Dewey does Chilcotin Hillbilly do Cat hunts as well??
Yes, he seems to have many repeat customers from the US, who come to hunt Cougars and other wild cats with him. He gets results and the repeat clientele is perhaps the best indication that his outfit is worth booking with.
There are SOME fine outfits here in BC and even among the "big name" GOs, there are some REAL a**sholes, so,it is wise to really check out every outfit that interests you. I can think of a couple more, one young lad from your side of the hills, that also might suit you, but, some of these are pretty $$$$$$$$.
In northeastern BC,my first choice would be Larry Warren of "Tuchodi Outfitters" and he has a great area and is highly thought of among others in the industry. That would be a great place to hunt Stone's, goats, Grizzlies and so on, but, again, this hunting is NOT "cheap".