for you to do this.  Maybe worth checking into.  It wouldn't be a bad idea with the right setup and you are rght there are a lot of guys that would be interested in it.  Good luck