Author Topic: Guess the score. (sheep)  (Read 6804 times)


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Re: Guess the score. (sheep)
« Reply #20 on: July 21, 2011, 06:56:56 PM »
Yep he's 34 1/2" on one side and 35" on the other side.  The bases are over 15" but cant remember exactly how heavy they are now.  Either way they are bigger bases than a 180 ram we handled later that week.  They grow some crazy weight really young up there.

So yep, a 160 class ram at 4 1/2 years old.  Not a giant but a cool hunt a good first ram!


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Re: Guess the score. (sheep)
« Reply #21 on: July 22, 2011, 10:10:49 AM »
Deffinatly a decent ram for her first thats for sure.

To bad them Cadomin rams didnt produce more large bases like some other zones. It produces some big rams now. I couldnt imagine what it would do if more of them big rams had 16+ bases.

Niether of my rams are monsters, one being 158 and the other being 165 but both sheep have 15 1/2" and 15 5/8" bases and both are 5 1/2 years old. One is 32" and one is 34". Thats with out a mine to survive on.

Sure wish they would open some other zones for November there are alot of areas id way rather hunt that late season then in 438.

I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

Maximus Outdoor Adventures Prostaff

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Re: Guess the score. (sheep)
« Reply #22 on: July 22, 2011, 01:47:55 PM »
Trevor you will remember that hunt forever and even though you did not get a book ram out of that hunt really it does not matter.  You spent some good time with your wife who hunted hard and had an experience most guys would only dream about.  You did well. 

Sheepguide, I wish we could get more draws for sheep as well.  It wouldn't hurt to have a ram or 2 on about 6 zones in this province for late season hunts.  With all of the parks that those rams live in year round you won't get them in regular seasons very often and I do not think it would hurt things. 


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Re: Guess the score. (sheep)
« Reply #23 on: July 22, 2011, 04:22:43 PM »

Sure wish they would open some other zones for November there are alot of areas id way rather hunt that late season then in 438.


That would be great if they did that.  Like nube says, it wouldn't hurt a thing, I'm sure there's rams dying of old age that never leave the park until after the end of October.  I wonder why this has never happened?  Maybe they're worried about getting flak from Parks?  Any thoughts?


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Re: Guess the score. (sheep)
« Reply #24 on: July 22, 2011, 06:31:59 PM »
Deffinatly a decent ram for her first thats for sure.

To bad them Cadomin rams didnt produce more large bases like some other zones. It produces some big rams now. I couldnt imagine what it would do if more of them big rams had 16+ bases.

Niether of my rams are monsters, one being 158 and the other being 165 but both sheep have 15 1/2" and 15 5/8" bases and both are 5 1/2 years old. One is 32" and one is 34". Thats with out a mine to survive on.

Sure wish they would open some other zones for November there are alot of areas id way rather hunt that late season then in 438.


No doubt it would be sweet if they opened up a few premier tags in November!

Just checked and Kims ram is right around 15 1/2" on the base. 


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Re: Guess the score. (sheep)
« Reply #25 on: July 22, 2011, 07:04:21 PM »
That would be great if they did that.  Like nube says, it wouldn't hurt a thing, I'm sure there's rams dying of old age that never leave the park until after the end of October.  I wonder why this has never happened?  Maybe they're worried about getting flak from Parks?  Any thoughts?

Im not sure on there ideas on not opening any other tags. Some of it could be that they think in other areas it could just add to the harvest of rams that stay out year round. There arent a ton of guys that will get into the park areas of most zones that time of year to hunt them migratory rams. It would be alot tougher hunt in most areas than Cadomin is so some may just hunt them local resident sheep. But if guys got back in, there would be a few cranker rams come out of some other zones. I know a couple spots that should produce the odd 190" ram and easily 180"+ every year. But I would hate to see them wreck it like they have Cadomin with putting out a whole wack of tags. Cadomin would have been good at 1 or 2 tags per each of the three seasons, this 5 per season is retarded. Every year up there it gets tougher and tougher to get a big ram. The other zones would be best left at 1 or 2 tags for the zone for all of Nov.
There are 8 - 10 zones that would produce big rams in that season but who knows if we will ever see tags for them.
I hunt sheep to see over the next mountain not to measure the next trophy!

Maximus Outdoor Adventures Prostaff

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Re: Guess the score. (sheep)
« Reply #26 on: July 24, 2011, 10:47:57 PM »
I'll punch the first hole in your numbers ;D  Most rams start to get 4/5 legal at about 30-32 inches from what I have found.  32 inches is about the average I think.  That ram is for sure not 34 " or less and I would say he is over 40 with the way he curls out the side.  Would you agree with that?  That being said I think if you add on that much you will be closer to the score.  I would think he is 185-190 myself

No problem with the debate but I would never go 40 inches on that boy. Someone is just going to have to bring him off the mountain to show me first (please :)). I might be missing something but I don't see the flair you are talking about and what I do see is a rather tight curl without a big sweep back or down. Now all that said I didn't see this guy so again just going by the pics here but top end I don't know I could give him 185. As for the length I gave; take that with a grain of salt as it just helps getting numbers down that help keeping me  from going on small rams (long story from an old hunter), but it does get you close. So your 185-190 vs. my 170-178 would put him at around 180+. HMMMM, I just don't know!!!

If Lurch is reading this thread, does he look as big as the one we had our hands on this fall?
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Re: Guess the score. (sheep)
« Reply #27 on: July 24, 2011, 11:19:25 PM »
then there is the picture of the one rack is holding.

How long would it take any of you to calculate the score on that one before you pulled the trigger???

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Re: Guess the score. (sheep)
« Reply #28 on: July 25, 2011, 12:25:43 AM »
No problem with the debate but I would never go 40 inches on that boy. Someone is just going to have to bring him off the mountain to show me first (please :)). I might be missing something but I don't see the flair you are talking about and what I do see is a rather tight curl without a big sweep back or down. Now all that said I didn't see this guy so again just going by the pics here but top end I don't know I could give him 185. As for the length I gave; take that with a grain of salt as it just helps getting numbers down that help keeping me  from going on small rams (long story from an old hunter), but it does get you close. So your 185-190 vs. my 170-178 would put him at around 180+. HMMMM, I just don't know!!!

If Lurch is reading this thread, does he look as big as the one we had our hands on this fall?

You have some good points.  Looking at him some more I thik 190 would be quite a stretch but I still think 185 is possible.  I am now even more impressed with a ram that will reach 200+"

MAV do you have any rams yourself?  You sounds like you know a few things and are a seasoned vet.  I'd love to see a few pics


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Re: Guess the score. (sheep)
« Reply #29 on: July 27, 2011, 09:17:23 AM »
Nube I'm just a big mouth with an opinion not much more. I have gotten some good advice in the past by really dedicated mountain type hunters.

What I should have followed all my posts with was I'd shoot just about all of those rams without even blinking an eye, they are impressive critters.

But I have been holding out for a long time for a 180 plus ram and I really don't see the need to shoot anything smaller than that now. When it happens I'll make sure you're on the list to get a picture.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2011, 09:24:33 AM by MAV »
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