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First Cougar Hunt Tomorrow! SO PUMPED!
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Topic: First Cougar Hunt Tomorrow! SO PUMPED! (Read 11461 times)
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Posts: 185
Re: First Cougar Hunt Tomorrow! SO PUMPED!
Reply #20 on:
February 08, 2014, 05:30:08 PM »
Save your drivel for someone who would believe a single word you say. Your new guides should have been doing their homework.
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Posts: 185
Re: First Cougar Hunt Tomorrow! SO PUMPED!
Reply #21 on:
February 08, 2014, 05:37:45 PM »
Alberta Bound Fishing Adventures Business type: Guide & Charter Service
Nearest Waterbody: Bow River
Area Fishing: Rainbow & Brown Trout
Location Address: SE, Calgary, T2Z 1W9, Alberta
Contact: Chris Gerritse & Harry Gerritse
From this business I found this review, not on AO;
I don't usually do this sort of thing, but I am so disgusted that I feel I must do something.
One of your featured guide services has mistreated my husband and I so badly that I feel I must warn others not to patronize their services. My husband and I were supposed to join Alberta Bound's Chris Gerritse last June for a day long trip on the Bow River. We were very excited about the trip and send Mr. Gerritse a deposit for half the amount. Once in Canada we learned the water was too high to take our trip. Mr. Gerritse promised us a full refund within a month. We have yet to receive the refund.
After months of our long distance calls to Mr. Gerritse, and his promises to send us our refund we have nothing. He has given us every excuse under the sun, from a car in need of repair to a slow fishing season. We are patient people, but this is ridiculous. Everyone has to pay their bills, including us, and it is not our responsibility to make sure Mr. Gerritse manages his money, or fixes his car. In mid-October we contacted Mr. Gerritse for the last time, and again he promised a check within two weeks. I'm sure you can guess that we have received no check.
I am fed up, and want other potential patrons, and especially the fly fishing community in southern Alberta, to know how Mr. Gerritse has treated us Our trip to Alberta was fabulous, and we hate that Mr. Gerritse has caused the single blemish on our memories.
Just wondering if your Dad is who taught you your business practices?? Like I said I hope your guidesdid their homework on their new affiliation.
Full Member
Posts: 180
Have Gun Will Travel.
Re: First Cougar Hunt Tomorrow! SO PUMPED!
Reply #22 on:
February 08, 2014, 05:39:25 PM »
Alberta Bound Fishing Adventures Business type: Guide & Charter Service
Nearest Waterbody: Bow River
Area Fishing: Rainbow & Brown Trout
Location Address: SE, Calgary, T2Z 1W9, Alberta
Contact: Chris Gerritse & Harry Gerritse
From this business I found this review,
I don't usually do this sort of thing, but I am so disgusted that I feel I must do something.
One of your featured guide services has mistreated my husband and I so badly that I feel I must warn others not to patronize their services. My husband and I were supposed to join Alberta Bound's Chris Gerritse last June for a day long trip on the Bow River. We were very excited about the trip and send Mr. Gerritse a deposit for half the amount. Once in Canada we learned the water was too high to take our trip. Mr. Gerritse promised us a full refund within a month. We have yet to receive the refund.
After months of our long distance calls to Mr. Gerritse, and his promises to send us our refund we have nothing. He has given us every excuse under the sun, from a car in need of repair to a slow fishing season. We are patient people, but this is ridiculous. Everyone has to pay their bills, including us, and it is not our responsibility to make sure Mr. Gerritse manages his money, or fixes his car. In mid-October we contacted Mr. Gerritse for the last time, and again he promised a check within two weeks. I'm sure you can guess that we have received no check.
I am fed up, and want other potential patrons, and especially the fly fishing community in southern Alberta, to know how Mr. Gerritse has treated us Our trip to Alberta was fabulous, and we hate that Mr. Gerritse has caused the single blemish on our memories. End quote.
Full Member
Posts: 185
Re: First Cougar Hunt Tomorrow! SO PUMPED!
Reply #23 on:
February 08, 2014, 05:42:17 PM »
LOL beat'cha Bigbore!!!!!
Re: First Cougar Hunt Tomorrow! SO PUMPED!
Reply #24 on:
February 08, 2014, 06:36:26 PM »
Sad isn't it......
Full Member
Posts: 185
Re: First Cougar Hunt Tomorrow! SO PUMPED!
Reply #25 on:
February 08, 2014, 11:26:02 PM »
Yes, years ago we had a blemish on our record as fly fishing outfitters in Calgary. We're not proud of it but it happened (however this account of the events is exaggerated but non the less, it happened and we own it).
Despite the keyboard jockeys best attempts to destroy us from their moms basement we are a thriving business (that is having a wildly succesfull weekend in Calgary).
If the best they can come up with for facts is a hiccup 10 years ago by an immature kid then they don't have a chance to ever be taken seriously by people that really matter lol.
You will have to come at me with a lot more than that to even dream about affecting us lol. The fact of the matter is that Alberta Advantage Outfitters is an honest Outfitter that operates legally with integrity and does more for the next generation of hunters in ten minutes than most will do in their lifetime.
I'm here to stay and I don't care who dosn't like it. We provide a service that is in great demand for a very reasonable price and have earned the respect and loyalty of our valued customers.
With so much chatter on the internet about trespassing, using stolen money to buy allocations (this one really cracks me up, I don't know where to start on how much is wrong with that fabrication), stolen deposits and the other gems floating around, I offer the following challenge:
Show the world a single instance where Alberta Advantage Outfitters has broken or bent a single rule, show the world a single unsatisfied customer, show the world a single LEGITIMATE (not concocted like the rest of this drivel) complaint about wrong doing by us and then maybe people will take you seriously. I have spent 3 solid days chatting with Alberta resident hunters. Not a single one of them has ever seen the smear campaigns the keyboard jockeys spread about us. On the contrary, many of them have friends that have hunted with us, some of them even recognized old friends on our promotional dvd, lots of them came down to meet us on the recomendation of friends that have hunted with us. We sold a pile of hunts yesterday and today, that dosn't happen if you're not playing straight with people.
So to those that wish to do us harm: bring it on fools. I'm better than you, you can't hurt me and I will win every time.
Full Member
Posts: 185
Re: First Cougar Hunt Tomorrow! SO PUMPED!
Reply #26 on:
February 08, 2014, 11:32:13 PM »
On a related sidenote, anybody else notice that the drama started off with an internet hero digging for dirt on our Cougar hunts...hit a brick wall then try to divert everybodys attention from his "oops" to a mistake made ten years ago by me?
Case & point. There is no dirt here but those that crave it will either manufacture it or resurect it from a decade ago.
Hero Member
Posts: 1093
Re: First Cougar Hunt Tomorrow! SO PUMPED!
Reply #27 on:
February 08, 2014, 11:38:00 PM »
And you guys let this loosr on this site still? WOW. This guy has been nothig but drama for years guys. Enough is enough already
Full Member
Posts: 185
Re: First Cougar Hunt Tomorrow! SO PUMPED!
Reply #28 on:
February 09, 2014, 12:08:00 AM »
I just couldn't believe that you got more people to associate with you and I was trying to understand why.....
As for doing more for the industry in 10 min than everybody else on this site, your right. Nobody else can screw over as many people as you have in as short a time as you.
When are you and your dad going to pony up and pay your dues? Once a crook always a crook
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Posts: 185
Re: First Cougar Hunt Tomorrow! SO PUMPED!
Reply #29 on:
February 09, 2014, 12:13:40 AM »
And if you are referring to me I didn't hit a wall about anything , and I don't have to manufacture anything. Your past crimes and your current affairs speak volumes.
Full Member
Posts: 185
Re: First Cougar Hunt Tomorrow! SO PUMPED!
Reply #30 on:
February 09, 2014, 12:49:45 AM »
Lots of inuendo, still no facts.
Doug N
Sr. Member
Posts: 356
Re: First Cougar Hunt Tomorrow! SO PUMPED!
Reply #31 on:
February 09, 2014, 04:52:38 AM »
Did you get a cougar yet?
Full Member
Posts: 185
Re: First Cougar Hunt Tomorrow! SO PUMPED!
Reply #32 on:
February 09, 2014, 07:34:36 AM »
Not yet but we are going next weekend again
Full Member
Posts: 180
Have Gun Will Travel.
Re: First Cougar Hunt Tomorrow! SO PUMPED!
Reply #33 on:
February 09, 2014, 07:47:28 AM »
From another forum not AO
Guys, I think it is only fair for you all to hear, so you don't fall for the same line of crap.
Whitetailer AKA Treestander or Treestanderlol...was a member of this page and suddenly disappeared about two months ago. He was selling the "bait cage" on this site. I think when it came out he got quite a few orders, I know I ordered two of them.
My experience with him was he shipped them to the wrong address (strike 1), then they got stolen off his porch (strike 2), then he just disappeared and took my money (strike 3). Now he has not responded in over 2 months and won't answer his phone or his emails. Then someone pointed me to another site that shows many other folks that he has ripped off in the same way.
So I just wanted you guys to know this is happening and NOT send this looser any money.
His real name is Chris Gerritse or at least I think it is according to paypal. He lives in Calgary and he is a crook. His phone numbers are:
Home:( 403) 246-3025
Cell: (403) 774-8946
I am looking into pressing charges at an Internet crime division. If he ripped anyone else off here or if you are expecting anything from him forget it.
Anyway, let me know and we can get a good case together to put this little POS behind bars!
Read more:
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Posts: 185
Re: First Cougar Hunt Tomorrow! SO PUMPED!
Reply #34 on:
February 09, 2014, 09:06:38 AM »
Full Member
Posts: 180
Have Gun Will Travel.
Re: First Cougar Hunt Tomorrow! SO PUMPED!
Reply #35 on:
February 09, 2014, 10:19:01 AM »
Quote from: BigBears on February 09, 2014, 09:06:38 AM
HE he all fabricated eh Chris. Doubt that. Guess all your face book stuff is fabricated too , cause you can edit that. Same as you own web page. Your a crook,criminal and liar. And always will be. Your history speaks volumes..
You said you ripped that lady off in your post. Pay her back now. Its never too late to right a wrong. This forum gets a bad name for letting you to continue here but I guess they don't care.
Hero Member
Posts: 1093
Re: First Cougar Hunt Tomorrow! SO PUMPED!
Reply #36 on:
February 09, 2014, 11:40:48 AM »
Paul do people a favour and ban this looser!! Fabricated eh Chris? I have seen this type of thing and hear more stories over the years about you to not be fabricated. You are a low life POS who steals from others . I hate your kind with a passion.
Full Member
Posts: 185
Re: First Cougar Hunt Tomorrow! SO PUMPED!
Reply #37 on:
February 09, 2014, 11:52:57 AM »
As a matter of fact that unfortunate situation was dealt with before that post was made ten years ago, she just had not recieved it via mail yet. Apologies were made by both sides.
That's the problem with running ones mouth about things they know nothing about and have absolutley no personal involvment in.
Hero Member
Posts: 1093
Re: First Cougar Hunt Tomorrow! SO PUMPED!
Reply #38 on:
February 09, 2014, 12:15:27 PM »
Ya I am sure Chris lol Like you fixed all the other many things you screwed up as well right?
I am sure you can explain the jail time as well?
Hero Member
Posts: 1093
Re: First Cougar Hunt Tomorrow! SO PUMPED!
Reply #39 on:
February 09, 2014, 12:17:06 PM »
Here is some more info for those that want to know.
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First Cougar Hunt Tomorrow! SO PUMPED!